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New card from Headway

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I've just been reading that Prince Harry is to launch Headways new brain injury Identity card, it will help the police identify brain injury survivors and ensure they are given appropriate support when they come into contact with the criminal justice system.

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Good to know Greg, let us know when you have a chance to use it. 

I have ordered a 'please offer me a seat'  badge and card from London transport https://tfl.gov.uk/campaign/please-offer-me-a-seat for when I go to London. Whilst I normally take my stick I don't always want to and wearing a badge I hope will mean I get a seat if it really busy ever. 


Using it next week for first time so will will let you know how I get on, 


Anyone else have experience of these ? 

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Hi there

I have the old card and seem quite happy with that....


Daff while I understand your stick thing I think that maybe that is far easier than a badge I find my cruch works but that's my personal view...  

Yes do lets know if it works be interesting...


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