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Everything posted by amexdm

  1. Hey, Carl your ramblings were interesting and very true. Ramble on! bet you're good at the snake eye Teechur and i for one think the dogs really NEEEEEED you. Another new term is the "stink eye" which is what my wife calls it because my dog used to give it to us and he stinks lol! I often give the snake eye to people at the grocery store writing a check for $2.00! David
  2. Hey, Thanks Win B, I knew you'd sing me a song! They used to play that at the Irish Pubs when i was younger. Still have that song in my head. David
  3. Work update: Thanks to everyone for their concern. I guess the meeting was mostly good news. I was working 34 hours and will go to 36. The reason is my days were kind of split up. So I now will be working 4 full days M T TH F and a half day on Wednesday for the month of May. Come June I will work full days on M T W TH and a half day Friday because we have summer hours on Fridays and close at noon. So not much change really. It was a good outcome and compromise from both sides. I work for a great company and I think they like me so I am very lucky in that aspect. The only bad news so to speak is I will be working 36 hours when I am probably only physically capable of working 28-30. But reducing hours is not really an option at this point. I can do it! Sami says I can. I can only hope that over time I get better and can have a life outside of work also. At this point I will rely on guts and guile and the wonderful support from the people on this site. I truly couldn't do it without this support and knowing others understand what I am going through. Hope everyone is well, David
  4. Hello, Sandi- Itsounds like this is a good decision for you. Maybe best of all cases? At least that's what my pee brain understood. Emma-Glad you're with us and can share and contribute you situation. Win- Thanks as always for your cheer Sara Lou, Where are you? It rhymed sorry. MEETING WITH BOSS TODAY at 3PM ABOUT RETURNING TO FULL TIME HOURS. Currently at 35 and struggling. ARGGGGGGGGH! Pray for me! David
  5. Hello, Lisa C, I had pretty much the EXACT same experience. I'm in Michigan also, near Detroit. My wife just had a partial hysterectomy at U of M and they were great. As far as aftercare, it is certainly much to be desired. I think there are not enough SAH'ers for them to know or care about. Most of what I learned has been on this site. I had one follow up visit as well. I told the doctor I "thought" I might "try" and go back to work and he was like great see you later. I went back after two months, much too soon. The NP at the hospital told me I'd be back to work in a week. Not! I have the weak legs, body aches and weird scalp too. Usually only when tired though. Stay positive, it is early in your recovery. Send me a message anytime if you like. David
  6. Hello, Lisa C, I had pretty much the EXACT same experience. I'm in Michigan also, near Detroit. My wife just had a partial hysterectomy at U of M and they were great. As far as aftercare, it is certainly much to be desired. I think there are not enough SAH'ers for them to know or care about. Most of what I learned has been on this site. I had one follow up visit as well. I told the doctor I "thought" I might "try" and go back to work and he was like great see you later. I went back after two months, much too soon. The NP at the hospital told me I'd be back to work in a week. Not! I have the weak legs, body aches and weird scalp too. Usually only when tired though. Stay positive, it is early in your recovery. Send me a message anytime if you like. David
  7. Hello All: A little self effacing humor so I don't shoot myself today. It seems since my SAH I often get a song stuck in my head. You know, everyone gets a song stuck in their head. But since my SAH, the song LITERALLY GETS STUCK IN MY HEAD. No, I'm not kidding, since the SAH often times I literally can't get the song out of my brain. It's as if it just keeps rewinding and my brain and plays over and over again and I cant get it to stop. Am I crazy (don't answer that Sarah Lou) or has this ever happened to anyone else? A small price to pay to be alive and well though. Anyone want to know the song? It's called Grace, Too by a Canandian band called the Tragically Hip. Canadian members are you with me? It's a good song and I'll be sadly dissapointed if no one has ever heard of it. Maybe Win can sing us a song? David
  8. Hi Teechur, All I can say is I'm with ya all the way. I went back to work after 2 months and it was too soon. So 5 weeks was probably too soon. Your brain and body need rest and they're not getting it. If you can do the 4 days or even take some time off, you should do it if it doesnt jeopardize your future. I just had the worst week of my recovery. Each day at work was a struggle. Saturday I spent in bed with brain tingling (spiders maybe). today a little better but tomorrow back to the grind. I am indeed a walking zombie. 7 months post SAH.I feel like if I could just take a week or two off to build my stamina again, I might be better. But I am out of sick time as well. I'm sure your doctor would write you off if you explain to him/her your symptoms. Will that be enough for your bosses. My work has been great and don't even ask for a doctors note, but that wont last forever. Please slow down and don't end up like a walking zombie like me. David
