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Hi Janet,

I need a crown replacing and I've put it off ..... most of my dental work involves root canal treatment and there's no way that I'm having it done....unless I'm in pain.....so yes, I'm a whimp! :lol: Just don't like the thought of the drill going through my head + don't like my head being lowered right the way back, because of the dizzy spells..... I would imagine that there's a lot of SAH'ers that feel the same way...

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You know I hadn't given the dentist a thought b4. Although I have an odd way at looking at things. I had a serious Vomiting bug, but was delighted to have a different sort of pain.

Although was terrified about my angio, but I suppose it has to be done.

Good luck.

Aine x

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Hi Karen it is the thought of the drill putting me off and since I'm not in pain may postpone them until really necessary. I also find that with having had a craniotomy my jaw has been affected so can't open my mouth as wide as I used to.... Real pain when I spoil myself with a cream cake as I have to nibble round them....

Aine I think I'd rather have a tummy bug than visit the dentist any day, I only go when I really have to anyway. Was the angio okay by the way..


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Hi there

Yes I've had a filling done since the SAH, its at the same side as I have the tube & shunt which really (really) worried/scared (whimp here too) but although its not my fav way to spend a 1/2 hour or so it was ok I just explained what had happened & how I felt, she was lovely about it thank-goodness.

The un-knowing is the worst I think.

Take care


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Hi Janet,

I also had to change dentists this year....my old one went private, so it was a case of having to. Dentists are like Doctors and when you have a good one, you don't want to change.......but my new dentist was great and she said that as it wasn't essential treatment (even though the tooth could crack at any time) and wasn't causing any pain, I could delay the treatment and have it done when I felt up to it. Got a feeling I'm going to wait until it goes, she said it could be 5 months or 5 years! it has to be crowned anyway, so it's not as though it can be saved in any way.

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Guest Firefly

:( I have had to have 2 teeth pulled since my stenting and coiling. I have to take antibiotics before I have anything done now, that is what my NS and Dentist told me!! :?: So nothing bad gets into your blood stream, it can cause a stroke! I have to take them every time I go. Plus all the radiation & dye's have done terrible things to my teeth! I had one crack about 4 weeks after having one pulled?? He couldn't save them either?? :roll: I have had a lot more radiation than the normal person over the years!! :P I think I have to take 4 amoxicillin before I go and then had to take them a while after he pulled them both.

We have to be careful not to get infections of any kind!!

You should not put off going and getting it taken care of!!! The infection can cause problems with your "Annie", it is not worth the risk!

I know a lot of people hate going but, I had braces so it really doesn't bother me at all. I have had so many surgeries... The dentist is a breeze to me and I love getting my teeth cleaned! :P My new dentist is awesome and gentle, you don't even feel the needle!! He numbs it with a topical first!! I even get small cavities drilled and filled without novacane, so my face isn't numb all day! My new dentist didn't want to do it at first. :lol: It didn't hurt, I would have let him know if it did. You should let your Dentist know about your aneurysm when you make your appointment!!

My dentist has a TV in the ceiling and you can wear headphones and listen to it or music if you want!!

I get dizzy too! See if he can leave you up a little, mine did for me. I hope you guys don't put it off!!

Take care and be brave, you have been through a lot worst!!! :wink:


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Guest Portia del Carmen

I've had to have a filling done since my 2nd SAH and have an appointment for 2 more tomorrow morning... my fault since I hadn't been to the dentist for over 7 years!

I found that with the dentist knowing my medical history really helped - she was sensitive to my inability to fully open my mouth on the craniotomy side and was very cautious about X-raying my teeth/jaw after the 2 life-times worth of X-rays I've already had to my head with angiograms!

The filling itself (which was to replace a broken filling which happened on the last day of my honeymoon!) was amazingly unpainful - anaesthetics have really improved since I last had one done. The dentist again was very supportive and gave me breaks to close my mouth when I could to ease my jaw. If you can recall having an angiogram done, a filling is nothing compared to that.

The only problem seemed to be a reaction to the anaesthetic which made the inside of my mouth swell up for weeks! The pain was OK and at least not a headache but on the same side as the cranio, which made me feel a bit odd. It apparently isn't unusual to have such a reaction or nerve reaction after a filling if there's much drilling to be done.

Good painkillers and painkilling gum gel (the grown-up version of Bonjela) seemed to work to take the ache away.

Still can't decide whether to have both other fillings done tomorrow or just the one... send me good thoughts from 9.30 tomorrow morning!

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I'm sure that will come! They can fix our aneurysms inside our heads without a drill, so what can be so hard about fixing teeth?

I've not been to the dentist for many years. Not that I'm scared :wink: just dont have any problems with my teeth.



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Guest Firefly

:wink: I am sorry you are so afraid!! I was when I was a kid, they had to give me "Laughing gas" to get me in that chair!!

