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I've had a call today to say that the Basingstoke MRI unit have finally admited that I can have a scan, after about three months of kicking up a fuss! I believe that the Southampton Neuro Unit (Wessex Neuro) has had something to do with their sudden change of mind. I know of at least four people who've been refused a scan because they had coils.

Only thing is now I've got to go into a "closed" scanner and I hate the thought of that as I've become more and more claustrophobic. Still I owe them three cancellations!

I hope you are all well and had a good Christmas. I know Keith is well as I waved him across the road in town today (he did a double take but I don't think he realised he knew me).



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Hi Scoot

Glad to hear you finally got an appointment at last.

Yeh MRI is a closed scanner I hate very tight spaces too, they give you head phones & they give you a wide range of things to listen to I took in relaxation CD but would have been better with music it makes a bit of a noise, I just closed my eyes it was over quicker than I expected.

Take care


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Hi Louise,

I think you've misunderstood me, I've had three appointments for scans and have been sent away because they didn't think it was safe to "scan" me. This time they've said that they are aware of all my medical history and having spoken to "other people" they will procede with it.


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Hi Scott

I thought I knew the kind person who let us cross the road, but I wasn't sure!

Hope you had a good Christmas.

I had a letter this morning from Southampton informing me I'm to have an MRA on 16 Jan. My follow-up seems to be rather atypical - if that's the right word - as I had a catheter angiogram at 2 months post SAH and now MRA at 5 months. Either Southampton are being very efficient, or my coiling was very unusual and requires more frequent checking.



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Hi Scott,

In August this year, I was admitted to Poole Hospital as an emergency. I was sent home and told that I would be sent an outpatients appointment for a MRI scan a couple of days later, due to the weekend admission, bank holiday Monday and hence they didn't want to bring in the Radiographer to CT me.

Anyway, I turned up for my MRI appointment and they told me that they couldn't scan me due to the coils.................eventually, they did, but only after phoning the Neuro Consultant in Southampton hospital.

I just couldn't credit why they don't know this info? I know that we are now in the day and age, where everybody is suing each other etc., but it's madness. Also, being in the 21st century, we have computers......why haven't the different hospitals got access to each others patient records? May be I'm just simplifying the situation, but I was absolutely astounded that the two hospitals treating me, were not sharing the info....madness!!

Love K x

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I do tend to get things wrong I have to say so to make sure I'm on the right track;

I was please to hear that you finally had got another appointment.

Though isnt it funny how they never seem to know what's what I never gave it a thought because they just sent for me & I got my MRI weird isn't?


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