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Hi Luke


Sorry to hear that Mum is not feeling so good. She probably did do too much on her return home and it's now catching up with her. She will be incredibly tired and that will last quite some time, hopefully the vomiting will stop, if not you need to seek advice.


Mum will probably realise she did too much to soon and now start taking it easier. Don't do it all for her but help. For example when I first started cooking my husband or children helped by peeling onions and such like and by washing up. I still remember my first effort at making a Chilli post SAH. Boy was it hot! I couldn't remember if I had put the chilli in or not so kept adding more! That's another thing, her memory will probably be poor so gentle reminders will help but don't berate her for not remembering things!


Good luck Luke, patience and water!


Clare xx

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Luke , Thanks for the comment on the thread but sorry to hear your mum is not great today but just to say if your mum can't sleep lying down then suggest that she try's to rest slightly propped up on pillows , I'd pretend I was a queen or something!! and turn off any distractions like TV but maybe just listen to some very quiet music if she can bear that but if she is sick again or her level of alertness changes in any way then please do go get checked out.

you mentioned her sodium levels were hard to manage in hospital and if she drinks a lot of water then whilst good it can also imbalance the system which is already knocked off kilter. It's a difficult balance, we can't give medical advice obviously but if you are worried about her then please seek help or phone her team at hospital for advice.

Oh and I had a lot of build up drinks when I came out as I had lost so much weight in my stay and it seemed to help me fill the gaps between meals, so try and not to let her get hungry.

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I thought about phoning the Dr's as soon as I heard she was vomiting. Later found out she had a cheeky cigarette when she found where I hid her old ones! Happened 10 mins after she smoked apparently so putting it down to that for the time being.

If it happens again I'll be phoning the hospital.

I am following all your excellent advice. I've pretty much told her she is the foreman & controls what goes on. I'm making sure to ask her advice on various things so she doesn't feel like she's not helping but insist she doesn’t have to physically help if she doesn’t feel up to it. She is content on laying in the new room we had done so she's happy resting for the time being.


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Hi Luke


Sorry to hear that Mum is not feeling so good. She probably did do too much on her return home and it's now catching up with her. She will be incredibly tired and that will last quite some time, hopefully the vomiting will stop, if not you need to seek advice.


Mum will probably realise she did too much to soon and now start taking it easier. Don't do it all for her but help. For example when I first started cooking my husband or children helped by peeling onions and such like and by washing up. I still remember my first effort at making a Chilli post SAH. Boy was it hot! I couldn't remember if I had put the chilli in or not so kept adding more! That's another thing, her memory will probably be poor so gentle reminders will help but don't berate her for not remembering things!


Good luck Luke, patience and water!


Clare xx

Hi Clare,

She has noticed her memory isn't too good at the moment. I'm going to buy her a little pocket book so she can write down anything she needs to remember. Suggested to her that she should try to remember the info she wants first  & fall back on it only when she can't recall it so she doesn't get too fustrated.

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Hi Luke


That's a good idea, I always had pen and paper handy in the early days. I still write notes now and often scribble stuff on my hand to remind me, then forget what it means! Lol!

It is frustrating but hopefully will get better with time. Hope Mum has stopped being sick now and is getting more sleep.


Things will get better! 


Clare xx

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Hope all goes well Luke ..I was told no drinking or smoking again.  


Different Docs say different things  ??


Well hubby was told it, and I haven't smoked since SAH,  6 years !! now 4 stone heavier lol  j/k but near it !!

Love my chocs  had to give them up also sob sob xx


Get Mum things she can eat instead of smoking like radishes or low calorie stuff or even sweet cigarettes.


Good luck  You All xxxx    I know a stick of celery  !!

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