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Hi Everyone,

I am after some advice, I have returned to work but realise its too much for me and I cant do it as I still feel terrible after my crainiotomy.

Does anyone know what benefits are available and what happens with the mortgage people I am so worried about it all.



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Hi Jo...i had to go to my local jobcentreplus, they were very helpful. Plus my GP surgery had someone that could help me with my forms etc. I found this out much later ! I also believe some others have gone to Citizens Advice and also found them very helpful. Wishing you well as i know what a worrying time it is.

Lin Lin also posted some very helpful info recently, ...will try to find it for you.

Take care love Tina xx

Hi Jo...if you look under General Discussion/Advice & Tips/ Healthy Living/ Benefits:

Thread... What benefits...started by Sally on 8th November 2010.

Hope that helps xx

Edited by Tina
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Hi Jo,

Sometimes the bravest decisions in life are the ones where we say 'no, I'm not doing this.'

It takes a lot of courage to be assertive and to put our health first; so well done in acknowledging that work is too much at present.

My SAH was in November 2009 and I never returned to my job. I see no shame in this. SAH is a big thing!

I started voluntary work at the C.A.B in July. I'm still there and go in when I can. There is no contract of employment when you're a volunteer so no-one can say anything when I'm too unwell for work.

Anyway, with regards to benefits, it's not possible to advise you specifically on line because 'one benefit does not fit all.' There is an array of benefits out there and they depend on your own personal circumstances, i.e. whether you've worked, do you have children, are you co-habiting etc....

I recommend you attend your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Welfare Rights. Since I work for the C.A.B I can only outline what the C.A.B do but I hear Welfare Rights are good too.

At the C.A.B you will meet with an advisor who will discuss your exact circumstances and tell you precisely which benefits you need to claim and how to claim them. It is important that you do this as so many people do not receive the benefits they are entitled to. It is estimated that 9 billion pounds are unclaimed in benefits every year.

Benefits are confusing and the forms are not easy to understand. There is a particular way to complete the forms and an advisor will know how to go about doing this.

It's easy for me to get help at the C.A.B because I am there every week; but if I was not, I would not attempt to sort my benefits out myself, I would get an advisor to do it.

One word regarding the mortgage; it is possible to get assistance towards the mortgage, (housing costs,) but it may not cover the entire amount. I was able to freeze my mortgage for 12 months, so you may want to contact your mortgage provider direct and make enquiries. But, go to the C.A.B / Welfare Rights first, see what they say.

Any problems, PM me.

Lynne xx

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Hi Jo

You will find lots of good advice here on how to claim benefits, please do use it, we've all been through it. Headway were very helpful for me, I ended up with DLA (Disability Living Allowance) and ESA (Employment Support Allowance) despite the fact my wife works and I get sick pay, the ESA is only for 28 weeks for me as it is contributory based, not income based.

You should also look at what benefits you are entitled to under your contract of insurance, have you been paid your full sick pay entitlement, both contractual and SSP? Do you have any critical illness insurance or any other form of insurance against illness of accident?

Also you should check whether you have any PPI (payment protection insurance), it gets slated because it was mis-sold, but it is this very event it is designed for. You might not even know you have it, check with any credit cards or loans you have, is there an insurance premium included, or was it added on when you took out the loan, your mortgage may even have PPI behind it.

I won't pretend financially it can be difficult, but do ensure you claim whatever you can from your employer and any insurer you have paid a premium to.

The other thing you should consider is holiday pay from your employer, I know it's a bit of an anathema as you will have been off sick, but a recent ECJ ruling confirms you still accrue holiday pay whilst off sick.

If you need any specific advice on any of this please do PM me, I've done quite a lot of research since my SAH and have learnt a lot about how we can look after ourselves.

Good luck and dont worry, as everyone keeps reminding us, at least we are still alive:razz:

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Hi Jo

I had to make the desission not to work for me it was to have anysort of a life then I couldnt do both even p/time even voluntary.

but for you to realize that its too much well done, in the begining my husband got intouch with then DHSS and they sent forms he filled them in ect.....

take care....

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Thanks for the replies eveyone, I think I will go to the CAB and see what I can do. I have already put my house up for sale so I hope it sells quickly.

Just finishing work for the day and will have to lie down when I get in!!!!

Thanks again

Jo x

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I know what you are going through! Monday marks 11 months since my SAH and I seriously thought I'd be back at work after a couple of months. ha haha ha! I am getting more good days than bad now, but I have been forbidden from going back to my old work as a PA or medical secretary by my GP who says it's too much stress. I do a bit of private work for an endocrinologist I used to work for (answer the mobile phone, do a bit of filing etc) but I can do that from home and fit it in around how I am feeling.

As my SAH happened when I was doing 2 jobs because my other half was out of work, we eventually got ESA and mortgage interest relief, thanks to the debt guy at the Town Hall. It doesn't last forever and the mortgage interest relief has been halved so I'm glad the other half has found a job now or we'd be in a real pickle.

Are you going to rent when you've sold your house? If you are on benefits and renting, I think you might be entitled to housing benefit, but check with CAB.

Good luck!!

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