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The area of mine was very tender and numb for quite a long time as the area healed. As for the muzzy head, it would be worth contacting the hospital where it was fitted or going to your GP. There is a possibility that the setting is not right for you and may need some adjustment

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On 14/01/2018 at 11:38, Penny said:

Thanks Super Mario. I have my Norfolk hospital who did a ct before Xmas  saying the scan shows a slight adjustment could:/should be made but Addenbrookes feel its unnecessary!! What to do? 


I know what I would do. I would contact addenbrookes and ask for an appointment to discuss this with your consultant who placed the shunt or ask if they have a team that looks after shunt patients as you should remain as an outpatient still .  having a shunt placed is to deal with the post SAH complication of a aquired neurological condition - hydrocephalus and  signs that show an increase in pressure or change in ventricle size that shows up in a scan should not be ignored, 


this is is my opinion but you reall6 should speak to your treating hospital


the sore and tender feeling takes a long time to go i am  sad to share, it really was uncomfortable and tender for me for a long time Post surgery And  it was over twelve months before I could rest that side of my head even on a pillow. 


Ps. Love the picture from snoopy! 

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Penny do not suffer,  ask to see someone as it is worrying you even at local hospital.


See your Doctor and tell him what you are going through.


You know your body best so tell them that xx 


Addenbrookes  should see you or other hospital nothing like a peaceful mind and no worry xxx  


Go get em xxxxx



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  • 4 weeks later...

Daffodil. Went to see Neuro nurse yesterday and waited 1 1/2 hours as receptionist hadn’t checked me in !! It’s adjusted from 1.5 to 2.00. Headache is little better but dizziness seems worse. Not sure what to do. Will wait a few more days to see if it settles  update went back to Addenbrooked last week and it had been reset to original setting. Walking without stick again in house but balance is still rubbish. I do hope it improves as I do want to be able to take my lovely springer out. 

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Oh Penny, I feel your frustration, for some that effect of the hydrocephalus mixed with wherever your bleed was may mean things take longer.


it took me a long while to get out with the dog and I did used to fall more than i told my family 


consider also the effect all this has had on your fitness and stability so you may want to practice some basic sitting balances and strengthen the core up. 


Slow every action down. Put a breath and pause between each movement. So turn, pause breathe, get up, pause breathe before walking. If you bend over, come up very slow and hold onto something. 


Notice what makes the dizziness worse and also maybe look at what you are eating and how often you are eating and get a blood test and check your vitamins and iron etc are ok. 


Sending a hug. I hated the first year post shunt as it was so unpredictable but it will Improve. Be gentle. 

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Hi Penny,


I had my shunt fitted 3 years ago and it was very sore and tender for a year (like Daffodil I couldn't lie on it). Now it is better but it is still a bit tender - if I lie on it or catch it funny it can hurt. 


Luckily they must have got my setting right at the start as I have not needed a readjustment to the setting (and I know from my brain MRIs that my ventricles are a normal looking size). I hope they get the setting right for you soon. 





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