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Everything posted by goldfish.girl

  1. That made me laugh Maggie - thank you! There's also a button to make the bus stop too I believe but not always on the hand rail (sometimes on the bit where the fan thing is). Luckily someone wanted the same stop:lol:
  2. I hope this will give you all a giggle or help you to not make the same mistake. Having just lost my licence through post SAH problems, I am, for the first time in my life trying to use buses. A couple of good friends have helped by bringing me timetables with the routes I need highlighted (a bus timetable to me is just a confusing jumble of numbers). So....having pored over it all day, I believed I had the necessary times committed to memory and bravely went for a trip up town. It turns out that knowing what time your bus home is due and where to catch it from is not enough:roll: I almost got on a bus going non-stop to a town 30 miles away (right place, right time:crazy:) Luckily an elderly neighbour was at the same bus stop & asked if I was sure it was the right bus. I now know that I need to commit the bus number to memory too before I set off!! I realise that to most people this is obvious - but to new bus folk like myself it may be helpful to know before you set off:lol: Michelle x
  3. Hi Surfer, When I saw this thread I was scared to read it as expected to read something uncomfortable (denial is a great place for me!!). This seems to be good news. I'm not sure though if this is about non anuerysm bleeds or both - however, I'm going to convince myself it's both (because that makes me feel better!). Thank you for sharing the information. Michelle
  4. I'm really sad to read your latest update Zoe. Most of us cannot imagine being affected as horribly as Richard has been and my sadness extends to him aswell. I think all the previous replies say what I would like to say too. It is very hard for you and a situation no-one ever wants to be in but as a 9 year old child, your daughter will never forget what has been said so far and will be damaged even more if it continues. Perhaps a 'professional' explaining to Richard that this can not continue will get through to him that he is damaging his daughter more than hearing it from family ever will? I hope things improve for you x
  5. I think you are right Carolyn, it is an embarrassment for your US leaders. As one of the richest countries in the world (so we are told) this is a shameful situation. We need to appreciate how lucky we are to have 'free' (taxes aside!!) health care in Britain. As a single mum who worked part time when SAH happened I would've died on my living room floor if thousands of pounds were needed to get me the necessary treatment - that's a very scary thought:frown: Glad you are feeling a bit better today xx
  6. Hi I had hysterectomy 12 months before SAH (aged 36) best thing ever!!! Can't help with the monthly problems but what's a hysterectomy compared to SAH:lol: There was also an injection available that tricked your body into thinking you had had a menopause & helped relieve the monthly symptoms, I can't remember what it was called but a gyneacologist would be able to help with that. Good luck to all xx
  7. Hi Karen, I think I know how you feel. My 'close' friends pre SAH seem to be my text friends now but I have made a couple of new close friends who have been through SAH or stroke. It is devastating to lose the previous friends you had especially when you could not have needed them more.... I don't know if this will help you but when I feel it has all gotten too much, I tell people that I need a day or two to totally break down before I can get back on my feet and deal with the latest blow. I cry my eyes out, don't have a shower and stay in bed but there has to be a time limit on this. I also find that remembering that to kill myself would seem so ungrateful after 3 surgeons and a lot of NHS money went into saving me. Having people to speak to doesn't always help when you want to be left alone but do you have Headway or Momentum etc in your area? You could meet people who may become friends and will understand how you feel and be there to help you back up when you have had your downfall. I really hope you start to feel a bit better soon. Black times can be almost beyond what we are capable of enduring but remember that you are here for a reason and your children need you - you are their whole world. Speak to your doctor if things don't improve after a date you choose (a day or 2 at most). Best wishes, Michelle xxx
  8. Carolyn, it must be incredibly hard to have to consider money when you need instant reassurance. We are very lucky in the UK, but listen to your son - I am sure they would all help as much as they are able to if you need to go to hospital. Hope you are feeling better now. Michelle x
  9. Hi Dawn, Did you have to wait long for your results? I rang the hospital yesterday & they said it could be a few weeks! Really frustrated at not being allowed to drive and having no medial explanation to back this up. How long did you lose your licence for? Michelle x
  10. Thank you Paul I am totally gutted, but not giving up yet - if the test was clear I will try to appeal. I'll definitely take back up next time as I felt like questions were being fired at me, I couldn't keep up, it was awful and I probably didn't answer well. Take care, Michelle xx
  11. Hi Sandi, I have never asked to have a 2nd opinion before but surely it's possible if you're not happy? I'll let you know! Or i'll have to move abroad where it is ok to ask hee hee. I feel shallow being so gutted at not being allowed to drive, I know I'm lucky to have the physical ability to do so but my licence is my freedom. I can walk to the shops for food etc but my mental health needs the release of driving to the woods or the beach with my dog to recharge when i'm feeling down. I can walk to the woods (beach a bit further) but I would have to pass & interact with people to get there. I don't like being around people these days and if i'm not feeling great I can drive to the beach/woods and just sit while my dog runs & swims - balm for my soul. Also, as my son is recovering from a brain op I can't even walk to shops etc with him yet (2 months later) and the walls are closing in..... Michelle xx
