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Tea, Coffee and a Biscuit in the Green Room?

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Good Morning all,

I'm pondering whether to include a Forum for "off topic" conversation, called "The Green Room" ...... where general discussion can take place that isn't related too much to SAH. I tend to go "off topic" myself quite easily! :lol: But it might be nice just to have somewhere else to go, if people just want to say "Hi" or catch up with each other about daily events.

The Site statistics are looking really good for this month and they've raced passed Septembers page viewings.....will let you know at the end of the month the final figures etc.

Anyway, must stop lazing around and go and make myself a cup of de-caff!! :lol:

Love K x

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Yes! I like the green room thing!!! I visit a dressage (horse) chat line that has a column like that called the Observation Lounge. As the site got bigger and bigger, the moderators have to be very strict about people posting in the proper forums. Anything not related to horses belongs in the Observation Lounge. That makes it easier for those that want to get right to the meat of the subject they are hoping to read about. It also allows the members to just be buddies and have a laugh or cry about things unrelated to their riding.

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Hi Annie,

Well, I'm one of the biggest "Waffler's" on this site and have a tendency to go "off topic"......it was one of my concerns that the postings on some topics were getting quite large and were deviating from the actual topic subject! (Which is mostly my fault!!)

I hope that members will use the Green Room....just to drop in and out for a chat and a laugh about day to day stuff. It's nice to keep in touch, even if you don't have anything to contribute to the SAH Discussion Forum.

Lots of love K x :D

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