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NASAH with probable RCVS


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Hi, I've just come across this website today and for the first time since Nov 21 when I had my SAH, I'm reading about others like me. I'm six months since my NASAH and feeling pressure to return to work. Headaches and severe fatigue are still overwhelming but I keep be told I look and sound great! While this is reassuring it doesn't help when I try to explain my health problems are hidden. Any advice would be very much appreciated.🤗

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Hi Cattolica, a big welcome.


You'll find lots of useful information about other members coping strategies on this site, so it's well worth just trawling around and absorbing the help and experience that's here.


I found it helpful to search for "far from well", it made me feel less isolated to read that I'm not imagining symptoms and my own reaction to them. The best advice you will get here is not to be too hard on yourself and take the space and time to properly recover.


The Letter from your Brain (not sure where the link is....) may also help you to understand what has happened.


You'll find the admins  here a wealth of information too. Stay safe ..

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Hi Cattolica :) 


A very warm welcome to BTG ! 


As DigglyDog says above, you will find lots of helpful information and support here.

Please find the link  below to A Letter From Your Brain:




Six months is very early in your recovery. Please dont rush back to work when you are feeling like this, bless you xx  Can you get a letter from your Doctor? If you search Back to Work threads, others recommend you go back gradually on a phased return. Your brain is trying to mend as well as functioning normally. If you push too hard to soon, it can cause brain overload. 


If it helps, get family and friends to come onto the Forum so they understand what you are going through. It is so hard when you look ok on the outside, i do feel for you, we have all been tthere.

If  only they could walk in your shoes just for one day !!


For more response from others  you could post in the Introduce yourself section :




We look forward to hearing more from you and how you are doing xx


Feel free to join us in the Green Room for daily banter :




Wishing you well with your ongoing recovery.

Take care

Tina xx


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Welcome to btg don't rush back to work when you do try a phased return don't just go all in xxx


Drink plenty of water it helps with the headaches and rest whenever you need to xxx

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Good morning,


Welcome to BTG...Such wonderful help here.  I love Tina's suggestion to have family/ friends come on the site to help them understand.  


A brain trying  to heal is different from other illness/ injury.  Our brains control everything.  I had a small  bleed followed by a severe vasospasm, which is what caused my problems.  I found the progress of how I healed was easier for me to see looking back, as I just couldn't see it in the present.  Hope that makes sense.


I did return to work, I felt pressure from the hospital I worked for.  I didn't get pressure  from phone calls or anyone saying anything to me but because I knew they would have to take me back but they did not have to offer me the job I had.  I urge you to listen to your body and reach out to your MD as suggested above.


This is all about you and your healing.  

Thinking of you



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Hi there,


All the advice here is great and I also notice that Headway, the Brain Injury Charity, launched their ABI awareness week this year to have a focus on how much of a "hidden illness" a SAH is https://www.headway.org.uk/news-and-campaigns/news/2022/new-research-shows-more-than-three-quarters-of-brain-injury-survivors-struggle-every-day-due-to-their-hidden-disability/


the information here might help both family & work? I know sending my colleagues links to some of the Headway resources as I was starting back at work did help some people be more tactful if not understanding.



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