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Myofascial pain ?

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Hi everyone!

Have any of you heard of Myofascial pain and myo treatment? My GP is referring me to a clinic and I'm pretty excited about it. So is my GP. I think it's similar to accupuncture but sounds more aggressive. The doctor who runs the clinic believes that all headaches are linked and that there isn't necessarily a dinstinction between tension and migraine headaches. Other than feeling different of course. The thought is that the headaches are tied together. My GP thinks this treatment can help my elastic band around my head, the fatigue, and maybe even my vision problem because it's all linked to my SAH. I've been reading about it online and it's used for things like fibromyalgia too so wondering if Mary had heard of it. It's a chronic pain management treatment without drugs. 6 week waiting list after referral but covered under our medical insurance. Here is the link to the clinic http://myoclinic.ca/

Sandi K.

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Sandi K, Yes, I have heard of it and yes it helps. Once you locate and are familair with the sites or tender points you can do them yourself at times. I can release some with a Thera cane as well but I dont as oftern as I should. They aslo talk alot about diet and while foods , not eatign the pre package foods and coft drinks etc...My monthly massage works on my points. I have found with over load stess head ache and neck pain if I do the yoga "child pose with stacked fist" helps alot as well. Also been just doing the stacked fist to rest my head at work on desk. Make fist with your hands - stack hand on the other and put your forehead on it and breathe be still for a few minutes.

Good luck Sandi I hope it adds another tool to your tool belt to use to feel better.


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Hi Sandi

Myofascial Release has been around for a long time and does work well. Its often used to resolve sports over use injuries and thats where I know it from. It also is very successful with RSI type problems (for example sore shoulders, neck etc from hours spent at a PC).

A type of soft tissue known as fascia surrounds muscle. Muscle strain causes local inflammation which eventually causes the fascia to thicken so setting off a vicious circle as this thickening causes reflexes in the muscle that lead to more inflammation and on it goes. This cycle has the unfortunate effect of reducing blood flow to the affected area and without that healing is very slow. Again leading to further inflammation. In this state muscles act as if they are shortened and this can put the skeleton out of whack leading to aches and pains and maybe eventually pressing on nerves. Myofascial Release is a technique used to break the cycle and restore healing and normal function.

If you are interested in learning more I can recommend this ebook to you. I bought it some time ago.

Its called "Treat Yourself to Pain Free Living"


Good luck with it


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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update on this.

I had my first treatment on March 17th. 7 needles. 1 in each temple, 1 at my jaw joint, 4 at the back of my head and neck. It feels ok at the time, I felt a quiver or contraction at the entry point. About half way through I became quite emotional and the doctor explained this happens often because he is waking up muscles that have been injured and I've 'blocked out' for up to decades. He said the treatment would bring on fatigue and to rest and lounge around for the next 5 days.

It brought it on with a vengeance. Within hours I had the worst case of fatigue I've had all along. It took 7 days for the clouds in my head to begin to clear. All through that I felt 'off'. Disjointed, nauseas, uncomfortable, head pain, dizzy, blurry vision. I began to think this is not the treatment for me. I searched the Internet and saw that physiotherapists offer needle injections and wondered what the difference is. Why did I need a referral to a doctor for this?

I went with my list of questions to my GP today. I trust my GP. She's forward thinking and never dismisses me. Although I feel like a hypochondriac going on and on about my 'weirdo' symptoms she always takes me seriously and tries whatever she can think of to help. She's learning how to do this treatment herself because she believes it has so much promise.

She said that because I reacted so strongly to it it's a sign it's working and she wants me to continue. She explained the difference between what physiotherapists are doing and what this doctor is doing is that the doctor is going into more and different muscles with multiple injections whereas physio goes in at the pressure point with one injection.

The doctor is being funded for research. He and my GP believe this will help my fatigue and each treatment will get easier. Will let you know! Next one is April 7.

Sandi K.

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I had my second treatment today.

This time the needles were focused on my neck and ribcage. Loosening muscles in my neck and jaw. As expected the fatigue hit heavy a couple of hours later. I've been on the couch listening to music for hours, no energy for much else. I did get a cup of tea in the sunshine this afternoon.

The doctor is certain this treatment is going to help me. I understood that my muscles are tied in knots and the needles are loosening them up giving me more flexibility and relief which is expected to help with the fatigue.

It's hard to see the benefits yet, especially since it knocks me down but I've got to take the leap of faith.

Sandi K.

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Give it a chance and if it helps you.... all well and good.....it sounds like your Doc is nice....mines okay apart from trying

to make me lose weight grrrrr lol... Can you ask your pin sticker if it could help back pain,,,as where I have been sitting for approx 2 years I am so stiff in back.

I had accupuncture....it helped a bit but back aches after 100 yards. ..l ..miss going shopping and being pushed in wheelchair isn't my idea of fun !!

Keep the good work up Sandi and never give up...you will get there ....You are a Brave soldier....lol


WinB143 xxxx

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Hang in there, hon! You are doing so well to keep going with it!!! Are they injecting saline or steroids? It def is a process that can take a good while. Remember to drink your water and get the rest you need :yesnod:

Sending good energy and lots of hugs your way,


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I've not tried that specific treatment with the pins, but I have had limited success at the chiropractors pre SAH with the myofacial (sp?) release. Painful at the time, but great afterwards. I've also been treated at the Head and Pain Clinic in Bowser for trigeminal neuralgia years ago, so that could be another option for you if you don't mind the drive up island.

I find a less invasive technique called 'healing touch" works for me. It teaches me to relax and let go of stress that can be causing me pain. I started it five months ago prior to the SAH and specifically needed help with the cancer journey. PM me if you want more information and I'm happy to share this with you.

Take care


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Thanks everyone :-D

Carolyn, if he's injecting something in I don't know what it is.

Sue, thanks for the info. I've done weekly chiro and craniosacral appointments almost since SAH combined with massage and lots of other treatments so I'm open to try things but at this time the docs have asked that I focus on this one treatment. The good thing about this one is it's covered under MSP :biggrin: (Canadian Medical Services Plan).

Woke up with a clearer head this morning (compared to yesterday) but a lump (Easter egg?) in my shoulder/neck. I can live with the lump as my muscles are being rearranged, happy to have a clear head! Still dragging my bum a bit though but not as bad as after the first treatment.

I'm feeling 'hopeful'. :-D

Sandi K.

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