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Hey Evelyn

I think that my hearing has been affected - I certainly have to turn the TV up a bit more now and if I'm talking to someone on the telephone then I do find it hard if they talk fast - not good being a receptionist and having to answer the phone numerous times a day :?

Hope you're keepping well hun

Love Sami xxx

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Hi Evelyn

I also have problems with hearing, i was sent to ENT back in June and there is a slight hearing loss in my left ear.

I have problems using telephones too, i cannot hear very well and everything becomes jumbled to me.

Do people find that when writing numbers down they forget very quickly, i get confused when i have to write it down from someone on the telephone and i often ask people to write down for me or their address because i know i am going to get all wrong.

Myra xx

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yes I've lost about 40% hearing in my right ear, according to ENT/audiologist. They think probably due to vasospasm I had after my operation. I also have constant tinnitus which is worse when I'm listening to someone or something and not very noticeable when it's silent. I'm looking into get a hearing aid for my right ear as I really miss being able to hear well.

I find hearing on the phone and in background noise particularly difficult.

Anne x

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