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Left Thalamic Intracerebral haematoma


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Im new to this and would like to share experiences with anybody who has suffered the same as me. About 9 months ago I suffered a left thalamic intracerebral haematoma, no aneurysmes on CTA, other non traumatic intracranial haemorrhage.

I am not able to return to work and spend most of my time inside as I feel nervous going outside alone in daytime, i feel safer outside in the evening when its dark. I still suffer daily headaches and my eyesight has been affected however, I have been advised this will return back to how it was. My actions and memory are slower than they used to be, although i get there in the end! I would like to hear from anybody who has suffered similar and how they've improved. I know everybody is different but talking to others and hearing about others experiences I think would really help me.

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Hi Heidi :) a very warm welcome to you. Just wanted to welcome you and say that you are not alone on how you are feeling.....it is still early days, and things will improve. I did have an aneurysm, so different to you, but i know there are others on here that can hopefully help you. Take care love Tina xx

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Hello Heidi and welcome! ...

9 months into recovery is still pretty early and when you have eyesight problems, it's definitely a double whammy and can knock your confidence, big time. I often prefer to go out when it's dark, especially to shops, when it's less busy as well.

I had an aneurysm, but any fall out from a brain haemorrhage seems to be pretty similar, whatever the cause. If there's anything that you want to ask, then please feel free.

Wishing you well.... xx

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Hi Heidi and welcome to the site, Merrill my wife is different from you, she had 2 anuerysms done coiled and clipped and other complications, but i think ithe same applies to you that there is no time scale to recovery it's just different for everyone and as have been said it is still fairly early days for you, Merrill suffered anxiety and mild panic attacks when she went out especially the supermarket or crowded places we mentioned it to her gp and he gave her medication and this helped in more ways than one, she's happier when she goes out and her sleep patterns improved, perhaps you could talk to your gp about some medication which may help, and you're not on it forever, Good luck Rod

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Hi Heidi

Warm Welcome to the site....

I used to feel very frightened to go out but then if I'd stayed in it would have become the one that ruled and I wasnt having that, you are very early on, baby steps as I say....

take care hope to hear from you again....

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