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Posts posted by Tina

  1. Hi Johnboy :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG to you and your wife.

    I am so sorry you are having this added stress.

    Please find these links and hope they help :




    There maybe others that can offer advice.

    I wish you both well.

    Take care


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  2. Hi Luke :)


    Glad you had a good day with your Mum yesterday :) and her mood had improved & that she was accepting that she can't come home until she's better.


    I think its a great idea you and your Dad doing up the spare room for her. A lovely surprise.

    As the others have said already she will need lots of rest, times when she will just want to be quiet and not talk or see anyone.

    Her emotions will be all over the place, just trying to cope with what's happened and getting better.


    Wishing your Mum, You & your dad well.

    Take care


    • Like 1
  3. Hi Luke :)

    A very warm welcome to you and your Mother, glad you found us.
    You will find a wealth of information on the Forum and lots of helpful caring support here.

    Wishing your Mother well with her recovery.
    It will really help that she has such a caring thoughtful Son.
    Feel free to ask any questions.
    Remember to look after you as well. It's a very stressful worrying time.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.
    Take care

    • Like 2
  4. Hi Subs,


    So sorry to hear Mrs Subs liver tests have spiked. Hope this wont hinder her recovery from her recent health blip.

    Its good to read that the medics are giving her immediate attention.

    I hope the tests find the cause and Mrs Subs will be back on track with her recovery.


    Good luck with her CT scan, hope all is positive.

    Wishing you both well.

    Take care,

    Tina xx

    • Like 2
  5. Hi Jerome :)


    A very warm welcome to BTG....Glad you found us and summoned up the courage to post :)


    I too can understand you being scared, you have been through and are going through so much.

    You have come to the right place for lots of helpful friendly support.

    As Clare has said it is still very early days for you, recovery is slow and can be very frustrating.

    Also agree, keep in touch with your Doctors re your condition as considering your other problems you need support.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Wishing you well,

    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Sonia :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.

    You are still very early in your recovery at 6 months.

    How you are feeling is very normal and many of us can relate to, bless you.

    There are some other members that live near your area Southampton and I am sure there is a local support group. Hopefully they will post soon and let you know the details, or maybe ask about it at your next appointment with your Consultant.

    Perhaps you could go back to your GP and ask about counselling? There maybe a waiting list but it really helped me.

    You and your family have and are going through a major trauma. Karen, who set up this amazing Forum once said to me... 'Be kind to yourself and listen to your body' We tend to be very hard on ourselves'.

    No need to feel alone, as Win has said above, 'A trouble shared is a trouble halved' .

    You will find lots of support and helpful information here. We are a friendly bunch that can empathise with how you are feeling.

    Feel free to ask any questions and join in the banter in the Green Room :)

    We can't give out medical advice, but can share our experiences.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 4
  7. Hi Bill :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG :)

    Glad you found some solace and encouragement from the Forum.

    Thank you for sharing your story and it's very good to read how well you are doing with your ongoing recovery. Feel free to ask any questions and join in the banter in The Green Room, we are a friendly bunch :)

    Great news you passed your follow up MRA with flying colours and you managed to celebrate your 63rd birthday with your lovely wife Trish at Hocking Hills :)

    Wishing you both well.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care


    • Like 1
  8. Happy 5th SAH Anni-versary Macca  :)


    Hope you have a lovely day celebrating life.  :)

    Your positive attitude and caring thoughtful posts are always an inspiration to many.

    Here's to many more bonus gift days and anni-versaries !


    Take care

    Love Tina xx

    • Like 4
  9. Hi Beth :)
    A very warm welcome to BTG :)  glad you found us and thank you for sharing your story. 
    Thank goodness your friend was able to contact you at the hotel and call an ambulance.
    So many times SAH gets mis diagnosed, I was too.
    It's very early days for you, try and rest up as much as possible and drink plenty of water.
    Listen to your body and be kind to yourself.
    You will find lots of helpful information and support here.
    Feel free to post any questions you may have and join in the green room banter, we are a friendly bunch :) . We can't give any medical advice, but can share our experiences. 

    Take care and look forward to hearing more from you.
    Tina xx

  10. Hi Karl

    Welcome to BTG :)

    Great news you are recovering well and not struggling with your health in any way.

    I think we can all relate to your living each day with a newly found joy and appreciation ,It's good to be alive :)

    I had to have my eye sight assessed and then the Consultant had to write to the DVLA.

    This took ages and I had to chase it up so many times. Once the DVLA had received the letter it took ages again.....have you told them you need it for work?

    It is very frustrating, a few members here have found this. There are lots of posts on the Forum if you search for DVLA, Benefits etc. Below are some links that may help you.





    Hoping you hear soon and you can get your driving license back.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  11. Hi Tracie :)

    I have merged your posts together :)

    Ouch! You poor thing, how is your back?

    Maybe when you whacked your head it may have weakened a blood vessel, or it may have just been one of those things... but as you say I guess you will never know.

    Hope that you get some answers tomorrow xx

    • Like 1
  12. Hi Tracie :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG!

    Sadly it is very common for many to come out of hospital with little or no information on what to expect.

    It's really good you have an appointment with your Consultant tomorrow.

    Can I suggest, if you have not done already, write everything down you want to ask. It is so easy to forget something when you have so many questions.

    Good luck and look forward to hearing how you got on.

    Glad you found us and found some comfort, you are not alone, you will find lots of support and information here.

    Feel free to ask any questions and join in the banter in the Green Room....we are a friendly bunch :)

    Not sure about more women than men, maybe as you say women are just more open.

    Take care

    Tina xx

  13. Sami, Happy Nine Year SAH Anni-versary !!! Congratulations :)

    Thank you for all your support and friendship xx

    It is an absolute privilege knowing you my dear friend :) You are one very special lady !

    Love you loads and as Karen has said... 'the world is definitely a much better place with you in it' :)

    Love Tinabean xx

    • Like 4
  14. Hi Subs :)


    Great to have an update and good to read how well Mrs Subs is doing :)

    Bet Mrs Subs feels really good fitting back into her clothes pre her illness April 2011. All these things help with recovery, like coming off the steroids, time, relaxation, getting back to work and of course her wonderful caring loving hubby always there for her. 


    Your posts do and will help many others here, so thank YOU Subs :)

    Wishing you both well and all the best with Mrs Subs on going recovery.  


    Take care

    Tina xx

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