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Everything posted by Janet

  1. Hi and welcome to the BTG family. Like Laura my SAH wasn't diagnosed for nearly a week but I was fortunate that at least thet kept me in hospital whilst trying to decide what was wrong with me. Hope you find the site as useful as I always have. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  2. Hi John Forgetfulness is quite common and I'm forever forgetting to take my tablets. I also still walk into rooms for things and forget what I want when I get there. Janet xxx
  3. Hi Evelyn My head plays up a lot with the weather as well bit like Jess's doesn't like too much heat and reacts really badly to cold weather. At the moment its really fuzzy and painful round the op site so interfering with my sleep as well. Hope yours clears up soon for you. Janet x
  4. Hi Joanne Really glad to hear that your Dad is steadily improving. Your Dads weird moments could just be overload sometimes if there is too much noise, stimulation the brain can go into overload and just cuts out for a while. I know I used to do it frequently early on in my recovery and still do from time to time when overtired. My husband and daughters just call them my spaced out moments (lights on but no-one at home). Hope that you are now taking time to rest a bit more and look after yourself. Janet x
  5. Good Luck Myra I agree with the others it will get it out of the way for christmas for you. Janet x
  6. Hi Evelyn Know how you feel my children are a bit like that as well. I think they don't like asking anymore and sometimes just assume I'm alright because I don't really tell them anything different. I actually raised the subject of my SAH with them the other day but could tell by their reaction that its not an easy topic for them to discuss. Even though my youngest was 21 when I had my SAH it really scared all three of them quite badly. So I think its not that they have forgotten but more they don't want to be forced to remember what was an awful experience for them. Janet x
  7. Hi Myra I don't seem prone to catching more colds etc. but find when I do come down with something it takes me much longer to recover now. Janet xx
  8. Hi Donna Like Jess I still get that feeling now and again mainly if I'm overtired or if I'm unwell. It does improve just takes time. Janet x
  9. Hi Jane Welcome to BTG sorry to hear that you were.nt given a follow up appointment after your scan. As you say it probably means there are no problems with it. If you're really concerned phone the Consultants secretary and ask for an appointment explain you have a lot of unanswered questions. Alternatively ask her for the Consultants email address and send him the questions you want answers to . Good luck and look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  10. Hi Elaine Hope you have a lovely holiday you deserve it Janet x
  11. Hi Nurianna Its great to hear that you're improving gradually. Hope everything goes well at the Neuro apptment but good news that your friend thinks it looks ok you must be quite relieved. Take care and let us know how the appointment goes. Janet x
  12. Hi Donna I'm really proud of you a few short weeks ago you would have freaked at the news well done. The counselling sessions are obviously helping you put your life back into perspective love and hugs. Janet x
  13. Hi Karen Sorry to hear about your Mum I also can't offer any advice as a carer as I also had the SAH. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay positive and remember to look after yourself as well. Janet x
  14. Myra So glad you managed to reach a decision fingers crossed that you get everything else sorted out quickly so you don't have to wait to long for the procedure. Janet x
  15. Hey Nick Nice to see you and gret wheels Janet x
  16. Hi Nick Welcome to our virtual family hope you find the site as useful as I always have. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  17. Hi Sasbo I'm the same just can't seem to tolerate alcohol anymore after one or two have a really nasty headache. wouldn't mind it doesn't even wait for the next day its almost instant Janet x
  18. Hi Myra What a hard decision to have to make. I know before my surgery I was told that coiling was less invasive than clipping but I had no real choice and had to have mine clipped as I couldn't wait for the coiling procedure. The recovery is similar with both, but with clipping you do get left with a scar that can be quite bumpy and of course its difficult to sleep on for quite a long time afterwards. It also can feel very uncomfortable and very numb my clipping was nearly 2 years ago and still feels very numb. I'm sure that those who have had the coiling prcedure will let you know how that has affected them. I hope whichever procedure you choose that you don't have to wait too long. Sending some big virtual hugs take care. Janet x
  19. Hi Evelyn Well done you that is an incredible weight loss. Might try and find a copy myself Janet x
  20. Hi Evelyn Welcome to BTG hope you find it as useful as I do. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  21. Hi John Glad you finally got some answers and a bit of peace of mind, fingers crossed you don't have too long to wait for the procedure. Janet x
  22. Hi Donna I think we do change after SAH in many ways but the hardest thing to accept is the actual fact that it has happened to us personally. Once you learn to live with the new you, you will adapt to the fact that you maybe wont have as much energy and tire more easily. Personally I am more laid back now and try not to let things bother me as much as the saying goes "lifes to short". I do still have problems with concentration if there is too much noise around me and I suffer with Nuerological pain on the left side of my head. Its one big learning curve though and the most important thing is to listen to your body and strike a balance thats right for you. I think we are all guilty of pushing ourselves too far at times and not listening to our bodies but that is how we learn and adapt to our lives post-SAH. Hope that helps a bit Donna. Janet xx
  23. Hi Lauren Welcome to BTG what an inspiration you are despite the fact that you get little support from your family. You have done remarkably well. Janet x
  24. Hi Nuri It is weird the different types of sensations you feel in your head in the first few months. They do start to disappear or don't happen as often further down the line. The lights being on but no-one at home still happens to me quite often but especially if I'm overtired and sometimes in noisy places as well. Janet x
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