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Does anyone think they can feel their aneurysm? I can feel a constant pressure in the back of my head where it 'popped' and a slight 'burning' sensation at the right temple area where it bled into and damaged the brain when I passed out. My GP reckons that I won't be able to feel it - but if I have a ball of platinum coils the 3D size of a penny then surely I'd be able to feel it. I think the sensation in the right temple sensation is the blood filtering back through into the damaged area and it repairing. I also have a tightness at the back of the head where I felt it pop - again has/did anyone else experience this?

Sami xxx

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Hi Sami,

I can definetly say that I get a pulsing/heartbeat sensation at the back of my head (especially if I'm tired or get stressed) and I can sometimes feel something at the back right hand side of my head.....which is where I'm presuming my coiling is.

Love K x

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Hi Sami

I dont feel anything except the tube that's in my brain, I never felt anything going pop at the time at least I don't remember anything!!!

I have coils sealed with platinum for a long while I was sure they were moving around but my GP & then my consultand when I saw him both put my mind at ease saying that things were just settling down & they were right because after a time I didnt feel anything. :roll:

Take care


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I notice mine more when i'm tired, stressed or haven't drank enough water!! Its quite worrying as I feel like its going to go again but if you have it too Karen then it should be OK as our anuerysms are in a similar place and if its the coils settling then at least when i see my consultant on Wednesday I can ask him if this is the case.

Am also going to ask where the hole in aneurysm was and then depending on that, what is the likelihood of having to be re-coiled at some point. Not a pleasant thought but at least its preventative rather than life saving :?

Sami xxxx

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I found out that my aneurysm hadn't been totally occluded after the follow up angio at 8 months post SAH. I suppose or am presuming that after a set period of time that the coils settle to a degree.

Occasionally, I get a bit of a dull ache at the back of the head where I think the coiling was probably carried out. I only started to get this though at about 12 months post SAH along with the pulsing sensation. But, yeah, it does feel a bit weird.

Love K x

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Yeah its a kind of feeling as if someone is pressing on it constantly. Siobhan has only just started to feel comfortable touching the back of my head again. Bless her, she thought that she'd be able to feel it or it'd hurt me -even though we told her it was under the skull.

We've decided that we're going to take her to the consultants appointment with us to put her mind at rest and also so she can ask any questions that she might have.

Love Sami xx

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Hi Sami

People are like that with my tube you can run your finger down the side of my head & feel the bumps but its under the skull a lot of people wont touch when I talk about it.

Good idea taking Siobhan with you there will no doubt be scans of your brain have to say the first couple of visits I had I wasnt really interested in it but Ronnie was it got a better idea of it all I think. :roll:

Take care


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