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Everything posted by jess

  1. Hi Kerry mine still feel like one side of my head is in further than the other side, so I wouldn't worry to much however if your that worried maybe you should go and speak with your consultant. Jess.xxx WELCOME
  2. Hi there welcome to BTG. It is great here anything you need to know just ask you are still very early on in your recovery it will get better. Jess.xxx
  3. Hi Lesley you would think your place of work would be more understanding. You are not silly I still have the odd panick attack even now it is horrible I know but you need to breathe through them. I still cry at the drop of a hat too. Speak soon and take care. Jess.xxx
  4. Keith how awful of you LOL. Anne at the beginning I guess mine did feel quite tired sometimes and they ached aswell they are fine now though. Jess.xxx It will get better
  5. Hi John people used to do that to me aswell however I told them no I am not thick I wasn't before it and I certainly ain't after it. Jess.xxx They don't do it anymore. LOL. And the weather is great hope your enjoying it aswell.
  6. Hi there welcome to BTG. Well I was kinda working fulltime b4 minewent howewver I packed one job in and stayed with the other. I would do whatever you feel comfortable with. Jess.xxx
  7. Hi Anne I wouldn't worry to much about it I still get that now just not as often. Jess.xxx
  8. Hi Laura to begin with I was awful in cars however I am fine now so it will get better. Jess.xxx
  9. I have looked for you however I cannot find anything that says you can or can't so I would speak to your doctor if I was you sorry. Jess.xx Hope you get the answers you want.
  10. Hi Laura I will be 30 november so yes just a bit older.
  11. Hi there I get that too its maily up the right hand side of my neck ear eye which is the side that ruptured however can sometimes be on the left dunno what it is, sorry. Jess.xxx
  12. Hi there I was 23 when mine ruptured 24 when I had the other one treated before it could rupture. Jess.xxx
  13. Hi Cal, I wouldn't say its in my head all the time anymore but I do get it quite alot still I went to the doctors and he said it sounded like my sinuses. Jess.xxx
  14. Hi there now I haven't got a shunt but I know a few here have but do you know I am from wolverhampton and I to would like a card to carry around with me just in case I cannot speak ever to tell them about the 2 clips in my head I know a few who have been given cards but where do you get them from, that I do not know either. Well I wouldn't worry to much about the setback you are still quite early on, I would just sit down and relax. Jess.xxx
  15. Hi cyberhorse mel. Welome to BTG its nice to have you here anything you need to know just ask someone will have the answers you are looking for. Jess. xxx
  16. Hi Debs I found that going back to work gave me all the confidence I needed as working where I work you have to argue even for your holidays, I mean they were saying things like your child is still a baby so you don't need the time off in the school holidays so you can't have his 1st birthday off and do you know thats when it finally hit me I thought Jess you wouldn't of been spoken to like that b4 your sah so don't take it now, and take it I didn't I said right then I will have it has unpaid parental leave they gave it me has holiday in the end LOL. Welcome to the group debs look forward to getting to know you.
  17. Hi Marie and welcome to behindthegray I am sorry you had to find us but we will all be here whenever you need to talk I had my sah 6yrs ago this september, and I can relate very well to the feelings of doom however everyone on this site helped get me through it, it does get easier it may not feel like it's gonna at this moment in time but it will. I have had to children since mine one 5 in october the other 1 in september, so it will get easier I was 23 when mine ruptured. Jess.xxx
  18. Ellen can I just say our concerns are no greater than yours at the end of the day if it causes you concern then it is serious, however how long ago did you have it I still have days like that nearly 6yrs on. LOL it takes along time for your brain to heal. Jess.xxx
  19. Hi Tina I wear those glasses that change colour only they always change colour. LOL. Oh and when I read your post about how heavy your kids were I was supposed to answer but forgot sorry. Garry was 8.3 Shayne 8.2. I hate eyetests aswell especially the one that they blow into your eye. LOL. Jess.xxx hope you have a nice day today.
  20. Hi there Linzi myself personally would have the op maybe that is because of Garry and Shayne my 2 little ones. I wouldn't feel safe without it. Only you can make that choice though, and about the legal stuff I too was going to sue the first hospital I was in as by the time I got to the second one sat to wednesday night I was really dehydrated and things however I changed my mind as I thought well even if they give me 20,000 how many lives will it cost they need the money. Anyhow perhaps thats why they did not tell you perhaps they wanted you strong and well before they did ( still wrong though ). I had a brain hem also a weak spot clipped within 4 months and it may of been me with the ear things, however I get headaches even now so i am not sure you wouldn't be. Goodluck with whatever you decide to do. Jess.xxx
  21. Hi Tina Garry is 4 he is the one they wanted me to get rid of as I was pregnant so soon but he was my first and really wanted and Shayne is nearly 8 months. Jess.xxx
  22. Hi Tina welcome to the site it is great here always someone to offer help and advice I had a sah in sept 02 an aneurysm clipped jan 03 I have since had 2 children who are both adorable. Jess.xxx Look forward to getting to know you
  23. I get that all the time too Holly everytime I go to the hairdressers I say will you check if I have hweadlice ecverytime she says no you don't and I am sure she would see at least one as I have my hair streaked. Jess.xxx
  24. Hi there Leo I have a lump on the one side but it's where my bone ain't gone in far enough unless it was the other side being put in to far but mine have been here for 5yrs so i guess it will stay like it. Jess.xxx Sorrt I couldn't be more helpful.
  25. Hi there yes I do it all the time I will actually pick up the phone dial my moms number and then start talking and say what did you phone me for and sometimes she tells me it was me and tells me what i had wanted other times she says you phoned me but u still haven't told me what u want and i usually say oh i can't remember now. LOL
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