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I had a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage on 5/15/24

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Hello there, my name is Robert Wilton. I am 57 years old and this is my first post here.


I suffered a Subarachnoid hemorrhage on May 15, 2024. I had a normal day for me, until right around 5pm when I had the absolute worst headache that I have ever experienced.


I made my way out of the house and into the driveway, feeling like my head was about to explode. I was crying out for help and a neighbor made contact with me and called 911 for me. The paramedics arrived quickly and transported me to the hospital.


I was in the hospital for nearly a month and underwent 3 surgeries. I had a shunt implanted in my head/brain. I was discharged from the hospital on June 12, 2024 and have been resting at home and doing physical and occupational therapy.


I am happy that I found this group/forum. I feel physically weak and mentally slower than I was prior to SAH. I get tired quickly and my endurance is way off, but I guess that’s to be expected. 

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Hello Robert,  and a warm welcome to BTG.

So glad you found the site early in your recovery. You will glean a wealth of information and support from the various comments in the Forums which will be immensely helpful and reassuring to you and your friends who are supporting you.


Glad you were able to alert a neighbour soon after you had 'that violent headache' . That certainly helped get you medical assistance quickly.


Getting your life back on track following your discharge from hospital will provide you with many highs and lows as you begin to find out how your brain and body have been affected by the brain trauma. 

Everyone facing recovery has their own unique issues to deal with. BTG  will be so supportive for you in the months ahead.


There are many posts relating to life with a shunt. Please use the search facility on the home page to find out more.


I wish you all the best as you travel the road post SAH.


Take care and let us know how things are progressing.





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Hi Robert 😊 


A very warm welcome to BTG, glad you found us. 


As Subs has already said you will find a wealth of very helpful information here and great  support . 

Wishing you well with your recovery, we look forward to hearing more from you . 

Please feel free to join in the daily banter in the Green Room. 

Take care 

Tina 😊

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Hi Robert, welcome to the site, glad to hear you are making a good recovery so far. It's common to feel physically weak post bleed, it took me a long while to be able to do the things I'd been able to do previously, but I'm glad to say I got there. 


Mentally was a lot slower and even now I would not say I am back to 100%. I still get very fatigued, this seems to be a very common thread post SAH. Be kind to yourself and don't do too much too soon, your brain won't thank you. You will eventually reach the 'new normal' - an hopefully embrace it.


Take care of yourself and take rests when your body tells you to. Keep us updated on your recovery.


Clare xx

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Hi there


warm welcome to the site, from someone else who has a Shunt....


take things slow and easy, listen when your body wants rest then rest up, hope you find the site helpful for you..


take care

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