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Claiming benefits, I'm shocked!!

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I've just had a call from the local Law Services service (no idea how to label that any better!). Because my partner works full time, I am unlikely to get council tax benefit or housing benefit. I'll be lucky if I am entitled to ESA because I can walk unaided and wash myself...see how all these things that are huge achievements to all of us here are suddenly a disadvantage when dealing with the government! Even if I am entitled, it will be £67.50 per week for the first 13 weeks. I'm so mad I feel like I could start lobbying, if I could hold a thought in my head for more than 30 seconds that is!

The government state that a couple living together need £105 per week after rent and council tax to live on. Where do the government do their food shopping or buy their petrol? Maybe their cars run on thin air. I'm told I will be assessed on my ability to do any work, not the job I usually do. So...if I can manage to do anything at all, I'm not entitled?? Are they mad! We can pay our bills with my partners wage, but that's it. No clothes, no M.O.T's, car tax, tyres etc. No repainting, no new toaster when the old one goes on fire. It's not very realistic is it? I've been signed off until August so going back to work isn't an option for me at the moment.

I feel really bad for my partner, it's not his fault that I've had a brain haemorrhage!

Sorry for the rant, I'm so mad I could hop!

Dawn x

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Benefit claims .... been the bain of my life over the years ..... I have a soap box especially for this issue .... i could go on for days about the imcompetence, the inequallity, the stupidity, the inadequance, the misleading ...... (a whole list of verbs usually including some not very pleasant ones!!) :mad2:

I've even taken my local authority through tribunals to complain about decisions .... as with most in things in life, we really have to fight for help and support as it would seem that no one is 'entitled' to anything anymore.

Oh, and having a car is a luxury by the way (apparently!!) :shock:

Don't give in, and good luck :)

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Hello Dawn and Kaz,

Yes raar raar raar this is a tough subject! Many things I could put but I'm sure they'd end up being deleted and I'd be banned!

We've been down this route when the hub was taken ill and again when I had SAH.

We didn't get any help with council tax or anything at all all through his illness. Even though he was strapped to a machine 3x a week that kept him alive.

Applied again after SAH but again no help from council tax etc.

However, after my SSP ended I got ESA, that's lower and limited now because I'm on phased return to work.

I also get DLA.

There'll be a big shake up again soon so as usual the people who really need and deserve the help won't get it.

I could rant on and on!! But I'll take a big deep breath and a step back.

Take care,

SarahLou Xx

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Dawn I had that too but do the the ESA (or incapacity) but dont qualify for DLA because I can walk unaded & go to the loo on my own.

Yes I too feel so rotten that I cant work but even part time isnt practicle for me if you add in normal stuff cooking, cleaning, shopping I just cant do it the way I've been left, but its SO hard for 'them' to understand.

dont give up honey because I think its their way of weeding out others......

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I'm the same as louise, don't get dla because I can wash & dress myself, cook a meal & drive. I did have to go to a tribuanal to over rule the decision that I was not entitled to ESA, it took less than 5 mins & it was done but it was hugely stressful at the time. I had another medical form which I had to fill in at the end of last year & this time I send loads ofsupporting info from the Brain & spine foundation website & another publication from the USA (Mary has linked to it somewhere on here. I was expecting to be called before Xmas but to date I have heard nothing. I did tell them there was no change in my medical situation, my eye is still as bad as it was, my back is still the same (nothing to do with the sah)& mmy fatigue is the same if not worse.

I know that in July I will have had my 2 years of contribution based ESA & then probably as hubby earns a fairly good wage (after many years of earning a pittance) si I will probably get very very little. We get no other income for me, nothing on council tax & not even free presciptions or dentistry as contribution based ESA is exempt from these things GRRRR.

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Missed this thread when you started it Dawn.

Apply for ESA! I have just been awarded it, it is not means tested so your partner working full time won't affect it. However.....prepare to be shocked :shocked: as a single parent with a sick child (I am given £55 a week as his carer) I only £10 a wk ESA!!!! It's not means tested unless you get certain other benefits such as ESA! So....if a had a husband earning £40K a year & no sick child I would get the full amount of ESA :confused:. It is unbelievable & unfair, particularly when you have worked hard and paid your taxes for a total of 25 years before ending up in this position. I still have to pay full council tax but they very generously give pay almost a third of my rent :lol:

Don't give up, contact Citizens Advice or, if available in your area, a benefits welfare advisor (usually employed through the local council). You are not asking for anything you are not entitled to claim - you are ill and unable to work for now, that is what the benefit system is for. Good luck!

Michelle x

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Missed this thread when you started it Dawn.

Apply for ESA! I have just been awarded it, it is not means tested so your partner working full time won't affect it. However.....prepare to be shocked :shocked: as a single parent with a sick child (I am given £55 a week as his carer) I only get £10 a wk ESA!!!! It's not means tested unless you get certain other benefits such as ESA! So....if a had a husband earning £40K a year & no sick child I would get the full amount of ESA :confused:. It is unbelievable & unfair, particularly when you have worked hard and paid your taxes for a total of 25 years before ending up in this position. I still have to pay full council tax but they very generously give pay almost a third of my rent :lol:

Don't give up, contact Citizens Advice or, if available in your area, a benefits welfare advisor (usually employed through the local council). You are not asking for anything you are not entitled to claim - you are ill and unable to work for now, that is what the benefit system is for. Good luck!

Michelle x

what is esa?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for all the replies here. I finally had a letter through stating that I am entitled to the lowest level of ESA which will be paid into my bank account. At least I don't have to get into town to sign anything to get the money - that's one really good thing!

Jo b - ESA is employment and support allowance which we are supposed to be entitled to when the statutory sick has stopped. There are several levels as I understand it, the lowest level is given for 13 weeks and to progress up the levels, an assessment has to be carried out. No idea what that involves I'm afraid!

Dawn xx

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