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Everything posted by sonia

  1. Hi Sarah, Just come back from my doctors, she checked all my notes letters & the MRI scan about my Annie treatment & results. There was no mention of a remaining untreated Annie or that I was not under any such surveillance. She agreed that the letter was not correct. So it has been rewritten. States...... Review of notes & letters from neurology show that there is no untreated aneurysm & further surveillance ceased .Neurology appointments concerning blepharospam continue. every 4 months. The doctor quite understood why I would feel concerned about the way it was written As I have to have injections in my eyelids every 4 months then she mentioned that she was sure if I had a problem I would tell the Neurology department that I attend. I certainly would do. Thank you again Sarah for your support just needed that Push to sort it. Love Sonia xx
  2. Thank you Sarah for your reply. So much so I am going into my doctors in the morning to see about seeing someone concerning this matter. I need it cleared up one way another. Sonia x
  3. Hi All, Thoughts please. I had reason to ask my doctor for a letter about my medical record. It stated about my two aneurysms being stabilised following the embolization procedure. It then went on to say, that I have a remaining smaller aneurysm which remains under surveillance a cerebral aneurysm was embolised.. I am totally confused by that comment. I was never told there was a smaller one. I had the second Annie sorted in 2011 had a MRI scan done 2 years later all being fine. They discharged from their care. All that was ever said to me was if I ever felt unwell then get in touch. I feel fine, but can't get this out of my head now after reading it. The thought that I am not under any surveillance. Maybe it means just what they said to me on discharging me if I don't feel well get back in touch. I just don't know. I really just want to file the letter & go about my daily life. Thanks for reading my post& for being here. I always remember how I found you all just before I had my second Annie dealt with. All the support positive messages you gave me so grateful to this day. I made so really good friends on here.. Sorry if I seem over the top with my post, Thanks Happy Days Sonia xxx.
  4. Welcome Jude, Some great positive comments, from them who knows. Hope you have many Happy days during these sunny days. Love Sonia xxxx
  5. Hi Rachel, Sorry to see your thread this morning. I hope you can find some comfort for you, after all that has been going on for you. Emotions must be all over the place right now. Give things time for all concerned. Take care Sonia xxx
  6. Hi All, I could not believe it yesterday in the post I had my appointment at Bristol eye hospital, to have the pictures of the back of my eyes taken. Going on Mon 8th Oct. The other letter was my appointment for the eye check up next Sept. How's that for service then from the NHS. I think I have to have a two yearly MRI scan, to check the Annies are still sealed. Love Sonia xxxx
  7. Hi All, I thought I would let you know how my appointment went yesterday morning, to find out about my left eye disc being cupped. It would seem it happened due to the two Annies. It was caused more by the first one 11 years ago, resting on the optic nerve.For how long who know's. It was only discovered when I started to lose most of my sight in the eye. He asked if I would go up to Bristol eye hospital, so they can put some drops in and take some pictures of the back of my eye. You will know about that Anne. He wants me back in 12 months time to check that all is well. A letter will be sent to the optician that was concerned about the cupping, explaining to him what is what. But I only pleased with the optitcian to be concerned about me and looking after me. I shall have my eye's tested with him, from now on. As many of you will already know that I have suffered with Blepharospam in my eyelids, to which I have 3 monthly botox injections. I must add not be choice!!!!! My optitcian also had a very good understanding of this problem too. Other places I have been to don't understand what I am on about, thats before I even mention why I lost most of my sight. Well thankyou for your support. Information Anne when I need to know what this cupping was before I had the appointment. Take care. Be good Love Sonia xxxxx
  8. Hi, I went down to my local hospital on Monday afternoon. I had an eye test and went on the machine to test my fields of vision. All the results will be with the consultant, when I go down again next Tuesday morning.It mentioned that they might be putting the drops in again on that visit. Hopefully I should get some answers to why the disc in my left eye is cupped. When I saw them last time, I had not had my second Annie, so I will mention that to him to see if that could have caused this problem with the disc. Thanks Ann for all the information you wrote for me explaining what a disc cupping was. Hope you are keeping well yourself. Love Sonia xxxxx
  9. Vick, As I mentioned to you about coming to Sydney last month. I had to travel by myself, I had never been to Heathrow, always gone from my local airport. I was so pleased with myself that I was able to do it. Many of us here give some thoughts to being able to fly again. What would it feel like in our heads. But I think you will find most of us were just fine. So take your time and find your wings and fly away. Where in Oz do you and the family live? If I were younger then I think its a great place to live. I thank god for Skype, so I can see our family in Sydney. Take care. Night Night Love Sonia xxxxx
  10. Hi , I have not lost any friends due to have annies and a SH. Sorry to read you have. What a shame about your friend being anger with you. It's not your fault it happened to you. Lets hope she never needs someone in her life when things are not good. You never know what is round the corner. I have been back from your wonderful country, for over a month now. I stayed in Sydney, what a great place to be. I love it. You just get on with your life. You have your family, a job. Sounds like you are doing ok. You can't spend your time worrying about others who don't care. Folks on here do. Nice to share happy times with others that care. Take care. Love Sonia xxxxx
  11. Hi Goldfish, Have one hell of a Happy Annie day, thinking of you miss. You always make me LOL with your comments, when I know things can be hard for you some days. You have kicked some asses along your journey. So don't let us down, keep at it and you will get there I have no doubt about that. I am away for a few days. If we can't catch any fish on our trip. I am so glad to have you Goldfish as a good mate of mine, take care of you. Your boys and doggie. Lots of Love and bags of smiles coming your way. Sonia xxxx
