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SAH Survivor - Wayne


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Good morning, my name is Wayne and I'm a SAH survivor. My SAH happened on 3 April 2016 while I was making the bed. I don't remember a whole lot that happened that day but my spouse was told that I suffered a ruptured artery in my brain and would probably die if I wasn't life flighted to Anchorage, Alaska. I was living in Nome, AK and so it was a 4+ hour flight and they had to fly below 10,000 feet. About 16 hours later I was operated on and saved. In November of 2016, I had a craniotomy to have a metal clip placed in my head and that stopped the leaking of blood into my brain. 


Right now, I feel like I've hit a roadblock in learning or remembering things and it gets so frustrating some days. I've come to realize that I really have to take care of myself and watch my diet, stress, or anything that isn't healthy for me. 


I am currently going through some personal stuff where my family is taking advantage of my disability. Thank you for reading this and your support. 



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 Welcome Wayne and pleased to see you have found us.  Very early days in your recovery and as a SAH is such a shock it does bring about some rollercoaster emotions and physical impacts.  I had a SAH over two years ago, luckily mine was coiled but it took a good six months to feel slight recovery and probably this year to feel more like my old self.  I had time where I felt I hit a brick wall my memory in early days was terrible, still not 100% but I now don't get so embarrassed by it.  A illness like this does impact on family and sorry that has led to family taking advantage, hopefully as you recover more you will gain strength to challenge this.  I do hope you have some support as it is vital, this group will be happy to share experiences and provide a listening ear, sometimes it is hard for others to understand the trauma of a brain injury.


i wish you well in your recovery and link forward to hearing more from you.  Alaska is definitely on my bucket list to visit but not I guess so close for medical emergencies.  


Take care



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Hi Sharon -


Thank you for the support. I feel like I have hit a wall at this point too. I just feel like I'm not remembering a whole lot and things are fuzzy. My doctors say that nothing's wrong but I say differently. I have started to protect myself with legal means just so that my family doesn't leave me out in the cold so to say - my spouse has kicked me out of our bedroom and has told me to sleep on the floor - she has a boyfriend that she is speaking to on her other phone - it's a mess - through all this I'm trying my best to remain healthy and happy - it's tough though.


Thanks for listening and take care!



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Welcome to BTG alias Behind the Grey.


Do not know what to say about your personal life !!  Sad though.


All I know is that after an SAH/Bleed I was told we do not need stress in our lives by my Surgeon.


I wish you well on your road to recovery,  and keep well.






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Hi Win -


thank you for the warm welcome. Yea, the abuse that is happening by my spouse and family is not right - but if I can handle the stress by talking it over with others helps quite a bit.



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Hi Wayne,


Welcome to BTG.


Remembering things can be difficult so here are my tips for doing so.

1)  Keep a diary and write things down.  Then all you have to remember is to look at your diary every day.

2) Keep a notepad with you all the time and then transfer things you need to your diary on a daily basis  - that is a repetition that will help you to remember

2) Use the alarm clock system on your cell phone to remember appointments by making it go off early enough for you to make the date.

3) For things you want to remember repeat them, repeat them, repeat them.  Eventually they will transfer from short term to long term memory, which is generally much better.


Keep a note of things going on with your family.  Time and date them, they may help you in any legal battles.  The fact they are made at the time will count in any proceedings.  Don't let anyone else have access to your notes or know that you have them (other than your lawyer if you have one).


Stand your ground - that can be difficult after SAH, but don't get walked over.  Try and get advice from friends and non hostile family, and get a good lawyer if you can to deal with the legal stuff.  If you speak to family, though, be careful what you say in case that person is still in touch with the hostile members. 


Your health has to be your top priority. Do what is best for you and look for opportunities coming your way, rather than being down and out about things.  Try to show you are getting on with living your life and that those who are not on your side can either come along for the ride or get off the boat. Life is hard enough after a SAH, so you can do without the extra baggage - so travel light to make yourself more adaptable to the changes that seem inevitably to be coming your way.


Be positive, stay positive, and you will get through all this.  Hope this helps.


Keep talking to us Wayne


Good luck



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Hi Macca -


Thank you for the advice and what I can do daily so I feel like I haven't missed a beat. It's tough and I never had to rely so much on taking notes/writing stuff down but anything helps. 


My my family has decided to take advantage of my disability and so they are trying to leave me penniless - it stinks but I'm trying to do everything that I can to protect myself.


My family has gone out of their way to get lawyers and neurologists to say that my SAH is causing me to have issues in performing day to day things. It really stinks, but thank you for all the support.



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