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As a passenger in car, do you get headaches?

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Poor Simon keeps trying to take me out for drives to get my out and get some fresh air but I feel really guilty as I always get really sicky headaches. Its worse if country lanes etc and have never been a great passenger but much much worse now. I then get shaky legs trying to get out the car. Am I just abnormal? :lol:




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Hi Laura

I find that long car journeys are very exhausting and different road surfaces cause different sensations in my head. Morris stops frequently for me to get out and stretch my legs also as the car is a Taxi can't smoke in it so regular breaks are handy.

Janet x

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Guest pam

Hi Laura, absolutely yes. In the first few months after my surgery, my hubby would take me out in the car, within a few minutes I would be asking to stop to buy some paracetomol (I never seemed to learn to take them with me). I would get a pain behind my eye, and feel sickly. I live in the borders, surrounded by windy roads and the windy roads are the worst. I even found the short bus journey (along a straight road) from the village into town, which took five minutes would bring on the eye pain. It took almost a year and a half for it to go. Even now although I can cope with short journeys long car journey as a passenger will give me a headache and leave me very tired and when I am tired the emotional symptoms kick in Now I try to pace myself.. Recently I had to go to a friends birthday party right out in the countryside., so I allowed extra time to sit in the car away from her home for a short while just to sort of settle my head down a bit (even though I was prepared with pain killers!). Last year I went to my brothers wedding about four hours drive from here, everyone booked in to a hotel the night before, hubby and I booked in two nights before, I just wanted to make sure I was ok for the day and I was!. So you are definately not alone.

With me I dont know if it is the effects of surgery or the untreated aneurysms, but whatever it is I bet there are a few more of us feel the same.

Bye for now


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I just get really tired and find that I have to shut my eyes and doze until we get to our destination ( as a passenger of course! :) )

As a driver I can drive around town ok, and am slowly building up the distance I can drive, I now can go about 10 miles and back. I find the concentration needed very tiring. Definitely improving but not as quickly as I would like.

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Hi everyone

Not too bad as a passenger healthwise, don't get a headache or anything, although must admit I jump and overreact to things now. Poor Paul gets a little freaked out at some of my more obvious reactions, like grabbing hold of the door and bracing myself for a major collision when he's only slightly let the car go to the left or something. He's very patient and knows I can't help it.

Went to the Lake District on Tuesday and I had to have 2 naps whilst there; driven there: nap, walk on beach: nap etc. Felt the benefit of being out for the day though. Paul drove slowly and didn't suddenly brake or anything. So quite happy as we plan to go to Western Isles of Scotland end May/early June, so think with periodic stopping periods and naps I should be okay.

Big hugs

Lesley xxx

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Hi Louise

Yes, Western Isles: absolutely adore the place. We've got Scottish blood in our veins and I certainly feel like I've gone home everytime I cross the border. Weird and wonderful! Can't wait, especially if we get the sunny weather we've had here this week.

Lesley xxx

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Hi Louise

Glad you've had your share of good weather up there. We have dear friends in Turriff, also Westhill, Aberdeen and Ellon who we try to see every few years or so. Hope to go up in Sept to the East coast. Its certainly very beautiful too.

But my heart does belong in the Western Isles, first time thought I'd died and gone to heaven. The road to Mallaig and the road to Kyle of Lochalsh are so beautiful. In my Will, half of my ashes are to be scattered along Tokavaig bay, Sleat peninsula, Isle of Skye. Paul's Will states the same.

Hope the good weather continues across the country, goodness knows it was a long hard winter, especially recovering from such a huge experience as an SAH and operation.

Love 'n hugs to you

Lesley xxx

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