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BANG! I didn't see that coming!


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Hi all,

On 13th Dec 2012, I was having what I thought was my first migraine. Within 2 hours I was told I have three brain aneurysms and one had burst causing a subarachnoid haemorrhage. I was back home for Christmas but I am still in a state of shock, so I'll be following everyone's stories with interest.

Inez xx

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Hello and welcome Inez you've found the right place for lots of support and help during your recovery. The first few months can be really slow going in your recovery as you said dealing with the shock of the event and the side effects can be quite daunting. Just remember to be kind to yourself and listen to your body rest as often as you need and try to drink plenty of fluids it really will help.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Inez and a warm welcome to Behind the Gray. I'm sure you will be glad to have found this site so early into your recovery as there is a wealth of information on here and being amongst others who have been through a sah can be quite comforting too.

Having an aneursym rupture is bad enough, but learning you have others does come as a bit of a shock. I have one other in addition to the one that burst and that has been monitored annually over the past 4 years - in fact I've recently been told they don't need to scan me again until Aug 2015. Try to be reassured that they will keep an eye on those other annies, unless of course they treated them all at the time of the sah.

Either way, I wish you all the best in your recovery.


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Hi Inez and welcome! You are in the right place. Now: TAKE. YOUR. TIME. recovering, ok? Lots of rest, lots of fluids. Take it one day at a time. You are welcome to read my blog to see how far I've come - it's nearly 3 years since mine and boy it's been a journey :cool: All the best!

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Hi Inez and welcome to BTG,

You are amongst friends here, our journeys may have subtle differences but we all have one thing in common .....we are survivors.

As others have said, rest, lots of fluids and listen to your body. Though the latter can be a challenge in itself as it may appear to be speaking a whole new language in the early months. Any questions shout up there is a wealth of knowledge and experience on this site.

Take care, Wem

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Great to have you, sorry for the reason you here.

The first few months are a whirlwind of strangeness. My advice is to read as much as you can here and post threads often. Even if you're not sure if what you're experiencing is typical, I'm sure one of us has had the same atypical thing happen to us too and it can ease anxiety to know you're not alone.


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Hi Inez,

Welcome to BTG! I'm happy, too, that you found this site so quickly.

As the others have said, this is the place to be for information, support, and comfort - we're all here to help one another.

Kris mentioned reading as much as you can on this site. Great advice. It helped me to understand what was happening to my body and brain, and that Im not alone in this.

I saw on another thread where you mentioned you were the perfect candidate (or something to that effect) for a SAH. I do hope you're not blaming yourself in anyway!!! These things happen to lots of people, some of whom have never smoked. Some have been in excellent physical shape, healthy in all ways and had SAHs. Be easy on yourself and concentrate, if you can, on healing. Recovery is the most important thing right now - be good to you :-D

Hope to see you more often here, and in the Green Room too!

Hugs to you,


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