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Flu and sah

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Hi Steve


You say your Doctor thinks this is a big deal - if that's the case, why has he/she not recommended that you go back to the hospital or sent you straight there themselves??  If I were you I would be asking this question and then ask to see your specialist / neurosurgeon.

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We are all too quick to blame SAH for everything that comes afterwards and that is not always the case.

If your doctor is of the opinion that the headache is of no consequence and you are concerned seek a 2nd opinion.

Just have a look at the link from NHS Choices and it does state headache as one of the symptoms of sinus problems.



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What I would say is - your GP is not a specialist, he is a General Practitioner.  He may have little or no knowledge of SAH.  Go back to your specialist, ie the people that treated you and get an opinion from them. 


Better to get it checked than not do so and suffer the consequences! 


Best wishes,



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