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Stumbled across this site whilst looking for the Wessex Neuro. Looks excellent, and only wish something like this was around when I had my SAH. I am three years post haemorraghe, and still have a few issues. Having read a few things on here it looks as though you have a thriving community here!

I'm male (you don't get that many female Scotts) aged 39 and married with two boys. I did have my own video telecoms business pre-event but now only manage a three morning charity non paid thing. I'm aware that I have changed considerably since it all happened and am now reasonably OK with who I am, a long journey but to travel badly is better than any cliche you want to talk about. I attend the SAH support group in Southampton and found that to be very useful, Leslie and Sarah are superb (the specialist SAH nurses). I seemed to collect complications on the way and have a shunt to be going on with. Can't think of anything else to say (you probably know the feeling).

I'll be around on the message board.....

Thanks for reading


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We couldn't make the Oct meeting because Rosie and Rob (Rosie is a fellow SAHee) came to us the night before and funds/tiredness made it a bit too much. We're looking forward to the December meeting tho, shame it went to every other month.......

Hope to see you there. We meet up in a pub before the meetings for a bite to eat and a quick drink if anyone is interested?

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Hi Scott,

It's great to hear from you and glad that you stumbled across this site. I run it, with a great deal of help from my son.....Southampton Neuro were linking us with their site....but NHS policy now doesn't allow them to do so, as we're a "private" site and not charity funded. I was treated at Southampton and find it a bit sad about the red tape etc......but that's life and we get plenty of visitors......so something is obviously lacking with support etc.

Well, I'm still facing my own demons at 16 months down the line....but it's so great to have contact with others who have experienced the same and it keeps me going! :D

I've never been to the Southampton Support Group, always felt too tired at night ...... being nosey, whereabouts do you live? Don't feel that you have to answer though! I'm in Wimborne, Dorset.....I might think about going to the next Southampton meeting.....will have to dig out the sheet that they sent me.

Anyway, good to have you on board and take care,

Love K xx :D

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No not nosy at all Karen, I live in Bramley which is a small village between Basingstoke and Reading. Totally understand that the evenings can get a bit much, I still have problems three years on. The SAH support group at Southampton Hospital was a lifeline in the early months and we've made many friends at the meetings. I became a little bit tunnel vision about it early on (like many things if I am completely honest). As I've said elsewhere there is a small group of us that meet up in a pub near the hospital on the evenings of the meetings and have something to eat. The next meeting is on the first Thursday of December and will be an informal get together with no set topic.

On getting more people on this site, I use the Different Strokes message board at http://www.differentstrokes.co.uk and there are many SAHees on that particular board.



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Hi Scott,

I did e-mail Different Strokes asking them if they would kindly link us.....it was back in August I think, but as far as I'm aware they haven't. I suppose that I could have just posted a message on the board, but I thought that it was a bit rude! :lol: If you fancy mentioning us if you post on their site, please feel free to do so. Different Strokes is a great site, but I wanted to set up a site that was specific to SAH, as apart from the Southampton online site, which has since been shut down, I couldn't find a support site just dealing with SAH.

Well, today is my 2nd day on anti-deps......feeling a bit brighter this morning....but that could be the placebo effect or may be just a better day! :lol: I've learned not to take too much for granted since the bleed as every day can still be very different.

It's nice that you've made friends at the support group, think that it's vital to have communication with others in the same boat. I will have a look at my calendar to see if I'm free for the next meeting......all depending if my Husband is around, as he works away quite a bit and I still can't drive very far. Otherwise, I will try for the next one!

You sound as though you've had a very tough time.....are you left with any physical disabilities? I know that you mentioned having the shunt and that you've picked up other complications on the way. For me personally, I'm left with some balance problems and I've been plagued with dizziness, which seems to be caused by the nerve palsy to my eye, so some days it's not easy to get out and about.

Anyway, must go and do some work! Hope that your weekend is a good one.

Love K xx

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Hey Scott

I live just down the road from you in Basingstoke.

Sorry to hear you've had complications. I'm 3 months post SAH and feel almost back to normal with no ill effects so far apart from a few headaches and the usual tiredness.

I will try to make the meeting in Southampton on the 7th.



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I'm not left with any major disability, I had a minor stroke during the coiling and suffer from a general right sided weakness (mainly a pain in the hip area). I needed the shunt and the dizzyness is still very much an issue with me, even worse when I'm run down and tired. Various other little niggles, but the people that see me are not aware that I have any issues.......

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Hi Scott,

Join the club with the dizziness....mine is also worse with tiredness and stress!! :lol: It's one of my major issues as well...I didn't realise quite how debilitating dizziness could be.

Think that's the thing with a brain injury....you can look perfectly normal to people about you, even though you aren't.

Hope your weekend has been a good one,

Love K x

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