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Everything posted by tennissmithy

  1. Thanks everyone for your responses. Karen- its makes perfect sense! Just wanted to get a feel for how many of us have decided not to do extra hours in the evening or added stress from their job. Sami- I understand it must be stressful when running your own company but at least Paul (hoping i've remembered your hubby's name) understands your pressures as well and can help on a bad day. At least he can give you a cuddle to make you feel a bit better. The people I work with tend to have the attitude that they are tired/ headachey as well. I want them to see me as 'normal' if thats the right word but I also want them to realise the days I feel really poor as well! Does that seem selfish of me? Janet- Yeah thats what I did last time but before I knew it I was working 7.30 till at least 10p.m. again. Scott- Yes that might be the way I have to do it. I probabaly could job share but I know part time wages are not enough to pay off the bills. So trying desparately to work out how we would afford everything. Thanks again everyone Laura xx
  2. Hi John, Welcome to this wonderful site- everyone is so friendly and helpful So pleased to hear a story where you got the medical attention that you needed straight away- you were luckier than me on that front! You have done really well to go back to work so quickly. Take care Laura xx
  3. The doctor accepted that I was depressed/ anxious but said that we would see what happened when I either got a diagnosis on 19th February or when I returned to work. I was up and down after the SAH in Sept 2006 but have been much worse the last 2 months. Changing the subject slightly, my mother has been suffering with depression since June 2006, she broke her arm and lost her confidence, then with me being in hospital that September that was the final straw. She had anti-depressents but then I feel the doctor bought her off them too soon. Now she has decided she wants to do it on her own. Any ideas of what she can do? She forces herself to walk 100 yards down the road each day to get to the shop but even things like cooking- she will only cook certain dinners. Thanks Laura xx
  4. I know this is a stupid question because everyone is different but I was wondering what sort of jobs everyone is doing, if they have returned to work.I am a primary school teacher who is in school at 7.30, don't get home till 6 most nights and then work most evenings till at least 10 and always a Sunday. I have a Saturday off. I returned back to work full time but since being off in October with these symptoms I'm starting to think that a 9-5 job would suit me or part time teaching. I'm thinking as much as I love my career, I really don't need and can't handle these hours and pressure. My trouble is beacause I still have all my student loans etc, I can't realy afford a pay cut so I don't really know what to do. Sorry to rant on and thanks Laura xx
  5. Wecome to the site- it has been brilliant for me and I sure it will be for you too. Laura xx
  6. Yeah I fancy celebrating the date of my operation, at least I can be 100% sure when that was (17th September)! Laura
  7. I'm not really too sure what day to celebrate, the day that I was operated on or the day that I thought the SAH occured (friday). Simon has just reminded me that I had a headache and was sick on the Thursday! I felt ok on the Friday daytime though so now am even more confused- how strange that has come up 18 months later!!! I didn't celebrate at all, the strange thing was that my consultant told me if I could get past 12 months without many problems, then I would be ok. So I sat there all weekend hoping and praying and then saying yes, thats the 12 months, I'm going to be ok! Now we know different- more symptoms now then when I came out of hospital!!! Will probably celebrate this year and go out for a meal to our favourite restaurant, just like on our wedding anniversary in June! Laura xx
  8. Karen- It makes perfect sense. It kind of helps to know that others are either going through or have gone through the same. That sort of sounds selfish but I know it makes me feel better when I come on hear and read about people I now call friends in the same position. The relief/ advice and friendliness of this site has definitely helped me over the last few months. Laura xx
  9. I went back part time 3.5 months after SAH and then went back full time about 8 weeks after. You need to be careful though and listen to your body, after about 10 months I was sent home from work and I am still off because having lots of symptoms. Wondering if I did too much too soon! Laura xx
  10. I'm the same I spend more time worrying about what might happen than getting on with my life. Take care and relax/ listen to your body when you need to and keep us updated on what happens. Take care Laura xx
  11. Hi, Do you remember what you were doing when the SAH occured? Did you feel a pop in the back of your head? I was typing on the computer when I went really hot, started to feel dizzy and then started being sick but no didn't feel a pop or anything like that- severe headache then came on. Did any of you have a drain that made the blood disolve? I had nimodipine for 5 weeks and aspirin for 4 months. How long were you in the hospital? 3 weeks How long do the headaches last? When I came out of hospital, I had headaches 24/7, then they strted to slow down after a few months. About a year on though I am getting them most of the time and quite severe. I am ungoing scans and consultant now to find out what is happening. My best piece of advice is to not get too stressed and try and relax as much as you can, that will help with the recovery process. Everybody is individual and I wish Jim a good recovery. Take care Laura xx
  12. Thats what I'm hoping Scott. He did get another man into the box- technically speaking! Don't know who he was though. Will know more when I ring in a couple of days hopefully! Thanks everyone for your advice Laura xx
  13. Went for my CT scan on Friday, it seemed to go ok even though I was really nervous! The radiographer was lovely but after he had finished he asked me if i'd got a consultant appt, when i said the 19th Feb, he said why didn't I leave it a couple of days and ring the secretary and ask if I could move my appt forward. I asked if the scan was ok and he said he wasn't allowed to say (which I understood), he then said again about the secretary. He then said or he might get intouch with my GP if they can't move it forward. He has made me worry even more, especially because of symptoms I've had recently! Has anyone had similar experiences?
