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hi everyone, here again,went the hospital yesterday with this headaches,i just didnt feel like myself so i phoned the ward i was on b4 and they said to go to the a accident and emergency, they did a ct scan ,took bloods everything came back fine, the thing is im back home now ,but i have this tingling in my legs and arms, feeling sick and i feel as though im going to pass out really freaking me out , i know everythings ok in my head but what is this its really scaring me.i dont know if its anxiety or what ,please reply x

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Tingling in your arms and legs is NOT ok go back and get seen again

Take Care donna

hi donna, they did all the tests,and everything was ok,they did the ct then the bloods,from infections to kidney functions,i think im to embarrassed to go back to the docs after having everything done.
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hi donna, they did all the tests,and everything was ok,they did the ct then the bloods,from infections to kidney functions,i think im to embarrassed to go back to the docs after having everything done.
the thing is i thought i was doing brill,thought i was getting back to normal and then this has happened its really knocked my confidence, for the past few days ive been lying in bed and i havent done this for a long time,i just feel as though i could cry but i cant if you know what i mean.
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the thing is i thought i was doing brill,thought i was getting back to normal and then this has happened its really knocked my confidence, for the past few days ive been lying in bed and i havent done this for a long time,i just feel as though i could cry but i cant if you know what i mean.

i totally no what you mean and i also no how you feel about going back to the doctors i hate it but did u have the tingling when you where there or is this new im not a doctor or anything but tingling is not good. If some doctor had there way id still be sitting at home with not no ing anything if you dont want to go back even ring your GP/NHS direct you cant ignore it


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Hi Bay, I'm no doctor either, but I am a medical secretary in a hospital (or was until my SAH!). I would be reassured that the CT is clear as are the bloods. I would make an appointment to see the GP to discuss things. Anxiety can make our bodies do strange things, and you are very very early on in your recovery, I seem to remember. I was in hospital for 6 weeks due to dizziness, sickness etc. Apart from that, I was really not very "disabled" by my SAH, apart from cognitive issues, but still, I needed a lot of sleep and bed rest. As soon as I had visitors or did some light physio I was exhausted and sick, so it could just be that you need to rest more than you think.

My OT (at the outpatient rehab place) suggested meditation, and I do that with the help of a meditation podcast downloaded from iTunes. Maybe you could try it?

Take care and try not to worry.

Edited to add: I checked your SAH date - was it last year, is that right? I'm 13 months post-op and I STILL get exhausted, dizzy, sicky if I do too much. I hope you can discuss it with an understanding GP. x

Edited by JayKay
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i totally no what you mean and i also no how you feel about going back to the doctors i hate it but did u have the tingling when you where there or is this new im not a doctor or anything but tingling is not good. If some doctor had there way id still be sitting at home with not no ing anything if you dont want to go back even ring your GP/NHS direct you cant ignore it


hi donna, yes i had it when i was there, i told the doctor, b4 the ct and bloods she did all these tests, the balance,reflexes, everything, but bloods still come back okay,im beginning to think this is anxiety,im taking pain killers and they seem to be giving me more of an headache ,anyone else feel like this. bay x
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Hi Bay, I'm no doctor either, but I am a medical secretary in a hospital (or was until my SAH!). I would be reassured that the CT is clear as are the bloods. I would make an appointment to see the GP to discuss things. Anxiety can make our bodies do strange things, and you are very very early on in your recovery, I seem to remember. I was in hospital for 6 weeks due to dizziness, sickness etc. Apart from that, I was really not very "disabled" by my SAH, apart from cognitive issues, but still, I needed a lot of sleep and bed rest. As soon as I had visitors or did some light physio I was exhausted and sick, so it could just be that you need to rest more than you think.

My OT (at the outpatient rehab place) suggested meditation, and I do that with the help of a meditation podcast downloaded from iTunes. Maybe you could try it?

Take care and try not to worry.

Edited to add: I checked your SAH date - was it last year, is that right? I'm 13 months post-op and I STILL get exhausted, dizzy, sicky if I do too much. I hope you can discuss it with an understanding GP. x

hi jaykay,i just thoughtb i was getting better then this happens,but it doesnt surprise me this anxiety, cus i have been worrying this past week but thought i was coping well. i just hate this feeling of passing out what is that about,now that really scares me. thanks
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I'm sure this sounds like a panic attack, which is what my sister suffered. She experienced tingling in arms/legs, hyperventilating, nausea and dizziness. Basically, because your 'fight and flight' are in such a state of high alert, you are breathing oxygen too quickly. Therefore, find a small PAPER bag, scrunch this up a little, then hold it to your mouth, breathing in and out (thru your mouth) at slow regular intervals. This will increase your carbon dioxide which in turn calms you down. I do hope this will help as I know how distressing these episodes are.

In the morning see your gp, who will probably give you something to help calm you down.

You say you are taking pain killers for your headaches, but this seems to be worsening them as well. I know I was taking codeine too much in the beginning which seemed to worsen mine, so could you get by on paracetamol? Otherwise ask your gp for an alternative.

& try and get plenty of rest.

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I know it's scary - I understand that (having had panic attacks in the past, but no tingling). See, Anya's sister had all the same symptoms. It certainly does sound like anxiety to me, but again, not being a doctor I'd feel happier if you discussed it with your GP. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

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Hi there I used to get tingling all the time it was when I used to think about it all the time. Still get it occasionally but don't really think about it much now. Go and see your doctor again. Jess.xxx

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Hi Bay

I had a similar episode 3 months on after my SAH. I had mine in june last year then went back in hospital in october with severe headache and spaced out feeing. I had same CT and bloods done and even a Lumbar Puncture, all came back clear. I was told it was anxiety an panic. I have been having episodes of dizziness and headaches and i also get tingly arms and legs but it goes off once i calm down. I was given some tablets to calm me down which worked a bit but now ive stopped taking them and see a counciller and have calming baths. I use Lavender a lot now which is helping me stay calm and relaxed. Its taken me 9 months now to reach the point of accepting what has happened and not feel so scared.

You are so early on in recovering just try to keep as calmas you can, yo will get past this stage .

Traci S xxx

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Hi Bay I hope ypu go (if you haven,t already been ) to see the doc.

My daughter had similar symptoms as you after I had my SAH and her doctor checked her out physically to eliminate anything more seious then recomended Bach Rescue Remedy! Look it up on the net its a harmless mixture and tastes a little like brandy!

But do go see your Doc first! x

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How're you doing today?

I meant to add, don't worry about what the doctors might or might not think about you. It's their job to see you and make sure you're ok, and they assure me they'd rather see people and rule everything out than have sick patients staying at home and missing out on treatment. Take care.

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