  9. Thursday, Thanks so much for your kind words Sami. I wish I could send you flowers across the pond for your genuine caring. Your husband is a lucky man to have someone with such a good heart as you as well as wisdom. I feel lucky to know you and everyone else here. Sarah Lou, hope the day goes well for you, I know it's a busy one and I wish you strength and well being. Gosh we need extra spoons. Sending 5 your way. Sandi, hope your day goes well today, almost the weekend. You're right about a normal day. I just want to feel "normal" again. And that just means being my happy, positive self. But my happy positive self without the 200 lb weights in my legs. I actually feel a little better today. Just tired, kind of sleepy tired. That I can handle. Tired is a "good" day for me. Wife is doing much better, thank you. She wanted to go to market yesterday, but I wouldnt let her. Not supposed to drive yet. But her stitches are healing andshe can shower. 2 big hurdles crossed. Let's make today a good one. Sami, BTW I used to have a dog named Buddy. He was a Sheltie. So fun and loving. Passed away a few years ago. I used to spoon him on the couch and my wife would come home and make fun of us. He smelled like maple syrup. Used to sniff his head all the time! Sure miss him. Much love, David
  10. Taste problem: My taste problem is I don't like the taste of vodka anymore but suddenly like sweets. So I'm sober and fat . Not a good combination. David
  11. Teechur, Apparently great minds think alike cause if you check the Back to Work thread on Monday, I said "Just shoot me". Monday my legs felt like 100 lb weights. Apparently somebody did shoot me because Tuesday I couldnt get out of bed and called in sick. I guess they shot me with a tranquilizer gun . A little better today but not much. Don't really have many "old me" days anymore but someday.... I played the rest/don't rest game early on too. It's fun. I concluded that if I feel good or have a good day I do something and if I feel tired I rest. It works pretty good. Hope your day was better. David
  12. Hello, Sandy-I know how you feel. People always say how do you know when fatigue sets in and I know it's in my legs. They feel heavy and I can feel the bones in my legs and feet. If it helps, I'm not doing any better. Monday was exhausted at work. Tuesday called in sick as I could just not get out of bed. Fatigue is indeed unpredictable. Back at work today and feel ok. Let's hope we all have a better rest of the week. SL- My bones ache too. I know how you feel. Sometimes a hot bath and soaking helps. Where is my life coach Skippy to cheer us up? Get better all, David
  13. Hello, Yes, thanks Skippy my wife is ok and doing better. Wish I could say the same for myself. It's Monday and my legs feel like concrete. Not a good sign. Maybe tomorrow better. Rested all weekend, except cooking, cleaning and taking care of my wife who was bed bound. Guess that's too much for my brittle self. Boss come's back Wednesday from leave so may have to work more. Shoot me now. David
  14. Sue, We will be thinking of you during your treatments. I hope for the best. Nothing will keep you down. Please keep us updated on how you're doing when you have a chance. Good luck, David
  15. Hi Teech, I'm going to have to agree with GG, again . I have had headaches every day for 8 months since SAH. Never went away. Anywhere from 4-8. I drink alot of water and rest. But that doesnt mean you'll have them forever too. My doctor told me they'd go away in 1-2 months. But I went back to work after 2 months and so came the headaches. mine are brought on by fatigue. Since I work 35 hours a week, the fatigue wont be going away anytime soon. I'm sure lots of people on here have suggestions. I've heard that neurotin or elavil are antidep that can get rid of headaches. May have to try them soon. As of now headaches are a part of my life. But they have gotten better. Good luck with them, I'm sure your doctor has several options. David
  16. Hello, Thanks to everyone for the wishes and support for my wife . Carl, looks like you need to give them some brochures on SAH or something. Like everyone has said, if they could live one day in our shoes that would be all it would take. Sandy- Keep on keeping on, the results will come. SL- Good to see you back on the thread, we missed you. GG- It was good to hear your story, very interesting how it turned out. Skippy, you had the right words as always. I will update in the Green Room on Thursday re my wife's surgery, but the news was good. Thanks so much to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Kind regards, David
  17. Hello, Hope everyone is doing well. Carl- I can't believe they treat you that way. I would think a doctor's note would suffice. You are not sick. You are PARTIALLY DISABLED. I would file some sort of complaint myself. They don't seem to understand your condition very well. I know you don't have much time left but that is ridiculous. Offer to trade places with them if they think you're not sick. Tell them to hold still still while you hit them in the back of the head with a baseball bat and then have them tell you that they're "not sick". In other news, I have been feeling better, at least last week. up to 35 hours week. Tomorrow is my wife's surgery. They are testing her for ovarian cancer and will likely need to do a full hysterectomy. I am sure I will be wiped. Please keep her in your thoughts and I will let everyone know Wednesday. Thanks, David
