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Everything posted by jess

  1. jess


    Hi there Miss Piggy I am sure it will get better in time everyone recovers at a different pace so I wouldn't worry to much in the meantime anything you wanna know just ask. Jess.xxx
  2. Hi Donna no need to be embarassed here I was fine but mine didn't happen during sex never even thought of my SAH when we did it sorry no help. Jess.xxx
  3. jess


    Welcome to BTG Carol anything you want to know just ask. Jess.xxx
  4. No sorry don't know who they are but I expect they will be along shortly or someone who does know. Jess.xxx
  5. Hi Sarah mine was in sept 02 and another aneurysm clipped jan 03 I was pregnant about 2wks later with my first now got 2 lol. I felt like you do now but it was more just after my first child was born. I was 23 when mine ruptured I am really sorry that your mother is trying to rush you back into work, tell her you will go when you are ready. If you want to ask anything at all just PM me or post on here. Welcome to BTG it really is a great support group. Jess.xxx
  6. Hi there my right ear sometimes sounds as if I am under water and it has been since sah. Jess.xxx
  7. Hi Donna I am worse around my period and I was really bad during pregnancy so I wouldn't consider that for a while. Donna epilepsy can happen to anyone at anytime so don't worry about it there is medication that you can take for fits, don't let it bother you its unlikely to happen. Donna you have been given a second chance at life just know you are one of the lucky ones and enjoy life. Jess.xxx
  8. Hi Shiree I would go to your dr but yes I do remember it happening to me a bit and what I also noticed was blue stuff I thought it may be the dye or something oh well never mind I am still here. Jess.xxx
  9. Hi Joanne and welcome I keep thinking that I remember everything but according to my mom I was alot like your dad but I just don't remember it. I read your message to her and she said oh you were like that. I hope your dad keeps on improving but don't forget to look after yourself aswell. Jess.xxx
  10. Hi Debs I struggled with confidence a bit at the start it does come back in the end. Jess.xxx
  11. Hi Jill sorry I ain't much use either mine was 6yrs ago however I was also really pleased when I fount this site welcome to btg. Jess.xxx
  12. She probably meant sinny no it will start to catch up with me one day thats when i will try a diet doubt i will succeed though Jess.xxx
  13. Donna I used to have that as well try not to worry it will only make it worse come into btg chat now for a gossip. Jess.xxx
  14. Hi Donna that is nothing to do with your SAH that is the pressure with the weather doing that you only notice it more now because of what happened but if you were to sit down and think about it I bet it used to happen before aswell. And anyone would get tired if they are suddenly doing alot more so try not to worry. Jess.xxx
  15. I have always done it sorry no help really just lucky I don't put on any weight. Jess.xxx
  16. Donna they are always told they have another one you would of been told by now.Jess.xxx
  17. Donna I really didn't have a choice it was go back to work pregnant for a few months then have a yr off maternity leave or lose my job else I would not of gone back so soon. Jess.xxx
  18. Hi Donna I had clinical meningitus (mental block) Kev didn't tell me till a few months later oh well. Jess.xxx
  19. Hi Donna yes they are right I would start to worry then go a bit dizzy then start to panic my heart would race I would feel like I was gonna pass out then my head would hurt panic more its just one vicious circle one you need to break. Jess.xxx PS but I am alive
  20. Hi Donna that used to happen to me all the time aswell i'm still here so i wouldn't worry to much Jess.xxx
  21. Hi Shiree I never had any warniings on leaving the hospital I can only presumb that flashing lights are ok for me now as I have been to a few discos oh well never mind. I never had any fits that I can remember and I am sure one of my family would of told me. Jess.xxx
  22. Hi Shiree it does get better trust me I am just learning to drive now and I hadn't passed my test before so it can be done try not to worry to much. Jess.xxx
  23. Hi Anne I wouldn't let it worry you at all if i were you I have had two kids since mine I expect those people had more than one aneurysm. Jess.xxx
  24. Hi there shiree I would say I have I have had two children since mine i do get the occasional headache but I have been back at work since end march 03. Jess.xxx It does get easier
  25. Hi Donna try not to worry so much it does make it worse I know and it is horrible. Jess.xxx Just think of how far you have come already.
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