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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Hi I contacted a herbalist at T3 Therapy and asked about the Gingko Leaf. She said so long as I wasn't taking anything else to thin the blood such as Warfrin or Aspirin then the Gingko should be OK. I've left a message with my Doc to see if he can shed any light on the situation. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Love Sami xx
  2. Hya I'm with you on that one - my daughter's needs will always come first - after she didn't ask to be born it was a choice we made. Paul works very hard and sometimes I think too hard but he's better than he was a few years ago. Anyway - I'm off home now Catch you tomorrow. Have a great evening Sami xxx
  3. Hi Karen How do you cope so well with Eric away a lot? I hate it when Paul has to work late let alone go away. I remember before this ****** thing in my head happened, that when Paul had to travel to Germany or Belgium to see our clients that I hated him staying away overnight then so I know that I wouldn't cope now. You're a very brave and strong woman. Sorry am a bit angry this afternoon. Realising more and more that there are things that I took for granted before that I just can't do anymore. Cacth you later. Sami xxx
  4. Hi Annie I know you weren't scolding me. I guess I'm kind of disappointed too. I'd found this stuff that was making me feel better about things and it turns out I shouldn't be taking it - kind of like having a cigarette(jeez could I do with one right now). Feel like I've taken 15 steps back after taking 10 forward. I'm just glad you asked about it Annie otherwise we'd be non the wiser and would have carried on taking it Love me xxxx
  5. Hi Thanks for your kind words but I feel really bad. Its been working really well for me and I don't know if thats because I suffered an anuerysm induced SAH but then surely it would thin the blood around the coils. I used to take this stuff before and it really helped me regain energy etc so i didn't think anything of it when Paul said he was putting it in my drink. Oh well will have to resort to a pint or two of an evening to help me relax from now on. Again guys really sorry - it could have hurt someone Catch you soon Sami xxx
  6. Sorry guys I didn't realise. It certainly hadn't said anything in the stuff I'd read about it. A thousand apologies. Sami xx
  7. Morning Ladies I had a good nights sleep again and didn't wake until 6.30 ish. The weather was realy bad here too at about half four this morning - Paul told me it was tipping down here too. It's not too bad now - partly blue and party grey cloudy sky so will have to cloud dodge at lunch time I think!!! Had a good session with my counsellor, Rick, yesterday. He's under the impression that I'm suffering with PTSS (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) and I am inclined to agree with him and I'd said so toPaul a couple of weeks ago. Apparently PTSS takes about 3 months to get over as the mind adjusts to what has happened. He wants me to go and see him again on 22 November after I've had my follow up appointment to see how I'm feeling when I've got answers to my questions. Anyway going to make a coffee now to drink with my Bounty!!! Catch you later Sami xx
  8. Afternoon Ladies Glad to know that I'm not the only who blubs like a baby still. And Karen you would be more than welcome on my doorstep. You setting up this site has done wonders for my recovery. I know that if I didn't have you guys then I'd be no where near as positive about things as I am now. Get some rest and relax for a while Karen, see if that helps the headache. I'm off for a bit of work before I go to see the counsellor. Love me xxxxxx
  9. Hi We put a buffet on New Years Eve and normally my friend Claire (in one of the pictures with me) comes over early with her partner and children and helps me. She loves my Feta Cheese Salad for some reason and insists that I do it - Paul loves my moussaka so i have to make that too. This year I think I'll do what you do Louise and let someone else take over. Have another counselling session this afternoon although I'm feeling pretty good just lately. Feel a lot less anxious since watching the coiling video if I'm honest but there are times I still want to cry with disbelief about the whole thing. Case of I still can't believe that this has happened to me and angry at not knowing why! Oh well all things to get off my chest this afternoon I guess. Talk later Love Sami xx
  10. Morning ladies Yeah we used to do the sprinkle flor thing for the footprints - mince pie and milk for santa and carrots for reindeers - Paul used to have to bite a chunk out of the carrot - I had the mince pie cos Paul doens't like them!!! My Christmas organising is up in the air at the moment. I've normally done most if not all of the Christmas present shopping by now. Luckily I can order stuff over the internet and have it delivered to work My mum and dad always come round for Christmas dinner and to watch Siobhan open her pressies (if there are any left by time they get there!) Paul and my mum normally cook the dinner and then I'll tidy up after and load the dishwasher etc. I love the whole idea of Christmas but always feel rather down by tea time as it seems such a lot of hard work and preparation for 12 hours of the year. We normally have a party at our house on New Years Eve and family and friends come, some neighbours pop in on their way out to other places or on their way back I'm still determined that this year will be n different. I find I can cope by keeping everything as normal as possible. Anyway - should do some work I suppose :? Catch you later Love Sami xxx
