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Pregnancy after SAH

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Hi all,

Wow it's a long time since i've been on this forum- couldn't even remember my original details.


I had a SAH 10 1/2 years ago at the age of 21 and am now almost 8 months pregnant.


My GP at the time of my SAH told me I'd never be able to have a natural birth (I've since been told my consultants this is rubbish and something he said without expert knowledge), but it's always played on my mind, given I had no symptoms whatsoever when i had my bleed and noone can confirm whether I'd had the weakness from birth or developed it.


I had  a '10 year scan' in Jan of this year and everything was fine- coiling all good and no new aneurysms.


Despite being marked as low risk and being told there should be no concerns about me having a natural birth, I can't shake the anxiety.

I just wondered if anyone here has had a SAH and gone on to have a baby and whether they have any advice. I can only find a thread dating back to 2013, so apologies if I've missed one.


I would love to go ahead with a natural water birth, but at the same time I don't want to risk anything or put an unnecessary stress on myself or the baby.


Would appreciate any advice.

Thanks, Lucie


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Hello Lucie.....welcome back to BGT.  Thanks for getting in touch and well done on ten years post SAH.


I am sure other members will be in touch to offer their advices on your concerns about proceeding with natural child birth.


Meantime I wish you well in these important few weeks ahead.





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Hi Lucie


Welcome back - can you remember what you're original user name was?  I've been on here nearly 10 years so as hoping to recognise you under a different name.  Jess, one of our Moderators has had two children since her SAH so I'm sure she'll respond to you when she looks in.


In the meantime congrats on all being good xx

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Thank you for your kind comments and welcome back. Was surprised it didn't recognise my email address actually as that hasn't changed. Delving in to my email folders (which I probably should have done first!), it looks like my username was actually just Lucie.


I had my consultant appointment this afternoon and she's making an emergency appointment for me to see a neurologist and anaesthetist within the next two weeks as this apparently should have happened much earlier on (i'm now 34 weeks!) so that they can verify any extra consideration I'd need.


Once again, people who aren't specialists have made assumptions (and I'm not mad to think I should probably have seen a neurologist). Not ideal at this stage but at least it's happening now. Just got to hope they can get me to a neurologist quickly. Should all just be a case of them confirming they're happy for me to continue with a normal birth, fingers crossed.


Would love to hear anyone else's experiences who've had a SAH and gone on to have children as I don't know anyone

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Hi there welcome back xxx


I was told to get rid of my first child as I would die in Labour  (was pregnant within two weeks of second op) anyway he is 12 now and his brother is 8.


I had no special care when pregnant as my ns said I would be fine however I had clips not coils so I ain't sure xxx


If I was you I would listen to the drs about the type of birth xxx


Anything you want to know just pm me xxx 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2016 at 06:43, jess said:

Hi there welcome back xxx


I was told to get rid of my first child as I would die in Labour  (was pregnant within two weeks of second op) anyway he is 12 now and his brother is 8.


I had no special care when pregnant as my ns said I would be fine however I had clips not coils so I ain't sure xxx


If I was you I would listen to the drs about the type of birth xxx


Anything you want to know just pm me xxx 


Thanks for your reply Jess, sorry for delay in getting back to you, been busy with appointments. The good news is though that I've had the go-ahead from neurologist, anaesthetist and consultant that I'm fine to have a natural birth with close monitoring of my blood pressure. So relieved! 

Just under 4 weeks until due date now! 

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