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Everything posted by Janet

  1. Hi Suse Like Laura I also suffer from nearly constant neurological head pain and have done ever since my op. On my worse days the pain takes over the whole left side of my head, face and eye. I haven't had a proper headache or tension headache since my SAH. Janet x
  2. Hi Michelle Welcome to BTG not much more I can add the rest have said it all. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  3. Hi Tisha Brilliant news about Tina really hope that she continues to make progress and gets her transfer to the rehabilitation unit soon. Remember to take time out for yourself as well Tina will need all your strength and support in the next few months. Janet x
  4. Hi Stephen Really hope the reduction in your medication works and you feel better soon. Janet x
  5. Hi Leo I suffered terribly with headaches from the age of about 11 -16 and my Doctor at the time thought I was swinging the lead and practically threw me out of the surgery. Then had a space of about ten years when didn't have any really bad headaches. At 28 I had a terrible pain on the left side of my head no painkilleres would shift it when I finally went to see a Doctor this time a Forces Doctor he just asked if I smoked and said it was cluster headaches. It lasted for about 8 weeks then faded. After that it was just normal headaches or tension but only occasionally. Morris said I had quite a few bad heads for a couple of months before my SAH but really can't remember and was taking strong painkillers for Tendonitis at the time. Janet x
  6. Hi Karen Mine was the same as yours but opposite side. My main physical problem is the nearly constant neurological head pain now and of course the dreaded fatigue/tiredness when I overdo things. At just over two and half years since the SAH I feel I have made steady progress and I am now learning to accept the person I've become. Janet x
  7. Hi Jac The first time I seen my after surgery didn't get a chance to ask many questions. Have since seen a few of his Registras and had most of my questions answered. Laura you and me both on the headache front but I've been told its neurological pain and there is no explainable reason why some people do and some people don't suffer from it. Janet x
  8. Hi Caroline Congratulations on your 1st Annie-versary hope you have had a good day. Janet x
  9. Hi Anne Interesting question I also don't consider myself disabled but our Occupational Health do. So for work purposes I am classed as having a disability. Janet x
  10. Hi Karen I had 3 children before mine. Janet x
  11. Hi Karen Fantastic news no wonder you're so proud and you deserve it along with Keith and Chris for the amount of hard work and dedication you all put into maintaining and running this site. Janet x
  12. Hi Phil Wonderful news that Sharon is speaking more but very distressing for you both when she is asking for help. Really hope Sharon gets the rehabilitation and help she needs soon. Love to you both. Janet x
  13. Hi Jan So glad you finally managed to post and great to hear that the tests are going well and identified something that might help. Will be hotfooting it to my G.P to see if I can have mine tested might even get rid of some of the nerve pain as well now that would be a bonus. Will give you a ring in the week must arrange to meet again soon. Janet x
  14. Hi All Finally got round to reading the new booklet it is much better and very informative. Janet x
  15. Hi Tisha Really pleased to hear that Tina has managed to amaze the staff. Hope she is transferred to rehab soon and keeps on progressing well. Janet x
  16. Hi All Just popped onto the Brain & Spine Foundation site. They have a new series of Booklets on SAH available either by telephoning or as downloads. Not looked at them yet but will have a read in a bit. http://www.brainandspine.org.uk/informa ... index.html Janet x
  17. Hi Pam A warm welcome to BTG. Thanks for sharing some of yoyr story with us look forward to hearing a lot more from you. Janet x
  18. Hi Tisha Good to hear that Tina has been so responsive. I can't help with rehab either as I didn't need it but as Karen has already said there are some members who have been into rehab. Hope you have a good weekend with Tina. Janet x
  19. Hi Scott Think you have summed that up brilliantly hope you have had a good day with your family. Janet x
  20. Hi Andy You and Heather have come a long way in 4 years and done so much to highlight some of the problems caused by an SAH. Heather and yourself are certainly an inspiration to many others. Janet x
  21. Janet

    Hi again

    Hi Rod Merril has been through the mill. I only had a SAH with third nerve palsy not additional procedures and my behaviour in the first few months was very similar. I used to get very confused and sometimes garble a load of rubbish I also used to get words mixed up and struggle to find the right words so very frustrating. It might be useful to find out if there is a dedicated SAH nurse at the hospital where Merril was treated some also have support groups and for your own peace of mind it may be worth going as you will meet other SAHers and be able to see that Merril's behaviour is very similar to others. I know the first time Morris came with me to meet a couple of members from the site all three partners breathed a sigh of relief when they realised that all three of us displayed similar traits that had worried them. The information sheets on leaving hospital only cover basics and recovery is different for all of us. Give Merril my best wishes and big hugs to you. Janet x
  22. Hi Laura I agree with Paul the teaching as you know is hard work but possibly not half as stressful as the job you are doing at the moment. You also have the bonus with teaching that it is something that you love that should make it easier to bear. You may even find with a private school that even though the head thinks its harder work it may be less than what you did in your last teaching position. Follow your heart on this one Laura and whats not to be confident about you were a brilliant teacher and the kids loved you. Hope you make the right decision for you sending lots of love and hugs. Janet x
  23. Hi Tisha Sorry today didn't go as well with Tina but maybe she was just tired after yesterday. I think all the Neuro's have their own opinions about recovery which is why you get told something different by each one. The brain is a remarkable machine and Tina's is working hard to mend itself right now. Enjoy your day out tomorrow hope the weather is good for you. Thinking of you all. Janet x
  24. Hi Tisha What great news you must have been so pleased hope you have a good day with Tina today. Janet x
  25. Hi Donna Like Karen mine was on the posterior communicating artery but on the left side. I did have a lot of dizziness and balance issues in the first 18 months. It is a lot better now but my head still doesn't like it if I stand still for too long and the fuzziness is only bad if really overtired. Janet x
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