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night panic attacks

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Just some advice needed.

I have a week feeling fine then all of a sudden during the night i wake and sort of have a panic attack which keeps me awake. I know then that i will wake feeling very dizzy and disconected with myself. This will last a couple of days then back to feeling fine again.

Is this just doing to much which brings it on or could it be emotions as its been happening recently the day before an avent. It happened christmas eve night the night before i was going out for the day. It happened again last night, night before kids gong back to school. Wondering if its because i get anxious or even excited about these things happening.

Anyone have any clues

Tracy S xxx

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Hi Tracy sorry your having such a difficult and confusing time.It sounds very much like anxiety as well as getting over tired . Your so early into your recovery. I do hope you are going to see your doctor and get professional advice simply because he/she can ref you to the right people for councelling etc. Big Hugs xxx

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Thanks Maggie

I dont see my doctor much as he just dosnt seem to have a clue, he told me he has never come across a SAH before.

But i have been to 1 session of counselling, my next is end of Jan as im waiting for my results regarding my MRI showing signs of MS.

I am very anxious obviously from the SAH but also not knowing why my scans are abnormal and MS. So i think your right plus i have been doing most things normally like i did before which is proving to much. I am learning to slow down but it annoys me sometimes.

Tracy S xx

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Hi Merrill takes a med for anxiety still 21 months on, her anxiety started at night and is always worse if she wakes during the night, you are right about gp not knowing much about sah but if you work it out there are 33,000 gp in the country and i think i'm right in saying about 8,00 sah a year so they dont really get the experience, but if you speak to your gp he should be able to identify and treat anxiety, the meds helped Merrill quite a lot. Good luck Rod

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Hi Tracy yes it is anxiety I used to suffer too. I bet when you wake up you start thinking things over in your head about the sah, I used to lie there thinking what ifs my heart would race I'd go dizzy it's not as bad anymore occasionally, but I tend to ignore the dizzyness now you get used to it. Jess.xxx

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thanks everyone

God the relief, when you say you had similar experiences. Night time is a lonely time i find, which makes me feel im on my own. I dont want to wake my husband as hes been having to take more on because i cant.

My GP had given me some propanolol tablets for anxiety but i dont want to take them as i would rather do it on my own if i can. If it gets to bad then i will have to take them.

I think with the support from my family and everyone on this site hopfully i can do it myself.

tracy S xxx

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Hi Tracy

Night time is the worst. I had to sleep with a light on for many months after my SAH and even now (I'm nearly 2 years post SAH) I sleep with the top landing light on and my bedroom door open a little. I don't wake much during the night now but I found when I was the light helped lessen the fright.

I take a beta blocker (& another BP tab)for my blood pressure which shot up 5 months post SAH. It does help with anxiety but can make you a bit tired. It helps with that horrible pounding of the heart and the sweats that come too. My GP lowered the dose of beta blocker after 3 months to a tiny amount (his words) because my BP stabilised. I hope things get better for you soon.

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Hiya Tracy, I to have this, i have it the nights before i have to go to work or the other week Niesha my eldest was getting an award from school and we were invited to go, all i worried about was being well enough to go , so the night before i had a panick attack in the night woke up exhasted and dizzy and had a monster of a headache all day. Talked to my conseller about it and he said im stressing about being able to do these things, thus bringing on anxiety stress headaches and dizzy spells.

Sending our love from across the world to you and your family love Rhiann xxxxx

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