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My Mother's SAH

Guest laura

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first of all sorry about my english, I need help because my mother is at the hospital , for an aracnoidea hemorragia for an aneurism 2cm, and now she is in coma pharmacologic, they put 8 coils of platinium and that was saccesfull , but I am very bad for her health now, 2 day ago the doctor take out the medicin to leave her wake up but until now she is sleeping and she didn t make any move get. They told me that because she is over weight the pharmacologic retard lo leave her body and he said tha she could be "clean of medicine" next monday, today is 25 of febrary and she is 71 years old. I need some one to tell me the expirience and give me some hope about the futur of my mother.

Please if you have something to tell me write me to my mail [personal details removed] I will be waiting for your expirience and your help words. I live in Uruguay

thank all of you


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Welcome to BTG Laura

I think that you have to listen to the doctors.

Sleeping is a big help in the healing process.

It is very early days for your mum but it is impossible for any of us to predict the future for her.

Read around this forum and you will find lots of information that may be relevant.

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Hi Laura, welcome to the site I am sorry your mother is ill. As Penny and Louise have said sleeping is a great healer.

I can only tell you what happened to me. I had a very bad SAH on the Monday in November and was operated on that Monday evening. The following day I was heavily sedated and the docotors did not try to wake me until the Tuesday. They tried twice but I would not wake up. My wife was told that, that was what they did and they would try again on Wednesday.

By Wednesday tea time I had woken up and come off the ventilator but was only awake for short periods of time.

My bleed took over three weeks to drain before it stopped and the fluid turned clear. In all that time I was not awake for long periods. I then had further problems for another three weeks and on more than one occasion my wife and family were told that this might be as good as it gets, to be prepared.

Nobody knows how things will turn out, but after over six weeks I came fully back to this world when the outlook was very dark and I was not expected to survive.

I have no memories of those six weeks but I am a great believer in that my brain rested for those six weeks to enable me to survive and come through the other side like I have done.

Laura I know this is my story and not yours but as someone who has been in your mums position and now writing to you from England I hope it gives you hope that things can turn out alright. I hope your mum pulls through and I will be saying a prayer for her.

My best wishes to you.

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Hi Laura

Sleep is good for your Mum - helps the brain mend. She's in the best place in hospital where they can watch over her. I had 9 nine coils in mine and have made a full recovery. Your mum is older than me, but she will need lots of sleep and rest. Stay positive.

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