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Severe pain in right arm

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Hi haven't been here for a while, for those new to forum I had a non anurism bleed. I spent a month in hospital with rehab after. But lately I've been experiencing severe pain in right side arm. I have deficit in right side, so my right side doesn't work. I've seen g.p they can't help, I was told it might be a nerve but what ever it is the pain is incredible. It's not so painful during day but come night time it's unbearable.

Anyone else suffer pain in side of bleed.

I must say I also had stroke with sah.

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Hi Molly,

I get a numb thumb, ( left side ) and pain/numbness runs up my arm.

At first I thought "omg I have heart trouble" I said to surgeon when last visited hospital, "Oh by the way my arm is

sort of numb and achey" I was awaiting his reply/verdict.

He shrugged his shoulders and said "don't know what that is but it should go"

So it come and goes, depends how I have slept, sorry I cannot help you xx

Good luck and try not to worry xx or see Dr if worried.

Put your mind at rest !!

Welcome to BTG also xx


WinB143 xx

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Hi Molly,

I had something similar about 2 years ago....pain in my right arm which was excruciating, worse when I was in bed. It eventually moved up and turned into a frozen shoulder and was nothing at all to do with the SAH. I had it for about 18 months and the arm still hasn't fully recovered, but hugely better.

I would advise that you go back to your GP and ask if they've ruled this type of thing out .... however, you may have done that already.

Hope that you're feeling better soon xx

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I had pains that would appear suddenly and then just as suddenly they'd go away. I occasionally have one that is on my most affected side at night that prevents me from sleeping. It also comes and goes. I feel like that arm is fully recovered other than being slow...but I am slow all over now. Not sleeping is the kicker, right?

I hope yours will leave you. My pattern has been from the extremities inward. So first the pains shot all the way down my arm or leg to my pinky or big toe and now it is mostly in my lower back and hips with usually none in my arms.


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Thanks guys ( ladies) yes the pain is more excruciating at night I'm unable to sleep.

I have noticed I can lay on it but sitting up & arm is at side the pain starts up. It has gone from arm to shoulders so I guess it's a frozen shoulder, but I will go back to g.p as Im not coping with it. Pain killers aren't doing much, have tried heat pack, tiger balm. Tems machine - only relieves pain for a while.

I was wondering if it had to do with the angiograms I had when had sah. As they went up the right side to brain.

Just wondering if the pain is due to that reason.

Thanks again

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Hi Molly,

It's worth a trip to the GP to get something to help with the pain. I was put on anti inflammatory's for a while, as just couldn't sleep and like you, also felt the pain when my arm was hanging down or jarred it. Couldn't even shut the car door with it, just too painful!

I know that we often put a lot of our aches and pains down to the SAH, but they often can be something fairly common and not associated with the bleed at all.

One of my friends is a Physiotherapist and as soon as I told her my symptoms, she knew what it was and advised me to keep the affected arm moving as much as possible (which was hard when it was so painful!) .... she'd also had a frozen shoulder and had a couple of steroid injections which helped immensely otherwise she wouldn't have been able to carry out her work. It seems to be a fairly common ailment amongst quite a few people that I know ... not sure whether it's an age thing either with joints etc, but I do know that it's excruciatingly painful!

Good luck and hope that you're in less pain soon..xx

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Hi Molly,

First off I am not offering medical advice ........if it is a frozen shoulder and not a life threaten events........

I once had acupuncture for severe bursitis & tendonitis in my shoulder and shoulder blade that lasted no kidding years- like 2 years? My prescribed treatment was medications that did not help, I went to massage weekly. As last resort I did acupuncture for 6 weeks and it finally was gone. Mind you I still have a particle tear in my shoulder and any rotation etc kills me but that constant pain was relieved by acupuncture.

If I could afford it I would go back now and have treatment on my fatigue and muscle weakness. I was a skeptic but had it done by an MD that also did alternative therapies.

Just a thought, maryb

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