Due to lack of care as I child, I started gong to the dentist and having them taken care of when I was 17, married and had good insurance!! I even got braces at 22 years old. It is now bumming me out that they are getting so bad so fast!!!

I know how you feel hun but, your health is what is imprtant!! All of what you have been through, the dentist should be nothing!! They have new gels for pre-numbing, better novacane & newer much quieter drills!!

My dentist even says if he hurts you, it is free!! Being young and very handsome doesn't hurt the eyes either!!!! :P They should have headphones for you to listen to at least!! I preffer the conversation with mine, they are so nice and funny and know us for being firerfighters...

Anyway, I hope you guys go get them taking care of, it is not as bad as the old days!!! It is really important not to get infection with and "Annie"!

Karen, take a xanax or valium if you have them, have someone take you though. I have to take a muscle re-laxer for my back before I lay in that chair like that, And that doesn't hurt either!! :wink:

My dentist really works with me on moving around, stopping for a break if need to, raising table for comfort... The right dentist is like the right Dr.! It makes a big difference!! I found out through a friend, his wife was horrified and would not go for years!! She now goes on a regular basis.

I hope you go, you a re a survivor surely you can do this sweetie!!! Ask for "gas"!!! What ever it takes to get you through!! :wink:

We will all be there holding your hands :) Love Tricia

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Hi Tricia,

Bless you.....you're very sweet... and I'm a hopeless case! :lol:

But sorry, you can't persuade me to go to the dentist before my 6 months are up! :lol: My tooth isn't bad.....it's just fragile.....but no cavities...it could last me years (yep....probably wishful thinking! :lol: ) ... I've had "train-track" braces and loads of stuff done .... such as root canal fillings, crowns etc...... I've always hated the dentist .... :lol:

What's a bin? If I was on Valium, I would definetly take one before the visit to the Dentist. In my 20's I had all of my wisdom teeth removed in the chair.....with the help of an injection of Valium...(my dentist was a dental surgeon as well, so it's quite rare) I could of had my appendix removed at the same time and I really wouldn't have cared! Do you really still get gas in the US? It sounds as though you have far better treatment than we have in the UK... Ours is very basic, with no headphones or anything on the ceiling....and the drills are pre-historic... :lol:

Thanks for trying to convince me though! :D

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Hi everyone,

only just came on site, lots of reasons, ie: business of life etc.

But!!! bit but! I actually went to the dentist yesterday PM first time since SAH, only had to have a filling but hey!! think I have felt the after effects today, headache, vice like grip at the back of my head, only reason I can think is because of the drill vibrating in my head??

Have wondered all day why I feel like I do and maybe the dentist is the answer???

Any thoughts???


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Guest Firefly

:D That gave me a good chuckle!! Yes, we have state of the art equipment & awesome dentist!! We have great insurance but, it is very exspensive!!! We are able to get the best of care if we look around and find a good Dr. or Dentist!! It is all about the right one!! We pay out the butt for our heathcare here though. It has been worth it to me with my history!! I have had about 20 surgeries! :? My body don't like me!! :P

My sis had to have 9 teeth pulled and have a partial put in yesterday, poor girl!!!! She said she didn't feel anything an they were very cool! I am not sure but, I think she got gas? She hates the dentist too but, was quite impressed with him!! She has been putting it off for years, now dealing with infection. :( I am so glad she has finally gone!!!!

I hope you have a better experiance next time!! Come stay with me, I will take you to my guy!!! :D

Talk to you guys soon. Tricia / "the sleeping zombie"!!

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Janet, I feel for you .... bet you wish that you hadn't posted this topic now! :lol:

You've been persuaded to do it, then not and persuaded again and then not..

Think that you'll have to do what you feel is comfortable at this minute and not take any notice, of any of us..... :lol:

I'm nearly at the 2 year point post SAH and there's still no way that a drill is coming anywhere my head ...... unless, my tooth is hurting etc.. but I might consider it, another 6 months down the line.

You're quite early on in your recovery, so unless your tooth is abcessed (got a feeling that the spelling is wrong) or you're in pain, then I'm sure that if you explain to the dentist about your situation, then he/she will take that into account and give you a few months to sit on it.

Anyway, whatever you decide to do.....wishing you luck....consider the options and how you feel.....

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Glad that I gave you a chuckle and thanks for the invite to sample US dentists......but I'm not coming!! :lol::lol:

No wonder that your poor Sister had to have gas!! bless her.... makes me shiver just thinking about it..... hope that she's okay though....

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Guest Sarah G

I had a annie clipped in March and I was wondering when I would be able to open my mouth up all the way. Doesn't happen????? I had to go to the dentist recently and he was quite understanding. I know some people are advised by their neurosurgeon to go on antibiotics before getting any dental work. Mine didn't. You might want to check with your doctor. Good luck.


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