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hi I'm new in here but have suffered a SAH in april of last year.


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april 26th 2011 I came home from work and went to lie down as I had a headache One of many the gp said it was migraine and I had been getting the migraine for at least 6 months before this. I laid down then my yougest daughter who is 21 came into my bedroom to check on me apparently I ask for a doctor at this point My other daughter who is 25 phoned the gp but he was out and was told he would be at least 1 hour before he came. My younger daughter decided that they would not wait and called an ambulance. (Thank god) I was take to our nearest hospital which was in Carlisle 30 miles was given an mri and they discovered an brain aneurysm. \my family was told that my only chance of survival was to be sent to Newcastle rvi which is 100 miles away. I was taken there and they operated doing an embolisation with detachable coils I spent 6 weeks in a coma and then when I awoke I was sent back to Carlisle for my rehabilitation All together I was in hospital for 9 months.

Once I came home I had more problems. My husband is an alcoholic and he has tried to stop drinking but alas he couldn't do it. He lost his job leaving me the sole earner He stayed at home doing nothing and watch tv all day long. He claimed benefits but used this money to feed his habit. He also stole from me. AS you can imagine this was very stressfull I am sure this was what cause my haemorrage as the consultant said that extreme stress raises the blood pressure so I blame him really He even went to the pub while I was lying in ICU in a coma. The staff could smell the drink on him.

He promised to stop for me so he could look after me when I came home. SOME HOPE Of corse I was a fool to believe him. He was drinking heaverly and pushing me around in a wheelchair. We nearly came off the pavement into the path of the traffic a couple of times. When I complained to him he started to become aggressive with me. I was really scared of him at this point. Then he started to dictate.by saying I had to ask his permission if I wanted to go somewhere He locked me in the house once to keep me in and then another time he pushed me outside and locked me out all the time sccreeming and shouting at me It was so bad My daughter heaard him and I fighting although I was no match for him as I was so weak. iwas talking to her on the phone when he came up behind me and roughed me up dragged me along by my scruff of my coat.Kirsty heard him and called the police. When they arrived I asked the police if I could press charges No was the answer. I thought I will suffer later for that.

So I asked a friend to take me to my mothers house in nearby Penrith. I rented the visitors room in her sheltered housing place. I was there for 10 weeks I went to all the local council housing companies to try and get rehoused. After 6 weeks I managed to get one hear in Keswick I was so pleased as my older daughter was expecting her first baby and my younger daughter lives here aswell. I have a lovely ground floor flat Both my daughters have been brilliant. Helping me decorate and finding furnitur Everything isd second hand but hey I'm safe away from that man I have my independance back. I have a wonderful new grandson. So all is well. I am getting used to my limitations which are tiredness. blindness and weak legs and arms.I find the blindness the worst to deal with. I have a serious left neglect I use a white stick but I can see a little bit but do tend to walk into things and people where thinking I was doing it on purpose so I was given a white stick so tthat they know I have a problem and I must admit its better I get lots of offers of help to cross road and people move aside to let me pass. I have been told by the hospital that they are not sure if my sight will improve or not I have to just wait and see. If anyone has had anything similar let me know.

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First of all welcome to Behind the grey hun x x x

OH MY GOD x x x

You have been through it hun and whilst reading your post it reduced me to tears x x x

Myself found it soooooooooooo hard when I first came out of hospital x x coping emotionally with what had happened x x and when I read your post I cant believe that someone can be like that x x When you have been through what we have you need ALOT of support x x thank heavens for your daughters x x and I am sooooooooo happy that you finally have your time to recover x x x (which takes time)

I look forward to speaking to you more and reading your posts x x x

positive thinking and forwards is the only way x x x x No looking back

lots love



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Welcome to BTG and well done to you for getting out and making a new life for yourself.

Regarding your sight ask to be referred to an eye specialist if you have not already seen one. I was left blind in one eye but a brilliant surgeon gave me my sight back. It could be possible that something could be done for you.

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Welcome to BTG, you have found the right place for support. Glad to hear your daughters are there for you as it is important to have support and love. You have truly been through it & I hope we can all help you now.


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Hi there glad all is better with you.....my daughter and hubby have been good to me ..hubby even gave up drink !! Faint ...lol

He has been without a drink since 2009 shhh I do not want to tempt fate .

When I was young everything was 2nd hand in our house..Mum did what she could and your daughters will be pleased to see you settled

Be happy ..when and if possible....You survived the main op...so keep going forward...Be Happy xxx

Best wishes n Love

WinB143 xx ..Oh and welcome to BTG xx

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