  11. Hya Yeah we used put down foot prints from the fire place to the christma tree and leave glitter infront of the fire. But she's decided to tell us that she doesn't believe in FC anymore and whats more I got "and you're the Tooth Fairy too aren't you mum?" I couldn't lie - but I notice that I didn't get a refund for the eight teeth I've paid for! :? I do still love Christmas though. Last year I managed to get Paul an Arnold Palmer Pro Shot Golf game that he'd had when he was a kid - it was in perfect condition and I got it on e-bay. He was well shocked when he opened it. I love to see the looks on people's faces when they're opening their presents. I prefer the feeling that gives me to opening my own. Sentimental old fool that I am Anyway ladies must dash will try and catch up before I leave for the day. Sami xxx
  12. Afternoon ladies When we moved into our house 9 years ago we found a silver tray with four brandy glasses on it in the shed - unfortunately no brandy! Well I've been out and done the first of my Christmas shopping in actual shops rather than on line. Nottingham was quite busy today. The weather is fairly grey but warm!!! I save mty Boots advantage points and then at the end of the year I can go and get prezzies with them. Siobhan ends up with loads of little bits in a gift bag and loves sorting through. Also bought her a Deal or No Deal board game - she adores the programme and watches it with my mum and dad every day :? Also bought a little note book to write down questions to ask the specialist when I go and am going to leave space to write down his answers too. Won't be able to do Friday night as we have one of the football lads celebrating his birthday and is going into Nottingham. And as he's just starting dating my step daughter I'll be going to keep an eye on him Anyway no rest for the wicked - more artworks to proof read!!! Catch you ladies later Love Sami xxx
  13. Hi Karen You're allowed to have a lay in occasionally dear!!! I slept quite well again last night - woke first at 5.30 this morning. I'm finding that if I stay awake during the day then I do have a better nights sleep and so long as I drink plenty of non-caffeine drinks throughout the day the headaches aren't so bad. My dreams feel weird too! I know that they are quite vivid but can never remember them - just wake with a weird feeling and then something during the day will trigger a memory and remind me what I dreamt about. I couldn't find any Danish that I liked in Tesco last night so had to make do with half a Bounty this morning. Mind you I have got a litre bottle of Tesco Active Energy Drink (cheaper version of Lucozade !) and it tastes quite nice. Paul wakes up between 3 and 3.30 every morning and ends up going down into the kitchen to 'get munchies' - we eat dinner quite late so i wonder if that has anything to do with it - but I don't get up :? Oh well, don't forget the Ginko tomorrow!!! Speak later Love Sami xxx
  14. Hi Karen Yeah Home and Away is on Channel Five at 6pm. I followed it for years and years and then stopped watching it and got back into it when they used to put the omnibus on on a Saturday morning - well they scrapped that so I have to tape it now. Yeah I've followed Rossi for the last 7 or 8 years and have yet to see a better racer. Siobhan likes Dani Pedrosa and my step daughter Stacey likes Nicky Hyden so when they crashed out yesterday they weren't happy bunnies I have his name tattooed on my lower back in Chinese Rainbow Caligraphy so that unless you know what it says it just looks decorative. We camped at Donington Park when the racing was here this year and watched England go out of the world cup all in the same weekend - the first time that the weather has been scorching when we've camped its normally chucking it down with rain. Will think of you in the monring have your big fat danish pastry and might just have to pick one up from Tesco tonight when I do my shopping!! Have a good evening everyone Love Sami xxx
  15. Afternoon Ladies Had a good weekend this weekend and surprisingly didn't rest during the day. I got the front room tidied (its a long one ie front room and dining room) got some washing done for Paul to iron , tidied the bedroom as much as I could and then watched my Home and Away for the week - yes I know sad but what can I say The footie match was Ok, sitting with friends on the side line on a Sunday morning always was a good time for me so I was determined I was going to do it this week. We managed to draw 1-1 this week. Paul was happy and has taken back over in the management of it!! Also a good result for my Rossi in his race as his closest rival failed to finish which means he's now leading the championship and hopefully will win it next week at the last race - or I'm going to have my tattoo removed!!!! Catch you ladies later or tomorrow as this evening is food shopping night!!! Love Sami xxx
  16. Hi Keith I'm seven weeks post SAH and all I have is an out patients appointment arranged for 8th November. I've been told that I'll have a check up 6 months, 12months and 18 months post SAH and that I'llhave scans rather than angios. I didn't have an angio after my coiling but in the time I was in hospital and then readmitted a week later I had scans all the time. I think you're body is asking for a little rest. I know when I'm working if I don't rest then my head throws a hissy fit and I have to take pain killers and shut my eyes for ten minutes or so. I don't want to sleep during the day though cos it knocks my body clock out. Have you tried the sports drinks that Karen and I favour? They give you a little more energy and also count towards that all important water intake which in turn helps the headaches anyway. Take care Love Sami xx Hope it all goes well.
