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New Homepage!

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This website now has a new fresh looking homepage ..... We decided to change the existing software, as it wasn't really adequate for the site's current expansion needs. We also felt that as Keith was about to embark on the new project "Patients SAH Experiences" and put in a lot of hard work, that it was better to bite the bullet and make the change now, rather than have to re-do the work later.

I know that most of us don't particularly like change, especially post SAH/Stroke, but I'm hoping that you'll find it easy enough to navigate. If you have any problems or you want to ask any questions, then please feel free to contact myself or Keith, either by posting here or via e-mail and we'll be happy to help.

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Hi Sarah,

Glad that you like it! Aesthetically, it looks a lot tidier and with the help of Keith with some fresh input and another voice, it should keep improving.

Even Lauren has had some input and she designed the artwork/logo on the homepage ..... we're both virgo's so as you can imagine, we can be quite critical with each other....especially in the arty farty area.....but it produced a few laughs and a few light hearted insults as you can well imagine. :lol:

Chris has done the major work with input from Keith and myself.....so fingers crossed that between the three of us, that we can get the site as finely tuned as the software will allow.

This is our third change of software, so I'm hoping that this will be it for quite a long time...

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Guest Hannah

Karen, It looks really good and is simple to navigate. It makes the front page look a lot more 'pulled together'

I can barely switch a computer on yet alone do something as complicated as this looks!

Take care


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Having been involved with quite a few "new" launches of websites I have to say that this looks and feels like quite an expensive commercial venture! It's always tempting to keep putting in that little bit more but thankfully you've managed to keep that siren song in the background. Far from being a site on a shoe string you've made it look like you've had an almost unlimited budget.

Well done, but the important thing I've found about this site is that you put content over all other items. Having it all together in one professional package is a huge bonus, shame that this is one area where success actually costs more than failure! We're probably on the verge of almost bankrupting you in terms of bandwidth, maybe time to find a corporate sponsor?


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Thanks guys for the very kind comments....

The existing homepage (Wordpress) software wasn't really up to what we needed for the site and with Keith's project also about to start, the admin side might have been a nightmare to administer later on.

Wordpress is probably more suitable for personal blogs. So, it was a matter of biting the bullet and changing the software for something that will hopefully see us through for quite a while .... plus we've had the odd problem with hackers being able to access the software. So, it's had its problems and the last update from Wordpress looked pretty untidy.

We just had to upgrade our Servers package, so that's going to cost the website an extra £6 per month......it's not a huge amount, but it still costs and it's something that we hadn't budgeted for. This is only due to the high volume of traffic that the website is now getting, otherwise they would probably pull the plug out on us......so, will probably have to re-instate the donate button earlier than planned.

If anybody knows of a sponsor then do let me know.....I don't really want to go down the charity route at the minute, as I have a feeling that I'm going to end up biting off more than I can chew......especially if I do consider going back to work. I'm always open to any suggestions....

Anyway, it's really lovely to hear your comments and Scott, I feel the same as you do and that you should never lose sight of the reason why you started a support site in the first place. Aesthetics are great, but aren't paramount over the content.

Thanks guys.....

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Hi Karen

Yes, love the new look home page, Web design was something that I was hoping to do at college, because its something that I dont quite understand (the workings of it) heck just like this Wireless laptop :roll:

I sent a couple of pictures the other day but dont know if you got them, cant see the Email picture button as yet anyway.

Its still top class site in my books.

Take care


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