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Guest dirtypunk1970

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Guest dirtypunk1970

Thanks for all your replies, its nice to know I'm not alone with this thing! Another thing I've noticed is giggling too much at something that's only moderately funny, sometimes to the point I can hardly breathe. Or is this just me?

And I can't give up smoking. :roll:

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No, it's just not you ...... your emotions seem to be all over the place for quite a while......swinging from laughter to crying etc. Would imagine that this is the same for most SAH'ers.

Hope that you're having a good day.... :)

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Yep, totally with you on that one - I either laugh my head off at things that aren't that funny or cry at the most stupid things that wouldn't have bothered me before the SAH - something to do with the bleed affecting the emotion sensors in the brain.

Away for a de caff


Sami xxx

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thanks for that info about the bleed affecting the emotion sensors in the brain....... that is very interestin!!!

My emotions are all over the place, big time! Sometimes I think its because of the SAH sometimes I think its cos my dads died, still feel I've not come to terms with it yet, when I went to his funeral it was only just over a week after my discharge from hospital. My brain was in such a fog then.

Speak soon, love Suexxx

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I'm 19 months on and still pretty emotional .... it has calmed down, but kicks back in when I go through periods of fatigue or stress .... I still have recovery to make and I don't think that this helps any .... again, the emotional side is probably very individual to our circumstances, as well as the SAH.

Hope that you are keeping well,

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I was completely the other way, and it was only when I asked my wife why she was crying during "Bruce Almighty" that I realised this. That was the first time that I'd laughed since the SAH and that was over a year before. I hadn't realised that but hey I think I'm normal! :)

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