  17. Hi Varun When I had my SAH I was immediately put onto a drug called Nimopodine for 21 days after to prevent brain spasms. It's supposed to keep the blood pressure low so that the fluid around the brain can digest/eject the blood that bled into it - so I was told. As for the confusion etc like Karen I was asleep on and off for about 5 days as this meant I was laid doen - I was told not to sit up for 24 hurs anyway. I was talking 36 tablets a day to cope with the pain and the spasms etc and again like Karen, can't really remember much about being taken to hospital and the operation or things after it. My memory is no where near as good as it used to be - I was so organised before this and now have difficulty in remembering what I did two hours ago but I can remember what I did yesterday :? Small logical things too are hard to remember - like I put my daughters sponsor money in her school bag on Saturday yet I don't remember doing it even though its the kind of logical thing I would do. I think the brain has the ability to shut out what it doesn't understand or doesn't think you need to know!!!! Take care and try to stay strong. Sami xx
  18. Hi Ladies Don't worry Louise I'm not over doing it. I have to keep busy or I go mad. I was 'lucky' (our favourite word karen) enough not to have any physical injuries from the SAH and was up and about within a week. I get tired more quickly than I used to but I can read my body a lot better now. Yeah there are a few of ours in the Boots book Karen. We'd have done the No7 range for the photography (pages 32 and 34),the Ted Baker stuff (pages 56 and 57), Soap and Glory (page 64) Naked (Page 64) Kangol (Page 76) Toni and Guy (Page 84) - so mmm a few then!!! Join the queue for the lottery Louise - I'm waiting for a decent win so that I can jack all this in and move to Cornwall - but hey we all have dreams!! Anyway off now so catch you on Monday ladies. Lots of love and have a very good weekend one and all Love Sami xxx
  19. Hi Girls Yeah happy anniversary Loiuse. I met Paul in Langtry's pub, Nottingham on Tuesday 27th June 1995. He was 38 and I was 24. We got engaged on 27th June 1996 and married on 27th June 1998. And like Ronnie, Paul has been my rock throughout all this. It certainly makes you take a closer look at those vows you took on your wedding day. Comfort food and mashed potato? Me too!!!! Normally sausage and mash with lots of gravy - its a good hangover food too!!! Mmmm am hungry now!!! Laters love Sami xxx
  20. Hi Our DHL man has just locked his keys in the van and blamed it on Friday 13th!! I told him he cannot blame stupidity on the date!! Its a good job i know him pretty well!! I've not slept again today and am trying to keep it like this so that my body can at least have its clock back again and know what is going on. It helps when there's a lot for me to do at work. After the bank I had another wonder round the shops, picked up the Boots gift guide to see if there are any of our mock ups in there and then came back to a pileof proof reading, so have just finished that and am now going to look through the Boots mag - ringing all the nice stuff I want for Crimble!!! Karen, wanted to send you my 'Reveal' letter - whats the best way? take care ladies lots of love and Sami xxx
  21. Afternoon ladies Floppy look indeed!!!! I know what you mean about the wires though - they're dangerous enough when they're making a bid for freedom when you're wearing them let along in machinery!! There are reasons we allow men to remain in the house and fixing machinery is one of them!!!! Anyway no rest for the wicked!! Love Sami xxx
  22. I'm not even going to think about the date - I'm at work and can do without any or my pc's, MACS or copiers blowing up thank you!!!! Mmmm something has got to go wrong today!!! See if I think like that then I won't be surprised or when it does. Hahahahaha -- i think I'm going mad!! Catch you laters Sami xx
  23. Morning All Thanks Louise, I slept really quite well last night. I woke at ten past five and then managed togo straight back to sleep until the alarm at half past seven. I couldn't get over how foggy it was this morning though. The ducks were very reluctant to come out!!!! Paul is like Ronnie - he'll find something to watch and, depending on how long between ironing marathons he's had, he can iron all day while I tidy up - its the weekend chores. I wash and dry clothes all week and then Paul will iron them on a Saturday while I tidy the house and then Sunday he plays football while I watch (I have friends there so i'm not completley sad!) and then to the pub where the landlord always puts some chips and sausages on for us and a couple of lagers. I get sick of telesales in the evening anyway - its my rest time so I don't want disturbing - I just tell them that actually I was on my way out so I haven't got time!!! Anyway off to the bank - another nice client has paid they're bill. See you later Sami xxxx
  24. Hya I've not had a nap today want to see if it helps me sleep tonight. I can stop the heads with paracetomol but I don't like taking too many. I've never liked taking the things and when I was in hospital I was on 36 tablets a day!!! Regarding the housework - I intend to do the living/dining room first, then if I have the energy I'll try the kitchen - around Paul doing the ironing!!!! Anyway no rest for the hahahaha Catch you tomorrow have a good night lots of love Sami xxx
  25. Hi Well I've just been out into the town to get Paul and I a sandwhich and even managed a little retail therapy in Dorothy Perkins - they had my favourite four letter word emblazoned across the window - SALE Am now going to go and fooster a little myself whilst I eat and read my mags and do the crosswords. Have fun now!!! Love Sami xxx
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