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Hi Josephine


You are in such early days, headache and sore neck are very common complaints. Try not to worry too much, make sure you drink plenty of water and keep up the pain killers. I took regular paracetamol for some time after my bleed. Rest is equally important as you will get tired really easily. Hopefully you have support at home, make sure you let others do things so you can relax.


There is always someone here on BTG to listen if you are worried so keep coming back for reassurance.


Take care


Clare xx



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Hi Josephine, 


I have to agree with Claire, It's an anxious time at the beginning of your recovery,

I was told to keep hydrated as it helps with the headaches and it does help, i was also taking regular pain meds at regular times which also helped.

Anxiety is normal in your early recovery, like Claire said there is always someone here to listen when you are feeling anxious.

we will do our best to help you through it.


Take care


Michelle x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi josephine


i hope that the headache has eased back a bit, have you taken a look at what you are doing and when the headaches get worse?


one thing that helped me each day and I have shared in here before was to get a little notebook and at the end of the day write down how that day went for me but also just look and find three things that made you happy that day. It could be really simple stuff but it sets your mind at rest before you sleep.


also limit your time with devices, phone, tablet even TV, the cognitive effort and demand of this is not to be underestimated and you should build up gradually. 


Go easy on yourself and it's normal to feel how you do. 

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Hi Josephine,


Welcome to BTG. 


It is extremely early in your recovery journey and unfortunately there are no instant fixes with SAH.  I think most of us have experienced headaches and worried about them.  They seem to be a normal part of the trip I'm afraid.  But hey!  We're all still here so there's good reason to be optimistic.  So yes, it's uncomfortable for a while, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.


If they are worrying you, go back to your doctor to get checked over and whilst you are there talk with them about pain management until the headaches recede.  Everybody's pain threshold is different and perceived levels of discomfort have their severity measured by your own standards.


But in a strange way, it does show that your brain is working, in that you are able to rationalise the pain and interpret it as irritating!  So maybe that's a good sign for the future! 


Don't forget, your brain (your centre of human operations and functions) has undergone a severe trauma and it needs nurturing back to health!  I know I sound like a flowery old windbag, but time is the greatest healer.  Just see your doctor to put your mind at rest and to see if you can get something to ease the discomfort whilst your body is given the time now to self-repair.


I wish you well.



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