  14. Thanks Karen- I didn't just want to put the website incase it was against conditions and advertising etc. The website is http://www.abel-cole.co.uk - you can choose different size boxes and delivery is free. You can choose up to 20 favourites and 20 things you dislike if you don't want to try different things. Karen- I agree though it has broadened my knowledge of fruit and vegetables! If anyone does set up an account they ask if you were recommended (I think to see geograpghical locations- I don't really know!) and ask name and postcode if I remember rightly from when I said a friend had recommended me. IF you want to my details are Laura Smith, housenumber **, postcode *** ***. Any questions- please ask if you want more information or look at website. Laura xxx
  15. Since having my SAH I have been buying organic fruit and vegetables all from the UK. If anyone is interested let me know and I will send you more details- they seem to deliver most places. My friend in Bolton got me into them and I'm in Coventry so wondered if they delivered to me but they do! Simon is the fruit fan and i'm the vegetable fan so works really well for us! Karen- I hope it's ok to mention these- I only thought about it when you said about the herbs from Tesco. Laura xxx
  16. Stephen- Have sent you an email- hope you can help! Chris - Have also sent you a message- hope you can help too! You have both been great in advice for this form. Thanks Laura xx
  17. Thanks for your help. I'd never heard of aspartane so its a whole new learning curve and surprisingly no doctor or consultant has told me about aspartane or caffeine for that matter. Although I did know about caffeine- it didn't seem to make a difference but it could have been because of the aspartane i suppose! I'm sounding confused!!!! Laura xx
  18. I have cheese and chocolate but only in moderation, often not for months and red wine I don't have at all. We have lucozade which is similar, that is one of the drinks that I drink alot when I get a craving for sugar or thats what I think its for anyway! I haven't noticed it having any positive or negative effect on my headaches. Thanks for the advice Laura xx
  19. Having already tried cutting out caffeine and still no change in headaches and telling everyone on here about it. People also said about aspartane, I haven't heard of that not alone cut it out so as from my next shop I am going to cut out both and see what happens. I know caffeine is obviously in coffee and cola etc and I've just looked at the ingredients on my oasis drink and aspartane is in that. I will check the ingredients but if anyone knows any more please can you let me know to help with my elimination process. I'm not being lazy, it justs takes enough energy to get round the supermarket without reading every label as well! Thanks Laura xx
  20. Nikki, Thanks for your story. I had an embarrassing paart too- I was so hot that I striped off and was lying on the bed, then started being really sick and couldn't even get to bathroom. Called my mum and dad to come and help me who live about 100 yards away but didn't tell hem I had no clothes on. When they arrived and flew up the stairs there I was 26 and naked!!! A shock for my dad!! Laura xx
  21. Hello, Sorry to hear about your mum and welcome. Ask away and i'm sure someone will have an answer. Take care Laura xx
  22. I saw my doctor tonight and he suggested trying to go back to work to help my mental health. He said we would have to work on the physical symptoms but thought i was becoming depressed looking at 4 walls. I agree and want to try but am very worried about being thrown in and as a primary school teacher could have bad effects both on me or the 30 children in my care. I told the doctor that I was worried about looking after the 30 children on my own and he said he understood and that I needed to discuss that with my head. I have rang her but she was unavailable! I went back on phased return last time ut within 6 weeks ish was back full time. I don't think that will happen this time, does anyone know how long you can take on phased return or any advice. I really want to take it careful and see what happens because teaching has lots of work outside the school hours as well. Thanks Laura xx
  23. Update- I rang my hospital today- MRI scan is Friday afternoon, then got to wait till the 19th February for results! At least i'll have had it done! Laura xx
  24. I have been feeling the same 18 months on. I went back to work 8 weeks after as well but then nearly a year on I started suffering terribly with migraines, tiredness, dizziness etc etc. I've seen my gp and waiting scan and consultant. If you are unsure go and see your GP. Laura xx PS Where abouts in the midlands are you? I was diagnosed with an infection too and i'm in the midlands!
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