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Hi Guys,

I'm afraid that I have extremely limited internet access this week. Had problems with our ISP and instead of passing on a release code to us, in order that we can go to a new provider....they have just cut us off and it's going to be another 7 - 10 days before we will be back online properly plus a hefty re-connection fee. I'm spitting chips about it all!! :evil:

I'm using dial-up at the moment, but it takes ages, so I will only be looking in from time to time to check that all is okay.

Hope that you Guy's will keep the site ticking over for me...will catch up with you soon.....take care and lots of love, Karen xxxxxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yee Haa!!!

I've got broadband back!!! Ooooh it's luxury!! I'm sooo happy!!

Great to be back with you Guys and thanks for keeping the site ticking over for me....I've missed you all!!

A big welcome to all of our new members, it's great to see the site doing so well... :D:D

Anyway, it's going to take me a while to catch up with the admin and all of your posts on the site.

Have a great weekend,

Lots of love to you all,

Karen xx

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Hi Louise,

Yep, it's lovely to be back and I've certainly missed having a natter with you!

Hope that your weekend is good......a bit stormy down south today....and chilly!

Just had a walk around a market town called Blandford ......nice to get some fresh air, but my dizziness is still bad at the minute.....just hoping that it's going to improve in the next few days. :roll:

Hope that you're keeping well and lovely to hear from you,

Lots of love K xx

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Hi Karen

Very wet & very windy here today & the winds susposed to get even worse tonight hate the wind.

we've been to Blandford, we visited friends who were stationed in Blandford.

Yes its nice to get out in the fresh air a bit too fresh just now for me, we went to a market but the rain started didnt even venture out the car had a nice drive in the country though lovely even in the rain.

Hope your weekends been lovely..


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Windy here today but not wet. Wrapped up warm Louise, wsa all toasty at the side of the pitch. Head not hurting so much today due to woolly hat and scarf!!

Woke up four times last night due to Paul coming back to work and wind outside - surprised the duck didn't get taken back to Germany!!

Hopefully the weather won't get much worse than it is now otherwise I'll be walking round in a balaclava!!!

Sami xxx

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