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How has the fatigue affected you post SAH? Do you need to rest? Does it last for a few hours or a few days or longer? Can you do, as much now, as you could before the SAH and what stage are you at in your recovery? I wonder whether age also is a factor?

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I'm 35 and there is no way I can cope with as much now as I used to be able to. Having said that I've not really been in a position where I have had to. I know that I can't blitz the house from top to bottom in one day anymore. Nor would I be able to have a day in town with friends shopping and lunching and then go out with them in the evening - as I used to once a month. But maybe this is me telling myself this for fear of the headaches returning and not being able to cope or ruining an evening out.

Today is a prime example. The agency has been mad today and I have hardly had time to eat my lunch let alone take a nap. There is no headache currently, but I don't know how this will change come nine o clock tonight. I also know that the next couple of days are going to be equally busy so I'll make sure I get an early night to prepare for it whereas before I would have looked forward to a busy period and not even had to or thought about getting an early night.

I think a lot will depend on how much you could cope with before too so you can compare.


Sami xx

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Even now almost four years post-SAH I'm still learning my own limits, and those limits are annoyingly not very far. I can appear "normal" for a long period of time, but the recovery period is a loooonnnnnnggggg one. I take care not to overdo it, but I am always going over my own limits and paying the price by being "ill" afterwards.


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Im 39 now but was very fit and active pre SAH. Its almost 10 months now and I am like a sloth. I struggle every day with fatigue. I dont sleep during the day but I do need to rest once or twice a day and when I am doing anything it is much much slower than before. It is the one symptom that Im finding hard to cope with mentally. Its like my head wants to be doing things but my body cant manage it, sometimes I feel as if Im made of lead, sooooooo frustrating.


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Its been nearly three months since my SAH; although I have periods of fatigue, what I find more (from a personal standpoint) is that I have periods where I am totally without energy or inspiration, something that bothers me a lot. Sometimes I can spend an afternoon just "zoned out" and not focused on a single thing. This is a danger when I am meant to be working, and I'm working hard to control it....but it has never happened to me before the SAH and so I feel instinctively it must be related.

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The word "fatigue" still dominates my life far too much and I'm 18 months on.

I can pretty much tell what sort of day I'm going to have, as soon as I wake up in the morning.....I feel out of sync, mentally and physically....it's hard to explain it.

Like Joan, lack of motivation and inspiration drives me insane and some days I find it hard to focus on the basic tasks of life. When the fatigue kicks in, my short term memory is also worse and I find it very frustrating.

If I overdo things, then the fatigue will kick in big style the next day and then I have no choice but to go with it.

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I'm also 3months post SAH, I find that I will need a rest every day usually 1-2hours most of the time I sleep, in the last 2 weeks I've noticed a real improvement in mental clarity. I find that I will have one active day this will usually only include going out for coffee or a small walk. and then i will be in bed the whole next day and not leave the house for 2/3days. i've been recommended to leave the house for at least 10mins everyday.

The Thing I dread most is getting showered and dressed. It is really exhausting at the moment.

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