  12. Ann, I forgot to mention that both my Annies were found resting on my optic nerve, which caused the loss of most of my sight in my left eye. The first Annie was dealt with in 2001. They said they couldnot tell how long it had been there. I could have been born with it. It was so big, the size of a old 5 pence. They had to think very carefully what they were going to do about it. Because of the size and losing my sight compleatly. The second one two years ago, was a smaller one, which was close to the first one. I think thats why I am thinking could this cupping be another one. As the artery where this all took place must be very weak. Thankyou for letting me tap this out of me. Love Sonia xxxx
  13. Many thanks for your detailed mail about my cupped problem. I was shown the pictures of my left eye on the opticians computer, after he had looked at them and had taken pictures. He did'nt want to send the letter to my doctor,he wrote it there and then for me to hand to her myself. You will understand my concerns. I am wondering if when I had my last MRI scan two years ago to check that my second Annie was sorted, can they see that way about any change in disc cupping etc. Maybe this has occured during the last two years then, or since I had my last eye test? Can this problem be seen only when they put the special drops in the eye to improve what they can see with their light? Sorry for so many questions on my problem. I don't want anyone to think I am hogging the board!!!!! I am off this morning for my botox injections for my blepharospam problem. It has taken me ages Ann to find someone to give me an eye test, who understands this problem too. Hope you all have a nice day and a happy one. Love from Sonia xxx
  14. Hi All, I have been told the disc is cupped in my left eye. Have to see someone in Sept.I am wondering if the damage was caused by my two Annies that were on my optic nerve. Or could it in fact be another Annie forming. It will be nearly 2 years since the last Annie was dealt with. So I will no doubt be called in for a MRI scan in Aug. Before I go for this disc cupping appointment. Maybe they will see this during the scan. Off to have my botox injection in the morning to help deal with my eyelid closure. Thanks fpr letting me tap this on here. I have had this on the back burner while I have been with my family in Sydney. Love Sonia xxxx
  15. Welcome Paul, Nice to say hello along with all the other caring folks on this site. We all know the many emotions you are feeling and going through right now. Time is what is needed, as you do it in your way. Start slowly. I remember feeling so chuffed with myself just being able to have my first shower on my own. It takes all your energy just to do a small thing. Take your journey at your pace. Wish you well on your recovery. Take care both. Love Sonia xxxx PS One of the questions I asked before I left hospital after my coiled would I be ok going through the airports scanners. Yes they said!!!!
  16. Hi , During my recovery period. When I came home my husband had to go back to work. Our dog just knew I was not too well and he would stay with me on the bed, for most of the day, till Hubby finished work. I will never forget how Ash help me during those days. I think thats why I will never ever put him in kennels. I always find a place to go on holiday where I can take him with us. He's my special boy. Love Sonia xxxxxx
  17. Hi Mike, Welcome to the site. Hope your recovery goes from strength to strength. There are a few of us with vision problems,. I for one have lost most of mine in my left eye. Have to take good care of my right one as it does all the work now. Take care. Sonia x
  18. Thanks for posting this. Such a positive story about his recovery. Gives such hope to many on that journey. Love Sonia xxxx
  19. Hi all, Not quite sure where to post this post I went for this room. Do sny of you know or suffer with Horners Syndrome? I suffer with it in my left eye. It occured after my first Annie 11 years ago. The Annie resting on the optic nerve for such a time, before I knew there was some kind of problem somewhere, as my sight was failng.I was left with this and loss of eye sight. On Tuesday I had my three monthly botox injections to try and help my Blepharospam, waiting for the botox to kick in now. Eyes not very good at the moment, so I am in my dark glasses most of the time. Take care, sorry for any mistakes in this mail. Love Sonia xxxx
  20. Sounds a such a great way of dealing with a large Annie. My first Annie was so big, that it could not be coiled. Had a ballon put in, slowly the air came out of it to help bring the Annie down and seal it. Had the second one coiled as it was smaller. Love Sonia xxxx
  21. 12 year's Louise. Where does the time go to. Tomorrow is waiting, so full stream ahead. Take care, Love and hugs Sonia xxxx
  22. Hi Zoe, I was thinking about how you were yesterday. Sometimes its so hard to work out why things go the way they do in life. You can't always find the answers at the time, but in many cases, things can become clearer with that good old well used word time. I like you have always grown up to know, that its the children that have to come first, when you have them. No matter how old they are they are still both of yours. Richard can't do what is right at the moment for them, so you have to take control of all matters to do with your family. Hope that in time, things will become clearer, and you will all be more relaxed around each other. Take care Zoe. Love and hugs Sonia xxxxxx
  23. Hello, Welcome to the board, you sound like a lady that will do well on here with us all. You are dead right, you are here and coming through the things only we really know about. So long as you don't mention the word, Xmas then you will be ok here. If you do, then you will have to join our gang.That being Sarahlou, Sandi, and my good self. Take care Gaynor. Hope you are enjoying living life over there. Love Sonia xxxxx
  24. Hi Robert, So pleased you have found this site. I hope you feel that you will always have someone to chat things over with. I am sure with all you and your family have had to get through, they will now keep any eye on you all. I remember being in Ninewells so well, I loved the place. I was there for a differant reasons. Both my two Son's were born there, so I have very happy memories of days spent in the area. Loved St Andrew's. Take care to you and your family Robert. Love Sonia xxxxx
  25. Hi FD, Pleased to welcome you to the BTG board. I hope you take the given advice and go to your GP to see what the headaches are about. You live in the lovely City of Worchester, I lived there for a few years myself. In a place just outside called Lowerwick.There was a local dairy over the main road, called Bennetts, I think it was called Happy Memories of times spent around there. Take care. Love Sonia xxxx
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