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Posts posted by Tina

  1. Hi Rachel :)

    A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.

    Things will get better, it just takes time :)

    I am 7 years down the line and I still have good days and bad days.

    Fatigue is a problem, but I have learnt to know my limits and pace myself and listen to my body. Still catches me out though sometimes !

    If your headaches persist I would definitely get it checked out by your GP as Win has suggested. Just for peace of mind.

    Nice chatting with you and hope the link helps.

    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care

    Tina xx

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  2. Hi Gail :)


    A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us.

    You have certainly been through it and your family too.


    As Sarah has said, you have done amazingly well to have just completed your phased return to work.....well done you....be very proud :)


    Go steady and let us know how you are doing.

    Feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room.

    Wishing you well.


    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Jan :)


    Happy 1st Anni-versary :)

    Sorry you had to spend yesterday in hospital having scans.

    Hope that today a better one for you and you can celebrate how well you are doing with your amazing partner John :)


    Enjoy making plans for the future.

    Wishing you well. 


    Take care

    Love Tina xx

  4. Hi Michelle :)


    Happy 2nd Anni-versary !

    I hope you have a lovely day celebrating life, relaxing and being happy :)

    Another milestone in your recovery.... be very proud of yourself.


    You have been through so much and always find the time to care and support others.

    Thank you Michelle....we all love you dearly too xx


    Take care

    Love Tina xx

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  5. Congratulations Carolyn on your 2nd Anni-versary :)

    As the others have already said you are an amazing lady !

    I love your posts, they always make me smile :) always positive and supportive. 

    Hope you had a fabulous day of celebrating.


    Lots of love and hugs to you, 

    Love Tina xx

    • Like 2
  6. Hi Jan :)


    A very warm welcome to BTG !

    So glad you found us and reading the posts have helped you.


    Feel free to post any questions on the Forum and join in the daily banter in the Green Room. We are a friendly bunch :)


    Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Take care


    Tina xx

    • Like 1
  7. Happy 5 years Anni-versary to you and Mrs Subs :) you have been through so much together.

    Your love and support for Mrs Subs shines through in all your posts.

    Well done on the fundraising for the 'Blue Light Services' and thank you for all your caring supportive posts on BTG.

    Wishing you both well.

    Tina xx

    • Like 5
  8. Hi Jade :)


    A very warm welcome to BTG.
    So very sorry to hear about Todd, a very worrying, scary time for you and his family.


    Its great news Todd is remaining strong through all the procedures and having all the medical care he needs for his recovery. :)


    I did not need the procedure either and like Sarah was given nimodipine. I was clipped.
    Hope that Sarah's post above has given you hope regarding the vasospasm. I also agree with Sarah's comments regarding searching the internet....sometimes it can just cause more stress and worry for you, that you really don't need.


    Sending lots of positive vibes your way and wishing Todd well with his on going recovery.
    Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

    Take care
    Tina xx

    • Like 2
  9. Hi Carolyn, Bronco is responding to the post below :) xx


    I had a chest CT last week and it came back completely normal. No sign of a blood clot whatsoever! It's gone and I can relax a bit now!!

  10. Hi Andrea


    Its good to know your new Neuro is giving you hope and is listening to you and opening new doors.

    Good luck with the EEG and hope you can find the balance at home and routine of your lives again.

    Hopefully the burning will subside with time.

    Glad you made a new friend :)

    Take care and wish you well with your recovery.

    Tina xx

    • Like 1
  11. Congratulations Clare on your first year NASAH  Anniversary :)

    You have achieved so much...be very proud ! 


    Beautiful flowers and beautiful words from your husband to you on your special day :) so lovely xx

    Wishing you all the very best for the future with the new phase of your life, with your new job....go girl, you are an inspiration  ! xx


    Have a wonderful day celebrating life with your sweet caring husband and family.

    Take care

    Tina xx

    • Like 1
  12. Congratulations lovely lady on your 12th SAH Anni-versary :)


    I also love your motto SM  :thumbsup:  you are an inspiration to us all !

    Thank you for all your caring support and likewise, a pleasure to moderate with you and to have met you.

    Here is to more travelling and memory making !


    Sorry you are not well enough to celebrate tonight....maybe the weekend with any luck :)

    Get well soon

    Love & hugs

    Tina xx

    • Like 4
  13.  Congratulations Gemma on your 1st year anniversary :)


    What a year you have had ! Thank you for sharing.

    Well done you for surviving through so much and getting back to work.

    I hope all the tests go well for you and you get some answers from your Specialist.


    Enjoy your special day off...relaxing, baking and celebrating tonight with your husband :)


    Take care

    Love Tina xx

    • Like 2
  14. Hi Andrea :)


    Never say sorry, that's what we are here for, rant anytime  :)

    Glad your rough weekend ended up positively :)

    So sorry you have been diagnosed with Graves disease...its hard enough dealing with SAH ! 


    We all at times struggle emotionally, sometime up...sometimes down. I found it very difficult at first to accept the new me. I used to get so frustrated I could not do the things I did before. My family were and are very good and supportive, also my best friend. Although certain members did not always understand on the days I did not want to speak to anyone or see anyone...hard to explain how you feel.


    I also came out of hospital with no information at all like you on what to expect...I was lucky a friend of mine Yasmin had an SAH the year before and told my husband about BTG....he found the site and set me up....can't tell you what a Godsend it has been. Glad you found BTG too.


    Win is right :) it's good to laugh.....I try to do this when I say the wrong word or can't remember stuff, have a brain block, as I call it, severe fatigue, anxiety attacks, instead of getting angry with myself. Karen once said to me... be kind to yourself... wise words. Also try to be open with your family and talk about how you are feeling. I also went for counselling which helped to talk to someone away from the family.


    I hope you get comfort from some of the posts on the Forum. Feel free to post on good days and bad. We understand and know where you are coming from.


    Take care & keep in touch.

    Tina xx

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