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Everything posted by goldfish.girl

  1. That's good advice Gary! I sent mine back last November (as photo was due for 10yr re-newal). I had to declare the brain ops on the application form, I only got it back at the end of March!!! Now I'm waiting to see if I have to surrender it again after having an epilepsy test (which was clear). I have written to DVLA but I'll keep my shiny new licence here unless they ask for it back;-) Michelle
  2. Hi Sandi Sorry to hear you're finding it upsetting. I had an almost identical experience with my ex husband (who is still around a lot to help me out). I can't remember exactly what I was trying to:roll: do but it was on my computer. He tried to explain something, I couldn't understand which makes me get stroppy at other people and he commented 'how can you not get this, your whole job is computer based?' Like you I had a good cry afterwards. I don't think he intended to make me feel bad but perhaps like your husband he genuinely can't accept that something so 'simple' is beyond us because they don't want this to be the case? Maybe on a different day it would be easier to understand? Some days are more confusing than others I find. Hope you are feeling a lot happier now. Love, Michelle x
  3. Hi Janet, I look forward to hearing what you think of it. This has been suggested to me too but at the moment I am totally sick of one appointment after another (both for myself and now for my son). However if you find it really helpful I might change my mind and give it a go! Good luck Michelle x
  4. Hi Riann I took a beta blocker for a while & found it helped. It also made me feel nice & calm (which is a new thing for me, I'm usually stressing about something or other:roll:). I also took a drug called Amitriptelene (I may have mis-spelt that). It is actually an anti depressant but given at a very low dose it controls pain. I have to say it worked brilliantly. I had no headaches at all while I was taking it. Michelle x
  5. Hi Gill, It will be 3yrs for me in July, I still struggle to talk about it without being upset. I think I have recently (finally) accepted things but the actual event, ambulances, operation etc will always cause me distress. What my children saw & went through will always upset me more. I don't think it means you haven't come to terms with it - I think it was an incredibly traumatic event & it's normal to be upset remembering what happened. I choose not to discuss the event itself as I think I have learned all that I can from those who witnessed it and now accept that it may always be upsetting for me to talk about it. I do think though that questioning relatives over & over again until I had a full understanding of it all has helped. I've done all the tears & can now comfortably lay it to rest - it happened, it still upsets me to re-live it but I have all the facts and choose to put it away as much as I can. Hope this helps you xx
  6. Hi Bessie, I'm sorry, I misunderstood your post. I have re-read & see your mum was also coiled (I thought I read clipped). I haven't had bloodshot eyes though. My son had a shunt fitted in January and we were told the surgeon would review him in March - appointment has come through for mid April. I know this is still less time than your mum is having to wait but I understand your worry & frustration at not getting an appointment for when you expected one. Hope all is well for you & your mum x
  7. Paul, I just want to agree with what Karen said about you. You are an amazingly generous man to others on here, especially with what you have had to go through yourself with Lynn, you still find time to say positive, useful things to everyone else. Some of your posts have made me cry so much, others have made me laugh out loud and your medical knowledge and genuine kindness helps everyone. The world would be a much poorer place without people like yourself in it. If only there were more people like you on this earth and I would love to be one of them!! Your kind, caring nature doesn't come naturally to us all - but I am trying!!!! Best wishes, Michelle xx
  8. Thank you for that info Sara. I have been told that as I have 3 annis, they are fairly sure that it is hereditary and there is a significant risk that I will develop more, hence the worry over being discharged completely. Thank goodness for BTG as I find out more on here than I do from hospital - but then I ask questions on here that hadn't occurred to me before reading some of the posts, so the fault maybe lies with me.... Michelle x
  9. Hi Bessie, I can't help with your questions as I was coiled not clipped but I am sure others on here will see your post and be able to help advise or reassure you. Best wishes Michelle x
  10. It is lovely to read a story where things have ended so well! Congratulations on your job, a huge achievement! I would be interested to hear more about Vocational Rehab, it's not something I've heard of before. Best wishes Michelle x
  11. Thank you for that description Linda. I'm sorry to hear about your son and hope he is able to cope well with his diagnosis. It was absence seizures that were mentioned to me. I do seem to 'daydream' for a few seconds but don't have any of the other symptoms you described. It would be interesting to find out if I would react to a loud noise or touch when it happens (if only you could plan in advance!). I don't think I have epilepsy, I think because of the brain damage that I just switch off if there is too much cognitive overload. Michelle x
