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Guest joybird65

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Guest joybird65

Hello , my name is Joy, and my mother was struck down with a subarachnoid Aneurysm hemorrhage on July 27, 2007.She also suffered a stroke. Our family is now 60 days into this and are looking for some insight as to what may be going on in Moms head about now. I don't think she remembers from day to day,but knows all of us and the grandchildren. She knows her address, but keep asking what happened. She can not talk and has weakness on her left side.She writes on a dry board, somethings you can understand some not. she had a break through seizure this week, and she goes abit funny some times. I also noticed that she does automatic things like reach for her glasses if they are not on, or think she has something in her hand but doesn't, she has failed the swallowing test. she can not walk or sit very well. She has a trac yet but we are trying to get that gone. I have read that most of you don't remember a lot of the hospital?We have a long road ahead we know this. Thanks for listening

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Hi there

Sorry to hear about your mum. If there's anyway we can help on here by answering any questions you have then fire away.

It is a very long road to recovery (with a few pit stops along the way), but your mum can only do this at her own pace.

Remember, we're here to help in any way we can.

Sami xxx

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Guest joybird65

Thank you all, We are having a bad week with Mom and it seems to have taken its toll on me. I found out yesterday that she will have the trac for a couple of more months, and that she may have some kind of viral infection in her lung now. Also her eyes are very glassy looking, and its like she is not there or something? But thank you all Joy

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Hi Joy,

It sounds as though your Mom has had a very bad time ..... how old is she?... if you don't mind me asking ....

She sounds as though she's fighter, but is also having a lot to contend with, especially if she's picked up a viral infection too ..... that's a lot to deal with.

You also need to remember to look after yourself .... take some time out if you can and don't be too hard on yourself for doing it ..... As a Mum myself, I know that's what I would want my kids to do...

We're always here to listen....

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Guest joybird65

Hello all and thanks for your reply! My Mom is 67 years old. Today we learned that she will be getting a mesh plate put in her head.(She had to have the bone cut away from the right side of her head to allow for swelling) This is made in Germany, and takes a couple of months. So it will be awhile before she comes home. Was anyone else in the hospital more than 5 months before they got to rehab?

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