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Everything posted by bogbrush

  1. Hi John I believe that coiling, although it is performed similar to an angiogram, has to be done under a general anaesthetic so your head doesn't move whilst they are doing it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong! Regarding headaches, tiredness, etc, and having no experience of a second coiling, I couldn't say, but someone else here may be able to help. Hope you get some news on a date soon. Regards Keith
  2. Hello Evelyn Welcome to behindthegray. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Regards Keith
  3. Hi Sharon Welcome to behindthegray. There are so many wonderful people here that know what you and your Mum are going through, so anything you need to know or just need a friendly ear, we are all here. Regards Keith
  4. Hi Nurianna It seems that you went back to work at the same stage as I did. I also started off at 5 or 6 hours per day and found it very hard to concentrate and like you, I needed a couple of hours sleep when I got home and it was some weeks before I could do a full day's work without too many problems. Before I returned to work, I thought that I was ready, but ended up going backwards in my recovery and I know now that I returned too soon. It was probably at around the 6 month stage where I felt that things were getting back to normal, work wise. Even now, 2 years down the line, I find that fatigue sneaks up on me if I overdo things. Before SAH, I could work long hours without ill effects apart from the inevitable tiredness, but I usually bounced back within a couple of days. Now, I find that once the fatigue hits, it can make me feel ill and it takes much longer to recover from it than it did pre-SAH and I find too, that it hits me at the weekend and I end up not being able to do a lot. You are still very early in your recovery and your brain can take a long time to recover from what has happened - much longer than you might think. I know it's frustrating, but you need to take note of the signs that you're overdoing things and it seems that you are! It's good that you have a positive attitude and I can tell you that it does get better. Regards Keith
  5. Hi Shiree Good news about the blood tests Take care with the blood pressure. It's important to keep it under control. I'm on meds for mine, but my doc told me that loosing some weight and getting more exercise would help. I'm going to take his advice ... tomorrow ... honest. Regards Keith
  6. Hi I've always loved music, both listening and playing, and I thought you might find the following article interesting: Tunes to soothe: The healing power of music from The Independant Regards Keith
  7. Hi Dawn Hope the scan goes well and you get some good news Regards Keith
  8. Hello Nurianna Welcome to behindthegray. You've done very well to be going back to work soon. Take it easy though or you could end up going backwards with your recovery. It's very rare for a re-occurrence of SAH, especially after clipping. Regards Keith
  9. Hi Holly Have you had any scans recently? What were the results? It's unlikely that anything will happen to the coils in your head. Sometimes the coils can compact and require further coiling, but that is quite rare and mostly within the first year. Some people here have mentioned having a "neck" on their aneurysm which is usually monitored closely. I don't even have mine monitored any more. Coiling has been used for aneurysm repair for only about 15 years, so the long term durability of coiling is, as yet, unknown. I can't remember if anyone here has had to have a repeat coiling on the same aneurysm. Regards Keith
  10. One problem and a way around it. If you have another contact in your phone with the same number, say "ICE Ronnie" and "Ronnie Work", if they phone you, you will not see the caller ID only the number as the phone does not know which one to display as they have the same number. The way around that is to put a * after the phone number of the ICE contact. http://www.icecontact.com/products.asp?productID=8 Regards Keith
  11. All members please note that reproducing content of external websites without written permission is often contrary to strict copyright laws. If the content of another website is deemed to be useful, a link to that site should be provided rather that reproducing the content here. The administrators and moderators of this forum shall make the final decision as to the suitability of links. Behind The Gray cannot be held not responsible for the content of external websites. Regards Keith
  12. Keith, welcome to behindthegray Interesting story. Looking forward to the next instalment. Regards from another Keith
  13. http://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/ Regards Keith
  14. I remember my drain being raised and lowered to control intra-cranial pressure and I got told off for moving the bed up and down as it interfered with it. Eventually, I pulled the drain out of my head by accident and the doctor stitched up my scalp without the benefit of a local anaesthetic Regards Keith
  15. bogbrush


    Miss Piggy Welcome to the family! Regards Keith
  16. bogbrush


    Welcome Carol Hope you get as much out of this site as I have. Lots of support here. Regards Keith
  17. Hello and welcome. Hope you get as much out of this site and it's wonderful members as I have. Look forward to hearing more from you. Regards Keith
  18. I've done a bit of digging on this one. It's a myth. Not true. It's been doing the rounds for years apparently. Google "reverse pin number" and you'll see what I mean. The system could never work with a palindromic pin, 2002, 4884 for example. From the Crime Stoppers website: http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/media-c ... l-circular Regards Keith
  19. Hey Skippy I have trouble remembering my pin forwards, let alone backwards Great tip though. Regards Keith
  20. Hi Shiree My understanding is that "focal pathology" relates to an injury that occurs in a specific spot in the brain as opposed to "diffuse injury" which occurs over a widespread area. Many neurological conditions result due to the widespread damage to the brain caused by SAH, but it seems from that report that epilepsy could be caused by damage to a particular area. The again, not being an expert, my understanding may be wrong. Regards Keith
  21. Hi Shiree I found this report about epilepsy after SAH. It's a bit high brow so you have to wade through the bs. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articl ... tid=321187 regards Keith
  22. Yasmin's story is now on the website....... You can read the full story at http://behindthegray.co.uk/welcome/inde ... &Itemid=28 Regards Keith
  23. For the first 3 months following SAH, my BP was V.high, but both my GP and neurosurgeon said it was a result of the healing brain asking for more blood flow. I'm now on BP meds and get it checked every 6 months and also monitor it myself in between times. Regards Keith
  24. I've also read that stress is not a contributing factor, but stress is known to increase blood pressure and if you already have a weakened artery in the form of an aneurysm, higher BP isn't going to do it a lot of good. I'm convinced that high BP caused mine to rupture sooner than it might otherwise have done. I have essential hypertension, ie. high blood pressure with no known cause and not caused by stress. My boss once asked me if stress might have caused my aneurysm rupture. It didn't hurt to let him think that it did for a while Regards Keith
  25. Hi Shiree and welcome to behindthegray I had my SAH in August 2006 and went back to work after 4 months. I suppose it was about the 6 month stage when I started to feel normal most of the time and it was a year before I reached the stage where I could say I was completely recovered. I still have one or two issues, mostly with fatigue, but they really are very small issues and my life now is pretty much back to as it was before SAH. There's nothing I could do before SAH that I can't do now. Regards Keith
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