  12. I'd also like to add - LYNN I love your replies to this!!!! A 'sorry I punched you in the face card' is much needed - where do I get one:lol:
  13. Hi Donnamarie, I found this site almost 2yrs after my SAH and I remember asking the same question. Ialso remember thinking how bad it was for other people and 'knowing' it wouldn't be as hard for me..... After the first few months I thought 'phew I have been so lucky' (and compared to others I really have been) but it has taken me nearly 3 yrs to understand that being lucky is not the same as being how I was. Your question is an indication that you are starting to realise that you are not as you were - I think that's part of the early process of acceptance - I hated that word for so long as I had no intention of accepting it and every intention of getting back to how I was before this happened. To my shame - I even believed that people posting on here were playing on it and milking it - I now know that I should probably have been shot for thinking this as they had just reached a point of acceptance that I wasn't ready to acknowledge at that point (denial). You will become better in a different format is my belief. Love, Michelle xx
  14. I have lost my licence for 12 months but no epilepsy diagnosis:frown: I was told this before the EEG was carried out - I have not been told the results of this test yet. Dr also thinks the falls are related to my poor balance but the 'day dreaming' moments caused a problem. I'm thinking '2nd opinion'as I felt the appointment was only a few minutes and a no driving statement was issued before there was even a test. I appreciate that everyone told this will go through a period of denial but I don't feel I was allowed to expand and I also wasn't able to explain myself properly because I was tired (after 2 hour trip) and confused by being in strange surroundings with unfamiliar people. I also don't remember exactly what was said apart from the bit about no driving!!! I also laughed at being told the wiring in my brain may be faulty, making it look like I had a problem with appropriate social behaviour but I was actually thinking about my ex husbands often used insult that I'm "no wired up right":lol: Michelle x
  15. Hi Michelle C, Thank you for that information. I have never heard of that, it must be hard for you to deal with if there is no way of controlling it? I have to say I laugh at a lot of my 'moments' too, what else can you do???? Apart from the occasions when I fall I don't think there are any physical signs like eyes rolling or twitching, I'm just not there momentarily. I do think i've just been daydreaming but it must be for a while if other people have noticed (it also happens while people are talking to me - not very flattering for them I'm sure:lol:) I am going for the test today, so hopefully I'll have an answer one way or the other later on. Thanks again Michelle x
  16. That's good news Sally! Maybe the customers are boring you hee hee x
  17. Good luck Vivien, hope all is well and the scan will reassure you of that. Michelle x
  18. Liz, as you & Sally have something similar I am hopeful that it is just part of having SAH. I will post after appt & let you & Sally know the outcome. Sally, I don't know if you are driving again yet, but I kind of wish I hadn't told anyone as I'm 'advised not to drive' until this is sorted out and as my son is still recovering from his op we are now trapped at home most of the time. I am going slowly mad!!!!! Michelle x
  19. Thank you for that info paul, sounds painless enough (apart from getting the glue out of my hair afterwards:lol:) It seems to be at random times with no pattern. It doesn't bother me too much, I've just got used to it being that way, the problem is now that I've spoken to a doctor about it my licence is an issue. Michelle x
  20. Sorry, my original post wasn't very clear - the 'fade out' episodes are not necessarily linked to the falls - I seem to switch off occasionally whilst sitting down/standing up without any loss of consciousness. M x
  21. Thank you Penny, that would be a great help. Do you know if she was still allowed to drive, given absence moments but without epilepsy diagnosis? Michelle
  22. I just wish they would find a nicer way of doing an angiogram full stop!!! I'd be happy to be put to sleep for them LOL
  23. Can anyone help with a possible epilepsy question please? I have an appointment on Wednesday with a neurologist regarding possible epilepsy. I am very worried about this as I don't want to lose my driving licence (on top of all the other stress). Can any one tell me how the test is carried out and will it say I definitely do/don't have epilepsy? I do not have full on fits, I fall over a lot (I think this is related to my balance?) and am not always sure how I fell and quite often 'fade out', where I think I have just been daydreaming and am surprised that people are looking at me, waiting for a response from me. I am sure this doesn't last more than a few seconds? I am almost 3yrs post SAH and have always thought these falls & daydreaming episodes are just par for the course after SAH. I would be really grateful to hear if anyone else has experienced the same without being diagnosed with epilepsy. Thank you Michelle
  24. Hi Dermot, I was told not to do weights as it raises your blood pressure. I would definitely get some medical advice especially if it is causing you some discomfort just to make sure you are safe to carry on. Michelle
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