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When you think you know

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It’s not always easy, even after 6 years, the type of Brain Haemorrhage that I had makes this so. :roll:

At the moment we are about to get our bedroom decorated ‘goodie’ well yes & no, just now there are 2 single wardrobes in the hall, & the parts of the larger one in between them the kitchen has a headboard from the bed a mattress, & the base of the wardrobe in the corner there’s all the things from the wardrobes, the livingroom has the bedside tables & an auto-man.

So what’s my problem after all it cant get done without all this, well the brain has a problem with all the things around its like being closed in, in some ways, it’s having trouble deciphering it all its strange because part of me knows that its silly, so stupid of me to feel like this & once its done I’ll be ok again but it’s the bit in between. :oops:

I guess last night didn’t help we slept (or rather didn’t) in the spare room on the sofa bed it’s so hard it was awful so there wasn’t much sleep last night.

The painter was to start this morning & can’t now till tomorrow though he asked if he could start next Monday yikes….but maybe just as well the way I’m feeling.

I get to another mile stone on Wednesday it’ll be 7 years on the 1st but at the moment I feel as though I’ve gone back about 4 years, I just thought I’d put this in to say its not always plain sailing for me but I do know that it will get better I just have to wait…. Thanks for listening.

Bye just now :wink:


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Hey Louise

Sorry to hear that you're feeling bad today. Lack of sleep and disruption can do that to someone who hasn't suffered what you have so you're entitled to feel the way you do. But remember that you have come this far and you are doing really well. 7 is generally thought to be a lucky number and if its seven years on Wednesday then this may be the turning point for you. Like Karen said - just think when you have that lovely decorated bedroom and a haven of peace this will all have been worth it.

Rest up as much as you can today and don't beat yourself up for feeling the way you do today - its your right to have bad days sometimes.

Sending a big big hug

Love Sami xxx

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Hi Sami

Thank-you so much for that :lol:

It's funny just when I think I can guess how I'm going to be wham its different just the damage that the hameorrhage caused me that's all.

Glad to see that you had a great weekend its nice that gives you such a boost I find.

Take it easy

Louise.xx :wink:

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Thats how I was when I had a really bad day last Saturday - I'd had three really good weeks and then bam - worst day. I know that I'm only 9 weeks in and am probably expecting too much from myself already but I am a naturally impatient person and I think my strong nature has probably helped me through this as well as the support from family and friends and you guys on here.

The Ginkgo was helping too but now we're all confused as to whether or not its safe with such conflicting advice. I've not taken the St Johns Wort since Saturday but I feel fine and positive - its holding onto that feeling that sometimes wears me down.

You take it easy today and get as much rest as possible sweetie :wink:

Sami xxxx

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Well Louise,

It's a priviledge to talk to somebody that's nearly made it to their 7 year Anni.......you've had a very tough time and a real struggle to contend with....I'm sure that people looking at your story will find it an inspiration.

Lots of Love K xxx

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Hi Karen

The reason I put that in yesterday was to say that for ME even now I still have bad day's dosn't mean that everyone will have that after this amount of time its how I have been damaged as Ronnie put's it but I have come on so far since those days I do see the difference in myself.

And today is another day a better nights sleep, because we put the blow up bed on top of the sofa bed.

And the painter & decorator here he's sanding down the walls a the mo.

And I got an email from my cousin that was here from Aussie, her cousin in Aberdeen is getting married end of Aug next year so there's a big possibility they are comming over for it yippee so there's alway tomorrow.


You must have been tareing your hair out on Sunday with the site Karen? but it got sorted out?

all for now


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Hi Louise,

Glad to hear that you're feeling in better spirits today! :D

I had a bad night....woke up with one hell of a start....didn't know where I was, if I'd been sleeping etc.....I was very shaky and had to walk around the house for a bit as I felt disorientated. I haven't got a clue why....must be the brain activity.

Was meant to be seeing a friend this morning, but had to cancel her, as I feel too tired. My eyes are still sore from the physio yesterday, so will have to put some drops in today before I do any more excercises with them. Generally, feel as though I've been run over by a steam roller!

Nice to hear that you've had some good news about your cousin...something to look forward to. At least your decorator has now started, just think about this time next week, it should all be sorted!

Yes, the site was a bit of a problem at the weekend, but lessons have been learned from it! :lol: It was my son Chris that sorted out the problems.....good job that he's a bit of a whizz doing this sort of thing. Couldn't run this without his input.

Anyway, must go and do some work!

Love K xx

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Its horrible when you wake up like that I used to do that often, I also had a ritchal when I woke I used to ask myself my name & address I think that was from being in hospital when they asked me all the time dont do it as often but ocassionally I still do - on bad days.

Physio can be tireing but if it helps you.

I do IT at college before that I only knew how to switch the thing on how things have changed for me in 7 years (well very nearly) :lol:

Take care & relax today


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Hi Louise,

Well I'm still lying horizontal on the sofa....still tired....not looking forward to doing the exercises....but I know I have to, if I want to improve things.

If I need any IT help, then I know who to come to in the future!! :lol:

Yes, last night was so strange and I found the experience quite frightening...I don't think that I've ever woken up with such a jolt.....my sleep since the SAH has been so strange and I'm also dreaming about things that happened in the past when I was a teenager....stuff that I had completely forgotten about....almost like my brain is unlocking information...I don't know what's going on....it can be either a fascinating experience or a scary one.

Perhaps I just need therapy!

Love K x

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Me again

I can recall things from the past in vivid colour like a TV in the begining it was so weird Ronnie & his pal John were there & although I was looking at them something was said that jolted me into the past & when I saw them I saw them as they were when I meet them in their bikers leather jackets it was very strange it was a kind of total re-call.

Thankfully I dont do that now but my dreams can still be like that.

When I was first home I was alway asking why? how come? just like a child really that too was weird it's the biggest computer going 'the brain'

:wink: xx

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