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Back after a week away...

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Well I am now back after being away from the site for a week. Not only am I having to deal with my husbands SAH but last Friday my 4 year old was rushed to hospital with meningococcal septacemia. Thankfully due to my quick thinking (can't help but blow my own trumpet) he is fine and came home today. The other good news is that the Haywood Centre in Stoke are coming to assess Richard tomorrow for a place in rehab so fingers crossed.

PS - John - how did the eye test go?

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Zoe thats great news on both counts.

I am glad your little lad is okay and home again. You really are doing brilliantly all things considered.

Secondly fingers crossed for tomorrow with the assessment for a place for Richard at Stoke. That should help him improve with the specialist Rehab.

Me I am very lucky my eyesight is just about back to normal so I am very pleased.

Take care and remember take time out for yourself. :wink:

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