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Post partum NA SAH?

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Hi everyone,

First timer here. I wish I had known this existed before. I had a NA SAH 3 years ago, 5 days after giving birth. It's been a rough ride since, but I'm doing better than ever. I'm wondering if anyone had something similar happen to them. Also, has anyone gotten pregnant after a SAH? I really want another baby but am scared. Thank you!

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I had an NASAH 11 months ago. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Gives me hope. My story is a bit different from yours. I've not had a baby since but you will find people on here that had an NASAH after giving birth and had children some time after their bleed.


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I had an intracerebral bleed rather than an SAH but I asked my neurologist the other week if I could still have children in the future and he said sure! I did some googling and found various people who had had their children after their brain haemorrhage (sometimes they had a c-section to prevent them having an exhausting labour if fatigue was still an issue for them, but many had a natural birth).

However, given everyone is different, I'd suggest you ask your neurologist for his opinion :)

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Dear Iola,

11 months isn't a lot of time. Be patient and you will find yourself feeling much more stable and comfortable with your body and mind post-bleed. I started seeing a therapist to deal with the flurry of emotions that come with a bleed. It's been tremendously helpful. We're alive and our bodies have not failed us; rather, they strengthen by the day.

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Welcome to BTG - now I have to confess, I'm not pregnant - I just look like it sometimes! I wish you well and hope it works out for you and that you can have another baby - I hope you get all you wish for! Mind you, he/she will be hard work - are you up for the challenge?

Best wishes


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Hello and welcome to BTG.

My SAH was in November 2009 and a coil was placed in the location of the bleed. I had my first child in August 2012. My son is nineteen months old now.

My SAH Consultant advised my Obstetrician that I could give birth naturally but the main issue overlooked was fatigue. I did try explaining, but found it difficult to get my point across. A residual effect of my SAH is mental fatigue. I become tired quicker than most, particularly if there is lots of activity around. Also, pain is fatiguing and as all of us Mums know, childbirth is a tad uncomfortable!

I was fatigued prior to my labour becoming established and as a consequence my pushing was non- existent. It was always planned that I have an epidural to rest me as much as possible during the birth, but I was totally spent before I had the epidural. My labour lasted for around 21-22 hours and I could barely speak by the time they got the forceps out. (Wince.)

After the birth, I was exhausted. I was, and still am, well supported by my partner, parents and in-laws. At present, I can go around two hours on my own looking after my son, but I need daily support. For the first 12 months after the birth, any time spent alone with my son was seldom. I was very weak. (I also developed severe anxiety which didn’t help matters at all.)

I don’t think my age helps with my situation either! I will be 39 in June and I do believe that this issue adds to my difficulties.

I am often asked if I will have more children. For me, I have important considerations to make.

I was very fatigued during my pregnancy and for a long time afterwards. This was all worth it to be a Mum, but as I am a Mum now, it would further compromise my ability to look after my son.

Additionally, I have to consider those who support me. My parents are in their 60s. In five years’ time, my mother will be 70 and so I have to think about the demand upon them.

If I were younger, perhaps I would consider it. I would probably wait for my son to be in school however because I cannot imagine having two pre-schoolers at home! Even though I am well supported by family, if there was a next time, I would contact Home Start and Sure Start (UK organisations) and put a rota of support in place and also consider getting a post birth doula to help in the initial months. This would be in addition to the support I have with family, because I think having two children to look after –and look after me - would be too much for some family members to cope with.

My partner and I have tentatively discussed what would happen if we had a second child. We have discussed that he would take six months off work after the birth (he is self-employed) and we would financially plan for this event using our savings.

Another thing that I would consider a second time round is a c-section. The midwives present at the birth confirmed that they would support my request because they could see how much I struggled. It took me many months to recover from the birth, best part of 18 months if I am honest. Although a c-section is major surgery; the exhaustion of labour had a very detrimental effect on me in the months that followed.

This is my account however and others have fared better. There is a girl here called Jess who had two boys after her SAH; both natural deliveries. I’m sure she’ll share with you her story to give you an idea of how much better things can be.

If you really want a baby, consider the practicalities after the birth and if you feel satisfied with that, attend upon your GP so that s/he can liaise with your Consultant. I had an appointment with my Consultant prior to trying to conceive, just to discuss my health. He was very supportive and said a SAH was no bar to pregnancy – but maybe because he’s man – made childbirth sound an absolute breeze!

Good luck with everything. My heart goes out to you having a nasah after the birth. Hope to chat again and *hugs*.

Lynne xx

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Electrogal,
I had a NA SAH in January this year 6 days after giving birth to my son. My neuro said it would be best advised if I didn't have any more children. Apparently this is something to do with hormones etc post partum and the fact it was NA. I would be putting myself in danger of same happening again. I was diagnosed with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.

We have 2 beautiful and healthy children so I can't complain at all.
Everyone is different though and I see here lots of mums giving birth after SAH.
It is great to hear you are doing so well in yourself. I am hopefully headed the same way.
I would be interested to hear if you find out anything else. X

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