  12. Hi Sally, that is not good news, very frustrating for you. But...thanks for the warning - I'll have to start practicing patience as well as using buses Michelle x
  13. Sandi, I wanted to use that P word but can never pronounce it let alone spell it! I think having the anni's is bad enough but am sure it must be harder having a bleed without a proper, solid reason for it? At least anni's can be checked on, it must be very hard without a cause to check on? I think i'd be very frustrated by that. Is there any common known reason for your type of bleed? Sorry if I seem nosey but I am genuinely interested Michelle xx
  14. Thank you Sandi, I think it may still be an automatic 12 month ban though. Ah well, I'll keep practising with those buses:roll: Michelle x
  15. Hi Sandi, I think I read somewhere on here that BP doesn't play a part in NASAH? Is that right? I believe it is a factor in anni SAH? Hope you are still doing well with your recovery. Michelle xx
  16. Vivienne, can I ask about the coils settling & leaving a small neck please? Why do they only check for 5 years? Does this mean if there isn't a further problem in 5 years, there won't ever be? I hope this question doesn't upset you and I'm sure you have asked it yourself. I am having a 3 year check in July and I worry that they'll say everything is fine (I hope they say everything is fine!!!! BUT I am also scared that if they discharge me and I grow a 4th or 5th etc anni, how will anyone know? Sarah, I think if the doctors could live just for one day in our new heads they would be more understanding of our worries and how things are for us all even if we got off fairly lightly. Michelle x
  17. I found out yesterday after having to assert myself with a neurology secretary (is it just me or do these consultants secretaries also think they are on a par with God? Apparently they are very busy and I would just have to wait - personally I think a month is long enough to wait without any conclusions or any treatment plan) ...anyway after informing her the wait was unacceptable as I had to inform DVLA with no diagnosis.... I was told my EEG was clear - yipee!!! I know this can happen and is not a 100% test. She then informed me it was up to me if I told DVLA about the test or not????? She also asked 'who said you have to inform DVLA' er....that would be the consultant she works for Clear as mud....anyway I have written to DVLA explaining that the consultant advised me not to drive but that I thought she had been over cautious and that I did not believe I was medically unfit to drive. Not getting my hopes up but I have my fingers crossed.
  18. Hi Sonia, like Maggie, my BP was always on the higher end of normal (140/90 on a good day). It was peaking massively when I was pregnant 10 years ago and I kept being admitted to hospital until my son was born. It still peaks with stress so my BP meds have been doubled - at last check it was 130/70 so I think(?) that is ok. Michelle x
  19. Hi Karen, I think that a thread you posted a long time ago is still so relevant and people are still not always aware of the stroke link all this time later! I was raging in April 2010 when I discovered the word 'stroke' on my medical file - I ranted and raved that 'I did NOT have a stroke' - this was 21 months after SAH!!! I am ok with the word now but it was a horrible shock when I first saw it....... Michelle x
  20. Hi, my experience has been that you are only told things are normal in recovery if you mention they are a problem for you. In some respects I think this is good as, otherwise, you might convince yourself you have all the problems on the list! On the other hand, perhaps if we were told more we wouldn't question whether we were just lazy or suffering from fatigue after a brain injury? Maybe a list would be helpful for people to 'score themselves' but that would depend on the individual being determined to not suffer all the after effects and take pride in crossing many after effects off the list (the flip side being that it might make people feel worse if they can't cross as many items off the list as they'd like to??)
  21. Hi Vicky, Sorry to hear you didn't feel reassured by your 1st follow up. I can totally understand you thinking he should explain more clearly and him thinking you should listen - not easy after a brain scare!! Could you take someone with you to future appointments? I have found this helps (when friends/family are available to come with me). I think I only hear the bad bits but if someone is with me they remember the good bits that I have missed. Take care Michelle x
  22. I'm really confused (just for a change ) After I had my coiling I was told I could only have CT scans for life as MRI is dangerous with metal in my head? I see lots of you have had MRI scans? In January when my wee boy had MRI scan, I wasn't even allowed to be in the room with him because I had coiled aneurysms? Can anyone explain this for me please as I am due to have ??scan in the summer (I have only had angiograms up till now). My sons dad went into the room for MRI and said it hurt his teeth (worried what it will do to my head!!) Thank you x
  23. Amelia - I passed my driving test young so am now 40 years old and do not get the bus times thing at all!!!! x
  24. Maggie - we are hundreds of miles apart but I am sure we have the same evil bus driver
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