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Hi all I'm new to all this just figured out how to use this forum!!!

I was just wondering does anyone else suffer from sinusitis post SAH? I had my SAH in June last year and and made a good recovery and now back at work full time in a particularly stressful social work job. I suffer from the usual anxiety and stuff but since December I have had to go back to my GP twice with headache/ in between the eyes pain which was put down to sinusitis and the anti biotics have taken it off both times but it has come back again. Just wondering if anyone else has has this as I have never suffered with it until after my SAH


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Hi Vicky,

welcome to the forum. I personally haven't heard anyone else mention any sinus problems, but here are lots of people on who have been here much longer than me. Hopefully someone will be able to give you some advice. I hope you're not overdoing things. You have gone back full time quite quickly. Remember you will need lots more rest than you did before. Hope we will hear more from you soon.

Sally xx

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Hi Vicky

Welcome to the site. I've not really had sinusitis since my SAH but for about 20 years before it I was plagued with it constantly - sore head, ears, throat and the whole area would be infected and I would cough up horrible phlegm and needed antibiotics on a regular basis. I even had an op about 15 years ago to straighten my septum and open and close various sinuses. I thought I was stuck with it for life but it miraculously disappeared

following my SAH.

Both my GP and my neurologist have said that there was definitely no connection with my SAH though I'm not convinced!

It is a very difficult thing to get shot off - mine seemed to be there all the time but at times got worse and I needed antibiotics about 6 times/year.

Glad to hear you're doing so well overall after your SAH.

Warm wishes


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Hi Vicky and welcome!

Post NASAH I'm tender from the front teeth up through my sinuses and between my eyes. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes I'm just aware of it. My bleed was at the back of my head but I have no pain in that area.

I've always had mild allergies and have wondered if there was some connection to so many years of stuffed nose and runny ears and my head popping.

Hope you are able to kick it soon.

Sandi K.

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Hi Vicky

How you doing? welcome to the site

Yes I've had a lot of ENT problems post SAH. I have always been prone to ear infections but never sinusitis. I also had meningitis post SAH so have put the recurrent issues down to poor immunity.

Have tried to overhaul my general health in the last couple of years with vitamins/healthy eating etc I've had a few small flair ups but they have usually been nipped in the bud with rest and over the counter pills.

Worth getting checked out with GP incase anything else going on, If I had had any more flare ups they were going to refer me to ENT but thankfully managed to avoid that.

Hope you feeling better soon

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Hi all

Thanks for the feed back! this site is great so glad i found it.

Had a chat with my manager today and im going to slow down a bit with work i think im trying to run my life like before SAH and fit everything in and do it myself but unfortunatly i cant and then when i start to feel tired and have a bad head the anxiety and panicing kicks in aswell which does not help as im sure you all well know.

It does not help having to also muck out 2 horses every night:lol:

Take Care

Vicky x

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Hi Vicky,

It would be helpful to know, if you were a non-aneurysm SAH, aneurysm or whether you were coiled or clipped?

I had a SAH, coiled aneurysm and a third nerve palsy to my right eye .... I had a bad bout of flu before the 2nd rupture and was being treated for sinusitis. I'm just coming through a bad cold or it could have been flu and my sinuses are swollen and my eye is affected again and a lot of frontal head pain ... However, I do get regular nerve pain over and around the eye, which isn't sinusitis ... I would suggest that you go back to your GP, as if you haven't suffered a cold with the sinusitis then it could be nerve pain?

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I have introduced my self now on the site just learning how to navigate myself round it I am getting the hang of it now!! :lol:

I have never had it until December and had it with a cold but The last twice I have had no cold so it's interesting to read about the nerve pain as I believe the bleed was behind my eye I think!! Although I have only seen the surgeon once since the SAH so not sure. I have had a full MOT on my eyes which are fine and are still the same as before SAH. I do feel it my be down to stress aswell cause I only seem to have it in the week when I'm at work and fine weekends.

Take care

Vicky xx

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Hi Vicky,

I know from some of my experiences of sinusitis, that it doesn't always completely clear up with the first set of antibiotics and can therefore re-occur and I've had to return to the Doc's who would then prescribe a different antibiotic to knock it out. Usually, this has worked.

The eye nerve pain is similar, but unlike the sinusitis, I don't get the fullness or pressure feeling with it. It seems weird that you only get it, when you're at work and not at the weekends, so may be environmental factors come into play as well, such as heating? It might be worth going back to the Docs and having a chat to firstly rule out the sinusitis and if it is nerve pain, they should be able to prescribe something for you. Good luck and hope that you're feeling better soon! xx

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