  18. Hello, Thanks for posting the article Sandy. I found it very helpful. Hope you are well. I havent found the energy to work out yet but I hope to. Work is enough for me right now. I call fatigue "my mountain". I feel like I'm climbing a mountain with no legs. And just hanging on the edge of a cliff. This week has been a little better though. My wife and I are going to try and play golf Sunday. Should be interesting. She has surgery Tuesday so she wants to get her exercise in now. Dont blame her. The whole exercise and fatigue thing seems like chicken or egg to me. If I exercise, will I feel better or worse. I do miss working out and getting the heart going. i will do so again. Thanks for psoting Sandy and all other replies also. David
  19. hey all: Middle of week and just caught a cold. Still waiting on results of MRI. Sandi-Hope your trip was good and work is well Skippy-thanks for your support,You hit the nail on the head again! The few at my work who don't get it would never go through what I go thru just to get out of bed and GET READY for work. Brushing my teeth and shaving is using up most of my spoons for the day already. But there's nothing that sheer will and determination can't overcome. SLou- Stay with it. You're doing great. Steady goes the course. I can't multi task as well as I used to either. But I have no choice. I have to double check my work also. Yesterday i had to wire a bank transfer for 1.9 Million dollars. Think I checked that one 3 times. Thanks about my wife, actually her surgery is April 3rd. Hoping for a positive outcome. Winb-I do smile every day, just not as much as I used to. I will get there. But I won't let anyone else bring me down, I can promise you that. Carl- How did Wednesday go? Hope ok. Sounds like they're not super understanding, but on the bright side you can retire soon. That's great. enjoy your time off. I've got 15-20 more years to go so I must keep pushing. Night all, David
  20. Hi, I think everyone has made some good points. I guess just try and take it easy. It's hard I know, The second I feel good I want to do 10 things and get tired after three. You'll get used to knowing your limits and only you know your body best.Be careful with the lifting, my doc said nothing over 20 lbs. I did lift my gas tank yesterday for my grill and it felt funny so I had my friend move it. At 7 weeks post SAH I was in bed sleeping 14 hrs a day because the headaches were just too bad. You're doing great just be careful. David
  21. Hi folks: Week 6 was fairly uneventful. I made it thru every day and felt a little better. I was off Friday as I had to take my wife to a few drs appts. I am now up to 34 hours a week, half way to my goal of 40. I started at 28 and have been increasing an hour a week. I have decided at this time to stop increasing hours for the moment. Week 5 was very difficult and took alot out of me.I don't feel I'm physically ready to add any more and while my goal of 40 is not far off and achievable, I have to stop for a little bit. Not taking a step back, but just stopping. I have the support of my manager and the VP on this. If I could could just get a few co-workers to "get it" I'd be home free. My "wild and crazy" Saturday night consisted of cooking some cod for wife and I. Otherwise not much. How was everyone else's week? Thread kinda quiet for a bit. Regards, David
  22. Teech, Thanks for your comments. The highs and lows are tough. What many SAH'rs call the rollercoaster. But is so hard to explain to people how you feel real good one day and bad the next. Especially the boss. Hope you feel better and think it's smart to not do too much (classes) right now. I crashed and burned because my wife was evaluted for ovarian cancer in Novemeber. They have been testing her and she now has surgery on April 3rd. We are hoping for the best. I have an MRI tonite on brain. They probably won't find anything in there haha but DR wants one at 6 months anyway. Take care. David
  23. Sue, I know you have been through alot. You are very strong. I am a positive person as well. It is tougher to see someone else go through it. I can handle myself. I wish you the best with your cancer. My wife is being checked for ovarian cancer and has surgery April 3rd. We are hoping for the best. I have an MRI tonite after work. Hope they don't find anything. Thanks. David
  24. Oceanside, I understand what you mean by false sens of energy early in recovery. My SAH was in July and by November I was feeling good. I went to a few social outings and upped my work hours. In late November my wife was diagnosed with a serious illness and this set me back tremedously. I have yet to recover physically. So just be careful I guess. My highs and lows are now on a daily basis. I might feel 85% at 11AM and 40% at 6pm. Not much fun. Hoping to golf soon but almost afraid my head will fall off if I swing too hard. Also concerned about lifting golf bag out of trunk, cart? Doc says no more lifting of more than 10-20 lbs. David
  25. Hi Folks: You ladies are shaming me with all this exercise stuff. I am 7 months post SAH and don't have the energy I used to. I belong to a gym and used to do treadmill and some fairly heavy weight lifting. Well, I guess no more lifting for me. But I havent gone back to the gym yet. I get tired walking to the mailbox. But I think after reading this thread that I've figured out part of my problem. I'm overweight. Not like crazy overweight but probably 20-30 lbs. I played football and have alot of muscle but have put on lbs as we do as we get older. But it appears that the fit people with SAH recover faster. It makes sense the better shape you are in pre SAH your body may reover better. I just wish I had the energy to work out. Working nearly full time is all I can handle. But all of your stories motivate me to get fit and I will do so when I am able to. Congrats to everyone who is exercising and doing better. I will get there! David
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