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Feeling much worse after a break

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I have just had this week off work. My only plans were to get the hedge tidied up (it's about 100 ft long) and see a couple of friends.

I honestly thought that if I took a whole week of work out of the equation, I'd be able to do roughly as I pleased each day. It really has not turned out that way at all. I have not completed the hedge and I saw only two friends for some shopping and lunch. I even cancelled the plans I had for saturday morning and afternoon because I realised I just couldn't do it all. There are so many people I didn't get to catch up with at all.

I feel absolutely exhausted and I am really dreading going back to work tomorrow because if this is how tired I feel doing the things I want to do, how am I going to get through full-time hours again? I thought that a week off would be just the ticket, but I actually feel worse now than I did before :frown: Perhaps I have not learned how to manage my fatigue after all, but as I said earlier, I thought taking work out of the week meant I'd be fine.

I have been back at work for 6 months now, 3 of those have been full time. Since then, this is the first time I have felt this way and I am disappointed and fed up. I am trying not to be moody and miserable, but I feel quite grumpy. I suppose it doesn't help that we have had 5 weeks of relentless car issues and this week, it's been Andy's car that is the problem. It means that any money earned is going straight out again and there's very little left for fun.

I am sorry for moaning, but I wanted to talk about it with people who know what sah feels like and how frustrating it can be. Andy is very supportive, but he sees that I nearly died and so not having the energy to get the garden tidy isn't something to get stressed about, the garden can wait. I know he is right, but I'm feeling very frustrated right now.

Dawn x

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Dawn Darling all I can say is DITTO! I have to plan fun or shopping etc........I have been extra wiped out and I often wonder if I did not work how much better would I feel? Work - next day wiped ..out work- wiped out. Has been extra bad last 10 days or so. It has nto just been the SAH & stroke but like 20 years of "timing my energy and good times". I would be happy to do my chores and work. If I gave up weekly chores is it possible to have a night out of fun. Like you can trade off the energy days for anythign you would want it to be?? I think I NEED for my sanity to have at least 2 good days every 10 days so I do not go down the sink hole of despair.

You are not alone! Maryb

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Behind our act is a knackered person, we all get like this but BTGers are the only ones who really understand.

So moan all you want, we will forget that you needed a rant lol, so rant all you want.

Take it slower though, I am at a standstill lol xx

Be Happy if possible

Win xx xx

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Dawn, you have worked very hard the last 6 months. Your focus has been directed on getting back to full time, learning a new role, and learning to pace yourself. You've done incredibly well. Taking a week off has allowed you to take a step back and feel how tired you are. You made healthy choices when you cut back on your schedule during your week off. Rest was the focus and you've tried to stick to it.

Returning to work on Monday may be a shock to your brain and it may take some time to settle back into the routine. Remember to eat little healthy snacks, take breaks, and drink lots of water. Hopefully your brain will settle back into routine easily.

Sandi K.

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I could have just copied your post and wrote it on Nov .29th and Dec 26th last year. I fee like we live the same life only in paralell countries. I hope you are doing better today.

I had 4 days off for Tgiving and 4 days off for Christmas in 2012. I though that rest would do magic for me. I did nothing for 4 days but rest. It didnt work. I felt worse on the Monday when I went back to work and was so angry. Wanted to give up recovering. But we can't ever give up.

Which brings me to the question for you Dawn and Mary and any other BTG'er. If a weeks rest doesnt help you feel better to go back to work then what will?

You are doing great Dawn, with your back to work and eating well. I hope this is just a smaill blip for you. Certainly come here if you need to talk. We understand.


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I was dreading going to work today as you know, but all day I felt great! It's the best I've felt in a week. I even took 82 calls so I'm only 6 away from my daily target. I can't understand the change. The only difference I can think of is that I was sitting all day long whereas when I was on holiday, I was physically working on chopping the hedge down. Maybe I felt so rough because I was actually doing things and it's a different form of fatigue? Perhaps I have become somewhat accustomed to mental fatigue and so the physical fatigue hit me badly?

On the drive home, I felt cheerful and that's not at all how I was feeling while I was off. I had a slight headache after dinner, but that was solved with paracetamol. I don't understand what's going on, but I am so grateful that today wasn't the nightmare I was expecting. Thanks for all your thoughts and comments, it's invaluable to be able to chat to people who understand sah and it's ups and downs!

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Isn't it interesting what others call a break turns out to be more work for us? I find this too. I used to relax on a vacation or a weekend to just do nothing. Now, the weekend of 'Nothing' turns out to be my most stressful and/or tiring time. I also find that I tend to worry about what the future is going to be and by the time I actually get there, it's not at all that bad (like getting back to work after the time off). I'm not sure why the thought of getting to something is so hard but the actual doing isn't. Maybe it's from all those early days when it actually was hard. Recovery. Joy.


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