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Everything posted by Janet

  1. Hi Rod I felt quite nauseaous and sick for a fair few weeks after I left hospital and I didn't have a shunt fitted. I think someone has already mentioned the painkillers which I think was what was causing my sickness. Hope Merril starts to feel better soon love to you both. Janet x
  2. Hi Tish Sorry to hear that Tina has to wait for the Trachi it must have been so disappointing for you seing her still on the ventillator. I agree with everything Sami has said the first 12 to 18 months are really hard in the road to recovery. I'm like you very short on patience which was very frustrating in the early days as if you push to hard or do too much it completely wipes you out. What Tina felt leading upto the the SAH may have been a sign but a lot of the time it just happens really suddenly without any warning at all. Carry on doing as you are reading and talking to Tina as I'm sure she knows you are with her even when she can't always let you know. Will be thinking of you all and praying for Tina's recovery. Janet x
  3. Hi Rod Welcome to BTG hope you the site useful in answering some of the concerns you have about your wife at the moment. Please let us know how she is getting on and being nosey can you tell us your wifes name? Take care of yourself as well as your wife and look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  4. Hi Sharon Really good to hear that your mum is getting all the help she needs now. Janet x
  5. Hi Suse Had to google Ataxia to find out what it is and no I don't suffer with it as a side effect of SAH. It sounds a very debilitating illness though. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Ataxia/Pages/Symptoms.aspx Janet x
  6. Hi Tisha Welcome to BTG so sorry to hear that your twin Tina is so poorly at the moment it must be so hard for you seeing her like this. Paul has already responded to you and is probably in a much better position to answer your questions than I am. My thoughts and prayers are with Tina, yourself and your families. Just remember that its okay to need time out when you need to. Janet x
  7. Hi Elaine Wish Maggie all the best from me as you say it can be an emotional day. I always celebrate mine and we try to do something special. Bet Maggie loved the flowers you got for her. Janet x
  8. Hi Susan Welcome to the site and thank you for sharing your experiences with us look forward to hearing more from you soon. Janet x
  9. Hi Melissa Welcome to BTG and thank you for sharing your story with us. I agree with the others that a lot of us still have problems with energy levels and concentration its trying to find a balance thats right for you. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  10. Janet


    Hi Phil Sharon is obviously doing better if she's telling you what to do. Love to you both. Janet x
  11. Hi Laura I agree with the others it is always better to be open and honest about any conditions that you suffer from. It may be worth contacting those that you have already applied to and asking for feedback on your application forms. Janet x
  12. Hi Poppy Dee isn't on his own I also suffer with almost constant nerve pain in my head. My G.P and the Neurosurgeons both agreed on a low dose of anti-depressant which when taken in low doses can help minimise nerve damage. I have been taking them for over 18 months and although they don't get rid of it completely it really does help a lot. Janet x
  13. Hi Neil Well done just remember to keep taking longer breaks for the first few weeks. Good Lucj. Janet x
  14. Hi Linda Welcome to BTG. I was also clipped but didn't need to have a skull plate fitted so can't help you with that. If any of our members have had something similar I'm sure they will respond to you. The first few months are the worst but it will slowly get better just remember to listen to your body and get plenty of rest. You're right about the initial weight loss but sadly it does go back on and more. Think a lot of us ladies now have problems trying to lose it. Look forward to hearing more from you and try not to worry to much the Neurosurgeons do know what they are doing. Take care of yourself. Janet x
  15. Hi Tosh A warm welcome to BTG like Tina mine was clipped also. Any questions just ask and someone will respond. Look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  16. Hi Donna Happy 1st Annie-versary hope you have a lovely day with Antony and Jack. You have done amazingly well in the last year well done you. Looking forward to seeing next week. Janet x
  17. Hi Caroline I also still get numbness on the left side of my face down towards my cheekbone and also slight numbness in my hand and fingers on the left side ocassionally. Janet x
  18. Hi Viviene Glad to hear that you're doing well. I also wish I'd lost my sweet tooth but no such luck. Janet x
  19. Hi Cal So sorry to hear about your father sending some big hugs. How awful of Jim's boss to finish him up in that manner and even worse expecting him to train someone else. Hope he manages to get the Social Security Disability payments. Janet x
  20. Hi Perry Happy 1st Annie-versary so glad that you have enjoyed your day. Janet x
  21. Hi Maureen Sorry to hear you have been unwell hope you start to feel better soon. Hope when you get it that the results from the MRI are ok. Janet x
  22. Hi Tammy A warm welcome to BTG glad Neil persuaded you to join. Hopefully it can help you start to come to terms with the way you feel. I think the trauma and shock of how very dangerous a SAH can be takes some getting used to. I can only imagine the amount of stress and anxiety it causes to our loved ones to have to actually live through it. Look forward to hearing more from you when you feel able. Janet x
  23. Hi Neil Just read your blog.... brilliant....Did pity the poor nurses and Tammy at times well done you for managing to keep your sense of humour at what must have been a really worrying and scarey time for you. Janet x
  24. Hi Neil A very warm welcome to BTG and thank you for sharing your story with us. When you do go back to work make sure that you can have a phased return as it can be very tiring being back at work to begin with. You sound as if you're doing quite well but remember to listen to your body and rest when you need to. The fatigue is one of the worst side effects in the first few months and the creaking/popping noises can be quite scary it does get better with time. It might be an idea to let your fiance have a look at the site we have quite a few carers as members so she may find some comfort here as well. Take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Janet x
  25. Myra Happy 1st Annie-versary. I can only agree with the others it does get better with time but the first year is certainly the hardest. Janet x
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